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Everything posted by Fay

  1. It won’t be streamed to Russia either, which means that I will only hear reports about it, unless I find a way around the problem
  2. Right, how am I supposed to go to sleep now?
  3. Holy cow, Yuzu, what was that hydroblade?! And that tumble after a split?
  4. Можно сюда, тут мало кто пишет и можно закладки делать в каком угодно количестве!
  5. @Ajurони там совсем распоясались. Просто для них сомневаться в решении модераторов - это смертный грех.
  6. Просто на последнем посте нет вообще никаких примечаний. Надолго в карцер посадили?
  7. А, добрый день! Что такое случилось на ФСО, что забанили? Просто у российских поклонников ну очень много платформ! А так милости просим! Все разбежались кто куда. Но если ФСО и далее будет лютовать, можно сюда!
  8. @Henni147 I’ve already read the article, it’s brilliant, thank you!
  9. MK had a rough time at ACI this year, I hope they are Ok. Both were unbelievably tense and not half as bubbly and joyful as usual. The pressure got to them? Kaori is in a pretty good shape for this time of the year, hope she continues her upward curve. The jumps were beautiful. And she’s got two really beautiful programs. The Canadian girls were a pleasant surprise too. Didn’t watch the dances, the boys were chaotic, apart from Malinin. He is improving, but not as fast as his scores, I am afraid. What got into that Japanese judge who awarded his SP with a 10? Is that what perfection looks like? Fuming.
  10. I miss Pooh, Yuzu! It was so nice to see him back on ice!
  11. I want to see it too!!! (throwing a tantrum).
  12. Easy-peasy- you have to fly with ANA. And they have to have these bears in their on-flight shops.
  13. Whatever. It looks like a cheap ruse to make the identity known to the public, honestly.
  14. Good decision, on the whole. The online AERA put out a very controversial article on Yuzuru Hanyu’s decision not to declare his partner’s identity under the flag of feminism. So Hanyu is the representative of the patriarchy depriving their wives of their identity, but on the other hand, there’s this shining example of Shohei Ohtani who apparently would never stoop so low. The whole piece reads like a comedy. Excellent chance to advertise your own magazine for this month, AERA.
  15. Have AERA just stopped caring about how many copies they sell?
  16. And that’s what everyone should do before they jump to any conclusions about anyone, generally.
  17. You mean this, don’t you? https://doramaticbites.tumblr.com/post/171551859613/to-the-japanese-hanyu-may-not-be-gnc
  18. Guys, this is Japan. Highly respected and appreciated heterosexual male actor-dancers can well excel in playing onnagata parts. So the boundaries of what is permitted to males might be ever so slightly different
  19. Oh my gosh, that was the last thing I expected! Happy for you, Yuzu, congratulations! May your life and the life of your family be always happy and blissful!
  20. How about Saitama Worlds 2019? Both Yuzu and Zhenya were there, and I vaguely remember that interview by Kathy Reed, methinks.
  21. My issue is not with the stained glass top, actually, I don‘t like the pants. Or the combination of the two This post has been tagged by LiaRy as [NEWS]. This post has been tagged by LiaRy as [NEWS].
  22. I don’t think this was during FaOI though, judging by the boards. Looks more like a regular competition.
  23. Is it Starry repeating stuff or is it Asahi?
  24. Show off. That 3Lo was superfluous! LOL
  25. WOW, THAT WAS JUST STUNNING! Great skating and wonderful dancing! I would surely get a ticket to see this!
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