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Everything posted by utsukushii3A

  1. 72! God bless you! Hmm, that's a good point. I mean, my weak core and I could keep pace with him just fine, so it probably wasn't a very intensive workout.
  2. Thank you for posting this! Core Workout for Yuzu Fans who Otherwise Lack Motivation/Focus to Exercise: Step 1: Play video Step 2: Copy Yuzu's every move for duration of video Step 3: Congratulations, you just got a four-minute workout and probably didn't even notice because you were too busy reveling in joy of doing the same thing as Yuzu Step 3a: If you managed to keep pace with him, be proud of yourself that you can warm up like a 2x Olympic gold medalist (at least for a little while) Am I the only one who copied him?
  3. Far less serious than most on this thread, but I now have a new one as of yesterday: I probably never would have gotten fed up enough with the excess waist fabric on my clothes to try tailoring them. Turns out it's pretty easy to take in the waist of something that fits everywhere else.
  4. Girls' clothes are even worse for me because I'm skinny and, er, top-heavy. So I just get most of my clothes secondhand (often from Japan or Europe). I mean, I'd do that anyway because it's better for the environment and I can get $250 worth of designer/brand-name clothing for $30, but eventually, the thrift stores will run out of older, smaller clothes... Awww, that would be nice. Now I have the warm-fuzzies from imagining Mama Hanyu tailoring Yuzu's clothes. You mean suit jackets like this? I mean, he's probably just goofing around, but can we really be sure he isn't making that face because a squirrel got in to that jacket somewhere and is scratching him?
  5. Cats can be very handy exercise equipment. It's much easier to hold side planks (and regular planks) longer when petting a cat while doing them. The irony of that is that it probably wouldn't fit across a Hanyu-sized waist in one line of regular t-shirt font size. Full confession: I don't get jealous of his figure in pictures of him in tight-fitting clothes/costumes. I get jealous of how the clothes/costumes fit. I have a very similar figure, but I rarely get to see it anymore because of how much bigger American clothes have gotten (especially in the waist). You could make a queen-sized quilt out of all the extra waist fabric from my tops and dresses (and several more out of the extra waist fabric from the ladies at my (Russian Orthodox) church's Christmas service the other day). I hope he has a lot less trouble finding clothes than I do.
  6. +5 GOE for that idea! Speaking of kitties, and a few posts back, of Yuzu's waist, does anyone know if he has pets? Because that is a cat bed waist if I've ever seen one. If he were lying on his side, a lot of cats would take one look at that waist and go, "Ooooh, look at that warm, cozy front paw rest!" and snuggle up with their front halves draped over the narrowest part of it.
  7. Thank you!! Ahhhhhhh, he phrased it, 「見てくださいよ~僕、ウエストえぐいんですよ」 in Japanese. 「え ぐ い ん で す よ」 He was telling them all to look at his super-awesome waist with super soft, sweet, polite grammar.
  8. 初めまして! 長い間日本語の勉強中のutsukushii3Aです。 General Yuzuru Chatでこの動画を載せられました。 6:07辺りに羽生君は「行ぐべ」と言うのは気のせいまたは希望的観測ですか? 私は方言が大好きで他にも羽生君が方言を使う動画があったら、お願いします、載せてくれませんか?
  9. If anyone has this, or anything else of Yuzu using Sendai dialect, I will be eternally grateful if you could show me! Accents and dialects are different. I don't know Japanese well enough to tell if he has a noticeable accent, but dialects can be impossible to understand. Unfortunately, I think regional accents and dialects tend to be frowned upon in all countries, but the main issue with using Japanese dialects in interviews is that people outside the area won't understand them. That being said, I have a fairly thick but perfectly understandable accent that has a "low-class" or "uneducated" connotation and adamantly refuse to ever change it, so the idea of Yuzu using a dialect with (if I remember correctly) a "country bumpkin" connotation gives me such warm-fuzzies.
  10. So cool! Looks like he was much freer in the practice and had a lot more ice coverage. Beginning-of-the-season-nerves? OMG, did he say 「行ぐべ」 around 6:07, or was that wishful thinking because I LOVE DIALECTS? I've only ever heard him speak standard Japanese. Does he actually use a lot of Sendai dialect?
  11. My Salchow is now fairly consistent (albeit imperfect), and my cross rolls have gotten much better. My knee bend is getting better but is still pretty bad. Once again, I didn't give the slightest thought to my skates the whole time. I'm so glad I toughed it out until I could get good skates and didn't give up.
  12. Yeah, I definitely understand the concern about his 3A (I mean, just look at my username!), but the men's comps have by and large been disasters this season. The ice quality was definitely off in Helsinki, not sure about Russia. And probably the main thing is that the FS has been shortened by 30 seconds, and... they're not adjusting as fast as they'd like, it seems. I never agreed with that change to begin with, but given how some of my other favorites have been doing with it, I'm very, very grateful for just a few shaky 3As from Yuzu. (Hey, ISU, if you're reading this, give the men those 30 seconds back, please!!)
  13. You're welcome about the correction! Yes! If he does land a 4A, they should name it after him, or name the 4T3A a Yuzuru Hanyu sequence or something. Just completely objectively, not even as a fan, he's accomplished way too much not to get something named after him.
  14. It was actually, "eventually I won't be popular anymore", not that people will forget him.
  15. Speaking of forbidden videos, I found this adorable video that I'm 99% sure is Yuzu, but it's probably not supposed to be on the internet and fortunately is very, very short, has very few views, and makes no mention of who's in it or where it was taken. But take my word for it, guys. It's adorable.
  16. Lesson was much kuyashii, but my inside spread eagle is much better. I probably shouldn't be too hard on myself given that that was only my second time on my new skates (and only my second time not on ancient, ill-fitting, unpadded recreational skates that bruised my very, very bony ankles), but... the kuyashisa burns. Hopefully my practice later will be better, especially given that I looked up a few things about proper technique online and got a really good tip from, of all people, my mother, who can barely stand up on skates. EDIT 1/11: Wow. For the first time ever, I didn't think about my skates once. I just skated, no distraction or discomfort. A lot of things really clicked. I think I did some quite good cross rolls, and my Salchow is at least now an actual jump, albeit an underrotated one, rather that just a tentative hop. (I think listening to The Final Time Traveler on my Bluetooth headphones helped, too, even though they're cheap ones that Yuzu would probably cringe at. ;))
  17. YAY, ANOTHER SEASON! Praying for the best! I wonder if he'll reuse this season's programs or use new ones. Maybe that'll depend on how satisfied he is with his performances at Worlds.
  18. Desperately working on my turnout before my lesson later. I'm super-super-flexible naturally, but I destroyed a lot of that carrying a school bookbag too heavy for someone twice my weight. I tend to waffle for a long time because of how painful stretching is, but once I suck it up and really push myself, I make huge improvements almost immediately. It's very much a mixed blessing... or just a regular blessing but a very painful one. I love how many of us are trying to learn Ina Bauers and spread eagles. It's pretty clear just from this thread who this is a fan forum for.
  19. I have NO idea how to sub videos, but I could try a text translation tomorrow if it doesn't.
  20. Thank you! Ahhhh, he's such a sweetie. It said that he'd wanted to skate to POTO since he was a kid. I had definitely noticed something special about that program. Good to know what it was! I wish he'd give a list of all his favorite songs. First "Boku no Koe", now I'll probably be listening to "Michi" by The Sketchbook on repeat for a few weeks (definitely before my skating lessons!).
  21. That is adorable. I think I might have seen it, now that you mention it. It sounds vaguely familiar. Thank you! (For those who don't know, it means "beautiful3A".) It comes from a dream I had where Yuzu and I were walking around together, and he had his arm around me, and I could have said or done anything I wanted, but what did I choose to do? Tell him, "羽生さんのトリプルアクセルは世界一美しいと思います!" (Roughly translated/what I intended, "You have the most beautiful triple Axel I've ever seen!")
  22. What's this about knocking over lamps now?
  23. Hello, I'm new and was directed over here from another thread. I've been skating on and off since I was 10, took a 10+ year break for various reasons, and just started again seriously in the middle of last year with hopes of competing. After a lifetime of ill-fitting recreational skates, I now finally have properly sized skates appropriate for my level, so hopefully I'll finally get past Freeskate 1 after waaaay too long, and get a good hydroblade! (Right now, I have more of an aerobutt...) My never-going-to-happen-but-what-if-it-does reach-goal is a triple Axel or a quad. My minimum goal is all the turns and spin positions, a really good hydroblade, and all the double jumps except double Axel. Here's to all of us reaching our goals and then some!
  24. I'd never have stopped being a gold medalist in the Laziness World Championships, the Self-Pity Grand Prix, and the Lame Excuse Making Olympics, at least not as fast as I did. I'd never have stopped believing all the stupid things my parents and teachers and the internet had said about how "perfectionism=BAD" and being modest and considerate to others about your achievements/talent is "hiding your giftedness to fit in". No, perfectionism is realistic if you're actually capable of near-perfection. Not answering, "I have a 101.5 average!" when someone nervously asks you how you're doing in a class is being respectful of the obvious fact that they're asking you because they're doing terribly. (I didn't actually answer like that! I just felt a lot of completely unnecessary guilt about the imaginary disservice I was doing myself and my fellow high achievers by not beating people over the head with my talents.) THANK YOU, YUZU. You saved me so much unneeded nonsense.
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