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Everything posted by SydneyH

  1. I'm currently dying , it's up again
  2. well if I remember Aiko-sama is a fan of him lol
  3. France is literally the last gp next season , i don't think he will come there.
  4. Nope when we say that someone is mastering all the quads , the axel is always exclude , Nathan is considering as doing "all the quads" for example .
  5. Sorry I will let this little thing here....
  6. Suzuki Ichirō (baseball) has turned down the award twice (2001 and 2004 I think ) he gave the reason that he was still in the midst of his career and developing as a player so declined it Fukumoto Yutaka (baseball) too after he set a WR , he wrote that he if he had accepted the award, "he wouldn’t have been able to casually stride into pachinko parlors anymore." 'LOL at this one )
  7. because today the officials revealed that Mr.Abe will do the demand on the 2nd so that's why yep he can decline it too
  8. yep they still need the opinions of a bunch of expert but at this stage it's like a formality .
  9. Well time to time there is some Japanese article on internet which talked about it and it seems like something true but you can't really know 100% if it's real I remember there were some twitter post with picture as proof as well....personally I'm not sure about what to think about it so well....
  10. https://www.theverge.com/2017/7/18/15993136/winnie-the-pooh-china-ban-censorship-xi-jinping-lol
  11. de toute façon l'équipe n'est bon que pour parler du foot (et encore....) , Je n'ose même pas lire les commentaires quand il y en a c'est tout simplement afffligeant mais bon...
  12. just before Chris and Kana free dance i think
  13. That's why when he said that I was like 'dude you're actually serious ??!' but well...
  14. For his father I remember that Yuzuru said that "he was working" so no , and for Saya i don't know sorry T_T ...
  15. only his mother because if I remember he said that his father was working back then , I don't remember seeing anything about Saya though
  16. and all of that is just muscle yep lol
  17. I will never think of my guitar capos the same way now lol
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