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Everything posted by Xiupia

  1. The admissions (reservation) for the Exhibition last stop, which is in Sendai, started today at 7pm JST! Part of the sales from the merch will be directed to support those affected by natural disasters! [NEWS]
  2. Another sponsor news: [NEWS] I think we mostly knew this, but good to have the confirmation!
  3. Right now he isn't, that is true! Same way he said he is not going to coach or anything like that (for now). Pro circuits do not mean outright competitions in any case, and for now we should just wait for his announcements, without burdening ourselves with expectations. Excited for his future!
  4. I think by context we should always consider he is addressing his japanese fans as a priority, so my speculation is that he is referring to the nature of their support. Supporting an athlete in competitions is quite different from supporting an “entertainer” in a show*, so he is aware that the fans who traveled overseas and made banners of support might not do the same for an ice show. Not as if they are dropping him, but because sports behavior is different from audience behavior who is there to take in a performance only. *I know Yuzu is now a “pro-athlete”, but the life in ice shows is quite different from what we are used to in the pressured comps. HOWEVER. We still don’t know if Yuzu intends to revive pro competitions, which it will be a whole other scenario, so that’s really just speculation now hehe
  5. Reading the latest couple of pages here, I have some thoughts… it might get too long, so I apologize. Piecing together what Yuzu has been saying the last couple of weeks about how he has been considering retirement since at least 2018, I’m not sure he would telegraph his ultimate decision until the last days. He clearly has been taking one season at a time, one competition at a time, till Beijing - which was not a competition he planned for in the long term. With all honesty I was sure he was going to announce retirement right at that presscon back then (in Beijing) even if I didn’t want it - he seemed so dispirited and burdened. But he didn’t. And now in hindsight I guess he wanted to take his time to process everything properly and calmly, probably talk it out with his loved ones, and then later make a more appropriate decision. Some here said he made the decision last minute because his FaOI and post-Beijing interviews / crumbs talks showed his resolve and wanting to continue working on his skating. So there might have been something that pushed him last minute. But I don’t know. At the end it was probably a mounting of things, a new perspective being brought up while FaOI was happening, the rediscovering of his love for skating back then in the gala practice, a heart to heart with his family, watching Worlds, everything, or nothing. I also hope this does not come across wrongly, but if there is a lesson for fans in all this episode is to refrain from “reading too much”. Is inevitable that we want to make more out of his performances because he packs it with details and tells a story with them, but he clearly wants us to take them as they are presented right now. In the present. I’ve seen quite a few commentaries already about how we “missed signs”, or we should see it coming somehow, and I don’t think that’s fair to either you and Yuzu. He clearly has been taking steps settled in the present, carefully, and more importantly - keeping them to himself. Of course we would not know, he didn’t want anyone to! I commend him for keeping this between him and his very close and loved ones, with a very clear boundary he set himself between him and the public. We are privy to as much as he wants to reveal, and while we enjoy the stories he wants to tell through his art, he sets the tone and how much he wants to reveal. We can all speculate about things past, and he is very genuine, open and honest, but he very clearly set a tone where he reveals just as much as he wants and decides things for himself. Which brings me to. To offer a different perspective to the lamentations, I’m so proud of him. Honestly and truly, the more I mull over his words and everything that happened this past years, the prouder I feel. To chose to better oneself while aware of an apparent unrewarding system, to push forward despite it and cling to your dream, to mentally survive the pressure of Beijing and then catch yourself and make the best out of it. To be able to see beyond your immediate results, to consider a future while at your lowest, to still be grateful. And to make this big of a decision while your body is still sound and your love for what you do is intact? To walk away while on top because you know it will keep your heart safe and seek opportunities out of this? I’m so, so, so proud. Yuzu is leaving competition healthy, in his best condition and loving skating still. He will not break himself fighting against a system that will not reward his efforts and chasing victories that he doesn’t need. Legacy secured. My heart full. Welp, this was very long, sorry for that! All in all, we now know that NDP was a homage to David Wilson, we know some of the symbolism behind Raison, and we know he has been thinking about this for a while. Also, please let us not forget he said in his last day at FaOI he was truly happy. Tears of happiness as well. A weigh lifted, probably.
  6. On NDP on Shizuoka last performance: Edit: Also, I remember someone asking about if Yuzu really did say he preferred performing in ice shows, and when, so I guess someone found a interview from 2013: Since young is not that he “preferred” but he always acknowledged that he could perform freely on those. On competitions he was there to win, I believe it was a mindset thing. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  7. I love this artist, and they made a little panel from the Shizuoka scene from yesterday hehe For the ones out of the loop, reposting (some satellites already posted it couple of pages ago)
  8. Hey Beatrice, welcome to the forum! You probably already checked our archive, but if there's a video you feel like it would make a nice addition feel free to post it there also!
  9. How are these people so fast? This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  10. Will stay put to finally get that 4T on the finale, yay!
  11. With your permission, I can upload the 3 files on the video archive through streamable, credited to you!
  12. No idea! To be honest, P&G tweeting about him surprised me the first time and now even more, because I thought his contract with them had already ended! LOL Some couple of years ago. I know they sponsor FaOI, so as long as that relationship is fine I’m happy. Also, they are quite a big conglomerate, many brands under that umbrella, who knows which new deals are going to be brought up and which ones expired.
  13. P&G reuploaded the pic they first posted a few days ago, with a message: [NEWS]
  14. I found a very interesting thread about the pro-skater scene and since many here are entering the discussion of the separation between amateur and professional circuits without the context of the scene before it turned out to be mostly ice show level gala programs, I’m bringing it here. Will put the whole thread under spoilers because is not pertaining Yuzu himself, but there are some very nice programs there to check out (I love Midori’s). I would not call on Yuzu to revitalize the circuit by himself because that’s not fair to him, but I have been wishing for it to see some new breathe of life for a while now. I remember a few users saying the same here - I think most of my ramblings were on the salt mines tho lol Anyway, just something for fans to keep in mind, hopeful for, thinking about and positively speculating on while we wait for him to announce new projects. News and etc have been coming up consistently for the past 2 weeks so we are not in a desert at least!
  15. Thank you @turquoiseblue ! Hmm… . Will refrain from commenting more on it, just ask for all of us to be somewhat careful, be mindful of translations sometimes. We have great people in the fandom anyway! Not sure if this was posted already today, but just a reminder for this weekend! This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  16. TV news segment on the exhibition in Nagoya! (News One if I’m not mistaken) Youtube: The girl busting out crying looking at Yuzu is definitely a mirror of me LOOLLL [NEWS]
  17. I would really appreciate if the acc mentioned where in this Q&A a question is asked or a comment is made about nikkan. I just went through it to try my hand at translating the 2 questions made about Yuzu's statement of determination, and if the mayor has commented about it anywhere else (on video or written) I would like to know, because is not on the page linked. I know some japanese personalities have, but haven't found it from the Sendai mayor. Anyway. Here is the japanese transcript for anyone to try their hand as well: deepL translation with little tweaks from myself: This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  18. Asahi has a special website up, like a digital magazine, with pictures, articles and features of Yuzu thorough the years, check it out! https://www.asahi.com/special/hanyu-yuzuru/2022-dream/ This is so nice omg!! Since the website will not embed, here are some screenshots of the link: This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  19. For the Exhibition that will restart / resume in the Takashimaya JR station in Nagoya, they added a picture of the “Statement of Determination” presscon! What a quick update LOL This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  20. Haven’t seen this here yet; “I am sad to think that I will not be able to see you in the Japan national team jersey anymore. Thank you for carrying Japan on your back all these years and continuing to fight! 🥲”
  21. @Elly I posted Makuhari day 1 and day 2 on the video archive, but only Yuzu cuts. Should be working, let me know!
  22. Yuna was my gateway to figure skating a long time ago, seeing her taking this big life step makes me a little emotional! And they met when his group performed at ATS 18, when she finally came back to the ice… aaaahhh so sweet Congrats to them!
  23. I didn’t know where to share this, maybe Team Korea thread? But yes, I’m freaking out about this on twitter LLOLL Congrats my queen @Pammi reiterating that this is not particularly inappropriate, if you want you can put spoilers so we can talk about it more discreetly or post in another thread! But that’s big news from a giant of the sport, wow! I have them, but they’re still processing! If no one uploads it to the Planet till tomorrow I will do it!
  24. This is cute, let me know if it has been shared yet! Translation from marika: “The special programme was too good” •Favourite ice cream flavour is chocolate cookies (cute)💗 •✨11:11✨ Prayer ~ even ensuring to take screenshots •Cheating scandal Yuzu Pooh: “What do you mean?” Yuzu: …”
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