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Everything posted by Luminous

  1. I wonder will Yuzu use Naoto’s music or will they just use some more traditional piece and Naoto just play it?
  2. Doesn’t asahi tv have exclusive rights to broadcast FAOI?
  3. Last year the scoring system was 6.0. Skaters jumped solo jump, combo and then combo from 4-5 jumps. 1 attempt. This year they judged jumps with the current system. The scores from each skater went to the team (as it was team competition). Of course, the scores were ridiculous. Novice skaters in Russia have three days of competition (don’t know if other countries have similar system). The first day - only jumping competition. The second - SP, the third - FP. During jumping competition they jump solo jump and combo (2-3 attempts (don’t remember), the best attempt is counted). This system may work in adults and there is no benefit to jumpers if they have poor PCS (of course, if the judging is fair)
  4. He usually does only one program
  5. From 20.54. サタデーステーション
  6. Is it the first time we can see Yuzu skating in uncovered boots?
  7. Usually there are both streamers who rebroadcast show (QQ, twitch, VK) and people who just record and upload
  8. It’s just a random picture on the cover. As someone mentioned Yuzu’s costume looks like new version of Hello I love u
  9. It’s the right song. But not KAT-TUN’s voice. sorry for my English….
  10. Sadly it’s not KAT-TUN. The original song can not be found on YouTube I guess. Only fancams from live performances
  11. During these part: Flinging off a new shirt The more that I laugh about That soaking wet Tuesday The more that on a bank that was wet, after the rain The first lie that I told to you Even now isn’t dry
  12. Yuzu knows how ISU will treat him in future so it’s up to him to decide how long he will bear it. He mentioned he may continue to skate in ice shows not in competitions.
  13. Everything depends on Yuzu’s health. We don’t know about condition of his ankle. He takes a lot of painkillers that already did harm for him (he had esophagitis this year that mostly caused by taking painkillers)
  14. He wasn’t in the first video. Not sure about the second
  15. He is definitely not going to leave. My mum always says “What will he do after retirement? He will run to the skating rink the next day”
  16. After euphoria of hearing that Yuzu will stay with us for a couple of seasons I feel so sad about Roncapu and Tenchi. Roncapu is an ideal short program. The hardest one. Has a lot of moments from Yuzu’s previous programs. Like a tribute to himself. Tenchi is about a warrior who doesn’t want to fight anymore. Deep and sad. 4A suits it very well. Two perfect programs to end his career. But Yuzu has no time to prepare for Worlds and doubtly bring two clean programs and land 4А in a month. Roncapu may stay for the next season. But Tenchi? Will he bring it back for his last skate as a sign that he is ready to leave?
  17. Don’t think being robbed of medal again will be the reason to retire
  18. And still I don’t understand why everyone thinks that Yuzu will retire
  19. Russian Channel 1 showed Alina’s vlog from Beijing. In the episode from men’s SP she said “Now we will see the GOAT. I’m nervous”. And then they showed Yuzu’s 4T-3T from Roncapu. Very surprising, Russian media usually prefers N over Yuzu This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  20. Yes. He was asked about feelings that he would like to express during gala performance. He asked if he was already invited and then answered the question
  21. During gala? I think that he has already decided to stay according to his yesterday’s words
  22. He started to twist his body in the other way? I remember reading thoughts on 4A from some gymnast. He told about right shoulder, that it should lead the body or something similar……Now he starts to twist later?🤔 and the entry is different
  23. 4Lo with an injured ankle is harder than 4A. It brings more pain. That’s why he didn’t do 3A-3Lo
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