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Everything posted by Madita

  1. H&L would be great This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  2. Just reviewing the days and months after her left the competitive stage
  3. Max always honouring Yuzu and Francesco as well
  4. So glad to hear your daughter is well
  5. Unfortunately I can’t watch live because I am on duty … I am looking forward to later
  6. I found this on youtube, three professional italian dancers are commenting on Prologue
  7. So sad to read ... RIP and a lot of strength for her family.
  8. I think this is a video of the gala … so many empty seats https://www.instagram.com/reel/Col4D1HDwRV/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  9. I don‘t know if this is old stuff and you all already know but Alina is full of admiration for Yuzu and he gave her a Pooh as present at GPF in Marseille
  10. I found this on YouTube today, perhaps our russian speaking Fanyus can tell us, if the translation is correct?
  11. Yuzu is always innovative. Who else but him would think of inviting a gymnast to an ice show. I can't wait to see what ingenuities the two of them come up with. It is mindblowing and I bow down to him.
  12. I am so excited. And hopefully there is a broadcast …
  13. Much too late but from the bottom of my heart i wish all satellites a happy, healthy, happy and blessed new year! I'm so glad I found the planet and there are so many nice people there. Unfortunately I couldn't be here for a long time for professional and private reasons, but I'll try to read every post since Christmas. Congratulations to everyone who got tickets for GIFT. Hopefully you will experience a unique time in Japan and I am looking forward to all reports!
  14. It is impossible for me to get vacation ...
  15. My best wishes for your recovery, get well soon 😊
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