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Everything posted by Fay

  1. YESSSSSSS! They showed the Dark Messenger Miyagi Day 1!
  2. Yay, they are showing our BANNER! On Japanese television!
  3. Looks like Yokohama, doesn't it?
  4. God, the way the audience is shouting! I'd have gone deaf!
  5. Oh yes, they rewound the game back to show the second choice of no, and Ashura too. Where can we apply for some very special award for this show. This is just in a class of its own!
  6. I loved the hockey ice projection, for some reason! I wish there were a bit more on conceiving and producing the show. That was soooooo fascinating. Ah, Hope and Legacy, the first day then! Lovely. Will they show the Ashura-chan as well? Or this is it?
  7. I'm watching iin VK, I'm afraid it won't work right now. But it's mega-interesting, really. The BTS is just priceless!
  8. anyone watching the RE_PRAY BTS?
  9. Just under 2k views to get to 2M, folks!
  10. Watching the show - he certainly was on fire on that day. I envy the Fanyus who have been able to see the show live!
  11. Great news! Now I have to get them, somehow…
  12. Oh, a lovely little introduction of Mone Chiba at NBCOlympic! With Yuzu! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4yQC9jAAr_/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  13. @rockstaryuzu I envy you so much, you got to see that skate of Kaori’s! The goofy Amelie grew to be a real queen of ice!
  14. Hey, happy with Yuzu being chosen to be ambassador for Gucci! The real beauty deserves to be seen!
  15. Hello, just opening a thread in case anyone casually watches any of the events of the Worlds and feels like sharing their impressions. I will try hard to find a stream and watch some skaters. Excited for little Mone!
  16. The show was fantastic, so warm and homely, yet Yuzu’s parts were dramatic and jaw-dropping! There’s no one like him in the whole world!
  17. Read Part II of his Shigesato Itoi talk - God, that “it’s raining” idea was very deep! And true! And I’d love to ask him who he thinks still skates with a child-like set of mind even in their adulthood.
  18. I sorta understand missing the thrill of seeing him compete, but I confess that seeing the last two years of it was rather hard. So I am happily watching him do shows and I watch the rest of FS with just an idle curiosity.
  19. Just finished watching. Oh. My. God. He’s incredible. There’s no one else like him.
  20. And…it’s ten years since this day! The skate was not without mistakes, but it was still the best that day! Congrats on your first Olympic Gold anniversary, Yuzu!
  21. Toby Fox, the creator of Undertale, wrote about Yuzu’s show in his newsletter https://toby.fangamer.com/newsletters/winter24/ [NEWS]
  22. Guys, TEN YEARS AGO THIS SKATE HAPPENED!!! I can’t believe it is ten years since!
  23. I wonder if last year’s merch is still going to be available.
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