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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. @Yatagarasu, HOW DO YOU DO IT??? You should play the lottery and become a millionaire - then you don't need to work and only travel to all FS competitions!
  2. I find COC the most difficult to predict When I look at the ladies list I get a headache...
  3. Only in his dreams!!! Shibs gave the best performances in ice dance. I couldn't take my eyes of them.
  4. Me too. He looked quite happy and smiled so much. There was a feeling confidence and inner strength coming from him - true king! I will always remember this competition as it also was my first one live. And I hope that there will be many more opportunities like that. This hope is keeping me from depression after coming back from Moscow.
  5. Dudakov is always so serious. Even at K&C. But look at him here 😂
  6. I really like Moris and I'm happy that they allowed him in at the last minute.
  7. Agree. Let's wait a little bit. Hard to believe that it's already next week!!! If she keeps AK program, she needs a better dress urgently!
  8. I hope we may see that dress if she keeps her previous FS as an EX program... We'll find out soon. COR is next week already (OMG )
  9. Evgenia's SP this season is my favorite of hers.
  10. EDIT: Evgenia and her team changed her FS to Anna Karenina (choreo by Daniil Gleykhengauz, music Dario Marianelli ) according to RUS FED official Alexander Kogan https://www.sports.ru/tribuna/blogs/anikahanson/1430675.html
  11. "I think I do the jumps that I do better than anyone in the world," Brown said. "I think there's a reason I'm always able to keep up with the sport that's constantly growing technically." Does he really think that his 3A is the best in the world??? I wonder what would Yuzuru reply....
  12. Fancam video of Evgenia's FS from Bratislava
  13. We'll survive! I'm sure that he will skate good. Right, @meoima ? We need your good predictions to stay mentally healthy till then...
  14. New interview with Evgenia http://fsrussia.ru/intervyu/3168-evgeniya-medvedeva-kazhdaya-programma-eto-malenkaya-zhizn.html (Part of translation from GS fan fest by Sveta ) "J: Bratislava is your first competition of the season. Maybe if you would skate perfectly, it could be not very good either. Z: But, for example, Yuzuru Hanyu broke the world record at this first competition of the season in SP! He got 112 points for his programme! I found out about it from Instagram, and my first thought was: "How did he do that!" Amazing!" Just noticed that @xeyra already posted it in the main chat . It's good to have a copy here also.
  15. There's a very beautiful article about this photo https://rsport.ria.ru/blog_simonenko/20170924/1126210766.html
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