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Everything posted by SydneyH

  1. Nope , the boy just condemn himself with that lol I mean I remember him saying that it was not broken but to be still like that after this time is not really good tho #BoyTakeCareOfYourselfPleaseDamnnn
  2. seems like the spanish factor was not in his calculations
  3. The 2015 Kohaku Uta Gassen I don't have any video link with me sorry .
  4. Salut , ce message pour refaire un revivre ce thread oublié haha , j'ai vu qu'on avait quelque nouveaux français (ou francophone) parmi nous , donc bienvenue à vous
  5. At least Strasbourg is a way better city than Marseille so we have that .
  6. don't be too optimist , they are capable of doing waaaay worse than before so the checklist for french event : wobbly disco podium / fake medals / bouquets that are not bouquets / maybe the big stars from idf 2017 again ?? / NO flags the list is long
  7. It MUST be illegal , I can' t , I mean look at him aaargh
  8. can someone call the police , I consider this as a personal attack smndsqknxqsjkl
  9. she went to TCC for training but just temporarily , also Ghislain speak french and she spoke with him also at ACI , and he said to her that it was okey to share what she said , she's not saying everything that he told her .
  10. even more in minor competition like this one , everything is smaller and way more difficult to keep in line .
  11. for this one I was with my federation and accredited , so that's why .
  12. yeah I encounter that type of person during previous competitions too , quite scary , I remember someone being in restricted area she technically couldn't access but well I was like 'don't create a scene girl , as long as she's just creepy and not dangerous it's fine' luckily some time after she was not there anymore and nothing happened . That kind of situations are always quite distressful .
  13. she was not talking about ACI for the hotel thing , it already happened that some 'fans' harassed him into his hotels ( and more importantly knowing his rooms ) and elevators too .
  14. it's good to have dreams in life you know
  15. I'm laughing so hard right now
  16. well it's Japan as expected
  17. and we need to scream that to the judges before he will skate because we can have a surprise with them
  18. *big breath* HOLD IT LONGER GOSH !!! (sorry it's my spiral supremacist self who is talking ) also me : well it's choreographed that way so it will not change unfortunately
  19. but seriously I can't believe that I'm gonna see Yuzuru skating to Nijinsky live
  20. I still have one ticket to sell if you want lol
  21. haha maybe, we thought about doing the 'spins version' for Linz , and for Kaunas maybe bring the pair boys into it and doing some simple lift we need to vote lol
  22. I think 4-5 if you count all lol *sigh* thanks ladies
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