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  1. hopefully after this mention they will consider releasing it on Spotify too! 🙏 So more people around the world can commiserate about this difficult situation, “all in this together” style
  2. Honestly sometimes I just think these people wanna be contrarians for no reason! 🥲 Like... please we get it people you’re either not in the mood to talk about him or in dire need of attention, that’s fine, you don’t need to drag Yuzuru into imaginary bad skating plots for this 🤷🏻‍♂️
  3. Indeed, sad and repeated experience, kinda pathetic tbh 🙄 Usually I just smile and walk away because eeeeh, whatever. I lose less time shrugging and enjoying something that they apparently can’t appreciate, sucks to be them really 🤷🏻‍♂️ But countering with legit knowledge of the rules and FS in general is good too of course, I’m too annoyed/tired for this now though after years of arguing with anti ;; all the power to those of you who still have the patience and/or strength to choose this other route ✨
  4. Thank you for this! My non-FS friends, some of whom have expressed interest in knowing more, are really turned off by this in terms of getting attached (from tweets to..... i guess their common sense and what they can see? It’s so plainly obvious! 🙄) It’s true that such things just breed bitterness because when we love this sport like we do, it’s simply unbearable to see at one point 😔 Much pain in the liver was indeed had ^^’
  5. We can speculate about the GP for months but alas, only him knows. Maybe. It’s hard to tell! ^^’ He could also go and take it easy — well, as easy as he will allow himself to take it 😅 — then bring the real big deal at the Olympics? Next season still seems so far, and with the pandemic so unpredictable, things might change at the last minute anyway 😥
  6. Tl;dr Without Yuzuru I wouldn’t have been motivated to go back into music after a long break and take up ice skating. After playing for 12ish years I had an accident in 2014, I can’t play with my left arm well at all now as a result and reeducation was so long, I abandoned compositing and arranging to focus on my body and stable studies+employment instead. I’ve recovered mostly so there it that, but since then, I’d been very anxious to return to composing and stuff. Last year I finally decided to make time for music again, and went back to composing and taught myself how to best program my instrument digitally, sure I can’t physically play anymore but I can still do what I can. Yuzuru’s tenacity inspires me a lot! 🌸 Also for the same reasons, I was forced to stop sport and as a result developed a phobia/trauma of hurting myself further, but after seeing him in PyeongChang I took up ice skating for the first time ✨⛸ I’ve gone back to other sports since then So if it wasn’t for Yuzuru, I wouldn’t be enjoying life nearly as much at all ;;
  7. The rules appear to be a 2 weeks / 14 days quarantine. So with it being 2.5weeks away, they could make it by a few days... but the question is probably more, do they — does Yuzuru — want to go? That’s another state of affair
  8. Uh.... music is art, yes? _(:3 」∠)_ I also did the background so I guess it counts x2 ahah I started this months ago and wanted to finish it for Fanyu Golden Week, but that did not happen ;; then Worlds rolled around and I was so stressed, I opened the music score again and finished the arrangement between events to calm down my nerves. Yuzuru truly inspires so many of us, he’s incredible... I hope he knows this 🥺
  9. His gala performance was breathtaking. His words about being at his best ring absolutely true and I’m happy to read that he knows it with confidence. His art is beautiful and still somehow ever-evolving, and regardless of medals, it will never go away. Excited to one day witness the official landing of the 4A! ✨☺️
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