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Everything posted by Fay

  1. This might have been seen but nonetheless https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0ySEKrn4U4
  2. Conrad Orzel landing a 4S in a very unusual edit.
  3. I agree, we're the foundation any other Yuzu stands upon...
  4. So where do we poor practice Hanyus belong in that royal battle between different Yuzus?
  5. The thing is we don't really want to continually talk about this, so there's little point in making a thread for it.. This just happened like most chats do. Once you start regulating where you can talk about this or that, it feels very stilted and tense, so unless we go for excessive OT, I'd strive and keep this natural feel. This is just a general chat which goes anyway its participants take it to. On the other hand, we could make a thread with real news - and will. The real trouble is that there's no news...
  6. Your cat can have the whole press run of that Magazine, I guess - just the front page destroyed on every single issue will do...
  7. So I suggest we put up all our funds together, buy out the issue and shred the lot...
  8. Your opinion of cats is very mistaken if you think you can make a cat eat a magazine cover.
  9. She's legally over the age of consent and can legally get married in Russia. But that's not quite the point - no one was seriously marrying her off. Really. They are free to choose whoever they both like.
  10. That would impair the naturalness of this bit of conversation, sorry! Once in a while, we can go into a parallel world, I guess - I think no one will stay there forever. We've pretty much exhausted it by now - but people involved had a laugh or two. And it was very tongue-in-cheek - everything I posted certainly was.
  11. If there's any news, we won't be wasting time on planning the future of unborn kids. Promise. Sorry! It's our usual banter mode. Hope you aren't too upset with it!
  12. Apologies, no one was very serious about this 'shipping' - it just sorta grew out of the magazine cover on its own. No one expected it to turn into this...
  13. Those are going to be the fattest human-eating cats ever...
  14. Three times triplets and one more? Yeah... four pregnancies might affect her skating career a little!
  15. OK, let them get 10 kids - and you'll have enough for every conceivable plan then...
  16. There's no water to hold this ship. It's an imaginary ironic ship.
  17. No one bothers making a difference between good and perfect anymore. If you're good, you're perfect - no room for perfection with the inflation we're witnessing. Soon enough there'll be no point in PCS since everyone's going to get more or less the same marks there.
  18. Join the madness one silly magazine cover can cause among Hanyu fans...
  19. Well, actually, Shoma's SS are quite all right - not quite worth a 10, but very good. Now if they gave his transitions a 10, that'd have been a scandal...
  20. Considering the kids in my family were three boys and one girl... it's just right if they follow the same plan. Two male skaters for Japan and Russia and a team for Japan (sorry, Russia, Japan needs it more!)
  21. My sister-in-law gave birth twice - and had four kids. So it's totally possible. :) The record was having 7 kids in one go, if I remember it right...
  22. Yeah, sure, she's already shown she's got qute a lot of superpowers. So why not in this situation! The off-season's here, I'm back to posting nonsense... like in the days of old!
  23. So better have four kids just in case. Two more to spare if things don't quite work... Zhenya, you've got a lot to do, poor girl...
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