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Posts posted by meoima

  1. 18 hours ago, Fresca said:

    That is indeed very scary and troubling. :cry: This is why having skaters like Akiko Suziki call his jumps "textbook" is so disappointing. It's sending the message that these landings are correct when in reality they are highly increasing the risk of injury to the skater. I hope Shoma fixes his jumps before it's too late.

    Yes, me too. Unfortunately, there aren't any signs of him slowing down. Didn't Rafael Aruntyunyan say Nathan has new things up his sleeve for next season?

    Frankly, I'm surprised Nathan isn't paying more attention to his hip alignment in his jumps and working more to fix it given his background in ballet. Keeping the hips square and aligned is part of ballet fundamentals. It's key to performing many of the basic ballet steps and positions like rond de jambe and arabesque. If he's done an extensive amount of ballet, it should theoretically be a habit for him to keep his hips properly aligned as much as possible.


    Do you know the biggest issue with all of this? Because there is no legitimate critics in Figure skating. Phil Hersh only understands the number of quads, Jackie Wong does not even know what is wrong with pre-rotation, the skating lesson only gossip and do not even know what are true transitions.


    In this sport, when the coaches/judges/specialists/famous ex-skaters speak up, it's usually about politiking, politiking and politking. Mishin trashed Mao's 3A because he wanted to boost Liza. Mishin also occasionally trashed Yuzuru for either Liza or Gachinski.


    Frank Carol trashed Mao because he wanted to boost Gracie. And even Brian Orser in the early days of his coaching career, he talked with tech specialists and judges about UR and wrong edge jumps to boost Yuna Kim. And I am sure Brian knows about the technical issues of Javi (weird lutz), Shoma (pre-rotation, Flutz, weird landings), Nam, even Nathan (tilled landings)... but he never speaks up about it. 


    The thing is, many people in the known KNOW but never speak up. Dimitri Aliev's coach KNOWS that Shoma has bad technique, he did imply that in one of his interviews but never spoke up about it publicly. Mishin implied about Shoma's bad technique several times but also never spoke up publicly. They avoid mentioning that issue, and maybe one day, their students might get benefits from the same,


    That's why when Patrick Chan spoke up about the quad issues when he mentions Nathan and Shoma, he was trashed rigorously even though I am sure what he meant was just the same as Fresca, Adelia and many people have spoken up. 


    It is the kind of world where people know things but they never speak up. And people who do not know things keep speaking up and getting attention.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:

    I may be a bit too skeptical and maybe wrong, but if Nathan really brings 7 quads in his LP during Olympic year, for me, there are two possibilities:

    1) He doesn't deliver, so he has no possibility of winning because a non-perfect Nathan program doesn't win anything
    2) He delivers, but the program is so empty of everything else even the judge panel will realize, and will penalize his PCS. Honestly, when you are doing 7 quads, how do you have the strenght and concentration to do high quality spins, steps, step sequences? Answer: you don't. Nathan was barely keeping it together with 5 quads. 


    Well, some people already forgot that Tara Lipninsky with her childish performances won over a clean Kwan at Olympic 1998. Because she had 3Lo3Lo and Kwan not. 

    Yuzuru clearly does not think judges will give Nathan just 80 PCS if Nathan landed 7 quads. Judges are blinded by the number of quads. And Nathan is AMERICAN. I would not be surprised if they threw out 90 PCS for Nathan clean 7 quads and no transitions.

    I have said this many times in GS, Fsuniverse and here: Yuzuru definitely will upgrade his layout next season.  

  3. 8 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

    I think we need to acknowledge that even though Yuzu and Javi are friends when skating, they're not BFFs and Javi's not a Yuzu fan to follow him as closely as we do. It could simply be that he didn't know Yuzu didn't participate in Japanese Nationals last year or it slipped his mind or he somehow made a confusion with WTT - where Shoma did beat Yuzu in the short. Actually he  - and Nathan  - also beat him in the free at GPF, and he also beat him in the short at Worlds... So maybe he was refering to things like that and not overall competitions? Though it seems less likely


    Either way, it doesn't matter so much, I think... I think he's still essentially right and Shoma is perhaps the most dangerous of the up and coming skaters... (or so he seems right now; who knows what will happen by the end of the year...)


    It will be Nathan, who will probably do 7 quads in LP with USFA behind his back. 

    And even Boyang. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, xeyra said:


    It seems like it was Javi's answer, not the journalist's insertions, so if Javi answered like that, it's not the journalist's duty to change his words even if they're not factually correct. 


    I think Javi does not know Yuzuru did not go to Japan National last season. 

    One more blow for Yuzuvier shippers. They are not that close. 

  5. Well NHK is the sponsor and they want money because Yuzuru gets high ratings. Anyway if that means he will do CoR because it's the earliest event then I think it will be ok.

    i hope to go to Russia if Yuzuru will do CoR.

  6. 5 minutes ago, sublimeskating said:

    so from what the news/rumors are so far, it's highly unlikely yuzu will be at nhk this time?

    if not nhk, then what gp assignments would be most likely?

    Yeah they can give him other GPs, no NHK because he skipped National. Maybe this will be goodness in disguise. Osaka is... hostile. 

    But Yuzuru will have to do NHK.

  7. 3 hours ago, Yatagarasu said:

    It's hilarious Averbukh changed his mind after all the pomp about doing choreo for Zhenya only. But good. Now she can hopefully stray too 

    Aww, Irene gloves. I wonder if Yuzuru sent her those, it would be so cute :59182a8d937bc_biggrin(1):

    I am sure Yuzuru gave Zhenia the Irene Gloves. That's the Japanese way. She gave him presents. So he gave her presents.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Dara said:

    That's completely different story, FSO is know to be a forum of high-browed elite fans of True Figure Skating (maybe it used to be. not anymore).

    In VK percentage of fans is waaaay higher. There was poll "skater you'd love to see at COR" and Yuzu dominated in it I think.

    FSO also has rumors right? They're thinking of themselves as elite. I remember my friend said they bashed Adelina there too. For the sake of being elite.

  9. 1 minute ago, Dara said:

    IDK... too much talent? :angel:

    When he was a junior skater many ppl there said how good he is, how promising (did you see that bit in "Kakusei no Toki" DVD where 15 y.o. Yuzu said that he got a present as a best junior skater from Russian fans? It was from users of the forum)

    But when he started winning, amount of ppl saying how bad his posture is, how drenched he looks after the performance etc got bigger. And many members of the forum are fans of Patrick so... You can get idea of how it was after Sochi :graucho:

    But on VK. There are more Yuzuru's fans, no? I am surprised they have many Patrick's fans over there

  10. 48 minutes ago, Hanmgse said:

    Churros are delicious!!!! :bow:They are crunchy on the outside but soft from the inside, perfect combination and many flavors!

    (Sorry I got excited, I really love churros LOL)

    I love Churro too... I want so much... aww

  11. 22 minutes ago, beki said:

    Can we brainstorm how we can help the situation? I wonder how many of us can get tickets. I'm curious, are Yuzu's fans in Japan planning to go to Nagoya in person to get those convenience store tickets etc? It's crazy to me how they are sold. It's like gambling in Vegas.

    I only hope Yuzuru won't have to go to NHK... but if Shoma got NHK they will blow up his scores... gezzz GPF is even worse. JSF made sure to prepare all the locations that dislike Yuzuru. 

  12. I definitely agree it warrants lower GOE, because it doesn't show complete control like a landing with a high free leg using great extension. I think Shoma's free leg isn't purposefully acting as a balance aid, although any point of the contact does help support, but I think it's a clear product of his extremely low knee-bend and wrenched landings, which could/should also lower GOE. The judges gave him +0.71 GOE on that landing at COR, mostly +1s, one -1, and one +2. http://www.isuresults.com/results/season1617/gprus2016/gprus2016_Men_FS_Scores.pdf

    It's not just low GOE, if judges do apply the guidelines properly, it's negative GOE they should have given.

    Even if we do not take pre-rotation into the account, that kind of landings can/should get -1 across the board if the skater were just some no name guy.

    And if It were me in the panel, -2 at least.

  13. Here it is the evidence (wait for the slow motion) https://www.instagram.com/p/BT8yr-hj03V/

    There is a lot wrong with that landing. You can see here the issues that I mentioned above: 1) misalignment of the foot and knee, 2) misalignment of the torso and the lower body and 3) misalignment of the shoulders and the hips. The sweeping motion he does with his arm is a balance check that helps him realign his torso. He wrenches himself back into alignment to land the jump but physics is making him pay a high price for these jumps with his body. The scariest part is that these kinds of landings from him are not one-offs but seem to be how he commonly lands some of his jumps. I don't want to think about how his 4Lz will look like.

    One more thing, I am not sure if it's a joke or not. Fairuza could confirm that. In some interview Plushenko said something like Mishin's young students are learning to jump like Shoma aka cheats the take-off a lot. Well... of course because by cheating the take-off, you can get away with the landings.

  14. I saw a comment that Shoma sometimes has a never-before-seen type of two-foot landing where the blade of his free leg doesn't touch the ice, but the side of his boot does. But I haven't seen direct evidence. I don't really care for a low free leg though, or the hooked twisting of his body in another direction. Considering all this, I have to give him points for agility. He fights hard to land. It is scary for his knees. I can't help thinking of Daisuke's injuries.

    Here it is the evidence (wait for the slow motion) https://www.instagram.com/p/BT8yr-hj03V/

  15. And if we talk like this on the other forums about Nathan and Shoma, we will be labeled as haters and fanatics. I am sad that this sport doesn't have credible critics. All the figure skating reporters are either ignorant or not paying attention to this. And when they write something, they never ever mention the technique part. And many coaches and specialists just turn their eyes away and dare nor speak up.

  16. Nathan's BV at WC was 112.87 from ISU protocol with all level 4. I assume if he upgraded the layout then it might be around 115 -116 next season. I don't think he should do 4lo cause it will be harmful on his hip but who knows, Nathan does not seem to care about lasting until 2022 much.

    All his quads are harmful for his hips. :cry: When he lands his quads, I notice that his hips are always misaligned - the hip of the free leg is raised higher than the one of the landing leg which is what causes him to unwrap his free leg strangely (he swings it to the side and then to the back so it's almost 90 degrees to the ice). The proper alignment which puts the least stress on the hips and back is to keep the hips level with each other and the same direction as the shoulders so you create a box with your hips and your shoulders. I made a veeery simple picture below of the view from the back of proper alignment vs. Nathan alignment. Hopefully it gives an idea of what I mean.



    Sometimes he raises his left hip a lot because he lands a bit off-balance on his landing leg and needs to readjust. Other times not so much but I don't think I've ever seen him land a quad with level hips. I think it's become a bad habit.

    Thank you so much, Fresca. Your words are so much alike to Adelia my friend who first commented on Nathan's hips in the landing. Since then I have noticed how scary his landings are, especially the stress in the hip.

    Do you mind telling me about Shoma's landings vs Nathan's landings? I have noticed Shoma has even worse issue.

  17. I finished Fahrenheit 451 during the time in the hospital. It was such a great novel I can't take it down.

    I haven't read Fahrenheit 451 but would like to recommend [link=https://www.amazon.com/Book-Heroes-Miyuki-Miyabe/dp/1421540835]The Book of Heroes[/link] by Miyuki Miyabe. It is a fantasy novel with an interesting perspective on books. Miyabe is renowned for her crime and detective novels but she writes on a wide range of subjects, such as family & teenagers, super-natural, fantasy, and period.

    I didn't mean to poke at your privacy, just hope you are all right now as you mentioned "during the time in the hospital". :pbow:

    Aw, I am fine. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks for a major surgery (and because of that I am broke now lol).


    I used to read a lot of books but recently I read quite less. Now I am picking up that old habit again.


    Anyone here has read this book: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/343.Perfume


    I like it a lot and I have read it again several times.

  18. I forgot Nathan's BV, anyone tell me his BV with 6 quad is how much? Thanks. I am so slow these days.

    If going by [link=https://twitter.com/rockerskating/status/846409033452048384]Jackie Wong's tweet[/link] at the time of his 6-quad layout at Worlds, the BV would be 115.74, assuming all level 4s.

    A 7-quad layout with the 4Lo could go up to 122 BV.

    Nathan's BV at WC was 112.87 from ISU protocol with all level 4. I assume if he upgraded the layout then it might be around 115 -116 next season. I don't think he should do 4lo cause it will be harmful on his hip but who knows, Nathan does not seem to care about lasting until 2022 much.

  19. From Lynn's reply it seems that some Japanese fans who don't go to competitions abroad were offended because she mostly mentions fans who travel for competitions but ignores existence of those who only watch FS at TV.

    This is why such a nomination wasn't good idea in the first place - so many people can feel left out in one way or another.

    Yeah, her article makes it seems like: "Thank you very much for spending money on us, as for those whom we think they do not spend money on us, eh... we don't see them." :crazy:

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