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Everything posted by Ashley2162018

  1. Today, I hope Yuzu is having a great day. I am still waiting for his FAOI announcement. And that unkempt hair is just as lovely on him like everything else.
  2. Regarding Lee Barkell leaving TCC and what happens to Stephen , are there Canadian Skaters who are presently representing Canada training outside the country? Because honestly Canada itself has a lot of great facilities and I see no advantage moving to the US. Hopefully Stephen stays with Lee and who knows he might get coached by Chiddy if that is where Lee is going.
  3. When will the golden week end? Hopefully some Yuzu news will pop up soon.
  4. Happy birthday Planet Hanyu. Thank you everyone for making this place so wonderful. It is such a comfortable haven.
  5. Glad to know he is in a postive light. He is still young, I guess his recovery rate can still be high given the correct actions and treatments. Honestly imo, if he goes for surgery it might cause some setbacks so going rehab is best for now.
  6. Question this is an old footage of yuzu in sochi cafeteria? He only had orange juice?
  7. editted and placed the link of translation and russian article.
  8. Thankful for Max Kovtun's appreciation of Yuzu. Translation from from RemyRose in GS: - And what was the strongest impression? - Yuzuru Hanyu. I didn’t care that he lost to Chen. Nathan, of course, is incredibly cool, but in the aggregate, he did not impress me so much. And at the same time it was a little sad to understand that Hanyu, in fact, has nowhere to grow. If he tries to complicate the programs, the risk of injury and the risk of mistakes will be too great. - How, by the way, do you feel about the fact that one of the singles is about to start jumping the quad axel? - Sometimes I think that it was not so long ago considered unrealistic to do all four jumps except for an axel in one program, but did Chen do this? If guys start jumping axel, it's almost the same thing as a five-toe loops or a salchow. And that means these jumps are just around the corner. On the other hand, our sport should not become a gladiatorial battle, where the defeated is killed to the death. After all, be that as it may, the organizers of any competition will prefer to see Hanyu riding, and not how he is killed about the quad Axel. source: https://www.goldenskate.com/forum/showthread.php?51177-Maxim-Kovtun/page13 russian article: https://rsport.ria.ru/20190423/1552959541.html Costume talk: I wonder how he took it off? Like cut of the sleeves or plucked the crystals? Maybe after that Ito-san started weighing his costumes?
  9. When I saw the clips of him studying, it made me think is he taking a medical/engineering course? It was kind of anatomy with physics. And honestly if it takes 6-8years to complete isn't that almost equivalent into being a doctor?
  10. Regarding Yuzu using power. I just don't think he is the type of person who will use power for his own benefit. He will just try to do his best and win by getting it in the most legal method possible. To be honest he could be disappointed about his scores but never commented. But when Shoma was low balled in worlds he commented that how is that possible? And he showed a different kind of upset face imo. I think during that event he was hoping he and Shoma would be at the podium. And judging his hermit attitude, he probaly wouldn't take the trouble on getting attention and ask for petition to get his way. Because in the end he might just be thinking: I am Yuzuru Hanyu a skater from Sendai. I want to compete and win as much as I can. Whatever is given along the way I am thankful for all of that. I am so glad there is a person I can look up too like that even if its just my one sided opinion
  11. Of course Newsweek knows the real news makers. How I wish they still have the asia edition.
  12. After reading the blog post of ecovail, I just realized that not just Yuzu but all the men competing with only stable quad toes or sals are in a disadvantage. Even if a skater has both toe and sal but the competitor has quad lutzes and flips unless underotated (and yeah we know they are not calling it) , the lutz and flip of mediocore GOE (say 3) can still be equivalent or higher than magnificient toe or sal. I was initiall thinking if you get all 5's it will be like: quad toeloop: 9.5+5=14.5 but in reality 9.5+4.75=14.25 Mediocore GOE: quad Lutz: 11.5+3=14.5 in reality 11.5+3.45=14.95 Its really saddening because some of the guys that I also like watching only has either the Sal or Toe. Now they have to pressure themselves too. So what was the ISU saying that this system awards artistry? If it was the case then why double the perks of difficult jumps? The higher base value plus hgher GOE equivalent? They should have just increased the BV of spins and step sequences then it would have been more related to artistry. But what's done is done right?
  13. No wonder he prefers sweatpants they fit him better.
  14. Patrick is so at peace with himself now. Me Missing Yuzuru: Plays Kose Blog voice clips continuously
  15. @micaelis Happy to know you are recovering well. And for sure to those who can, we will continue to pray for your full recovery. And Yuzu is scheduled to be appearing tomorrow for his monument unveiling. I know he likes to go ninja but are there any sightings of him now arriving in Japan?
  16. When I first saw him via photos from a friend, thought to myself this guy is slimmer than I will ever be but he is cute. Then I saw him perform chopin in pyeongchang and went like that is so much power for a slender guy. The smirk at the end made gave me "I am not just a pretty face vibe". So I started checking his videos. R&J1 in nice was so passionate felt his desperation and sincerity to win, I wanted to give it to him. Let's go crazy came next and wow he is a rockstar. He knows it and flaunts it when needed. His confidence is amazing but there is no sense of arrogance. So after all this blabber I can say Yuzu is popular because he can move people's emotions. He can make us feel that we want to see these performances and never regret doing so. Which ends up as us wanting more and he is always the mood willing to comply. Because I honestly believe he likes to see people happy even in just small moments. Thanks for everything yuzu.
  17. Take care and rest assured you got our prayer support to those who will. See you soon.
  18. And here I was hoping there will be no scalpers
  19. Loveable. Everyone loves him, even if he never talks to you. The whole fandom agrees. So relatable Joseph.
  20. I am all in for the cheer up project, are there any final things to do now?
  21. I wonder how creative yuzu will get. However he really needs those ankles to heal. And I wondet who among the juniors now will take on the challenge too.
  22. Wah... he was still beautiful nevertheless
  23. Thanks for the answers. Nice to know new stuff every once and awhile.
  24. Henni this is so beautiful, the drawing and the dream. I hope this comes true, I was actually thinking can Yuzu pull of a six quad free program in Beijing 2022 if he heals at most 90%? 4A,4Lz,4F, 4Lo, 4T-3A and 4S? How much points will this have? And for his short is this allowed? 4A, 4T-3A,3A? Will he go to be the first man to achieve 350 or 400? Please right ankle heal fast and make henni's dream come true.
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