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Posts posted by Katt

  1. The IN article didn't answer any questions. Nothing is in discussion yet, between Nathan and Yale/Raf/US fed. The thing with Nathan and his team is they often lack of long term plan. They didn't manage the OG plan right, now with the college schedule, its gonna be 10x harder. He's doing 7-8 quads in 2 programs, he need full time training to keep his form, let alone focus/improve other areas of his skating. I'm curious how he manage it, but at the same time, I'm not too optimistic.  

  2. 5 hours ago, Xen said:

    Nah, Brian can be very strict, don't be fooled by him. Remember how pissed he was about Javi being late, and Tracy needing to talk him down from imploding? And he could turn people around on habits-case in point being Javi. But I also think that skaters who suit him more, are ones like Wakaba, Kaori and even Satton-skaters whom he needs to help out on regarding efficiency of training, not necessarily practice time put in. 


    I'm more curious why Marin moved from Mie Hamada. It can't really be because she wants a stricter coach only, since Mie is plenty strict herself. I also don't see as much media attention on her as before.


    Maybe Marin or her family feel she isn't Hamada's priority ? This season, its clearly she focused on Satoko and her way to Olympics. Next season, Rika might move to senior, a girl with 3A and potential quad, what's Marin's position in that group ? I think a coaching chang is a need for Marin but I'm surprise she choose Raf of all coaches. IMO I would like her to move to Marina Zoueva. But she trained in Cali for 1 month already and if thing didn't worked, I doubt she/her team could make an announcement for a long term training. Idk how this gonna work, but at least it show Marin is serious about her skating career and want to improve. 

    I think all the top coaches are strict and high demanding. In case of Brian and Raf, the biggest difference is Brain does protect his student in front of media, but Raf doesn't. Remember how he rant about Nathan's family after OG, but when his student do well, its all because they listen to him. 

  3. All the best to Marin. Its a difficult to move to another country and train but I think she need a big change. When Hamada said Marin lazy a couple of time in front of media, I feel this would happen. Hamada might do it with good attention, but "lazy" is a strong word and it could hurt one's pride, not to mention Marin's parents.I don't think Marin is lazy, she just lacks of focus and motivation , and if we don't compare her to those hard working skaters like Satoko, Mao, Yuzuru, Shoma, she's fine. Tbh I would like to see her with Marina Zoueva

    Hopefully she can focus on training while in japan they would force her to do millions CF and show. I don't like Raf and he won't protect his skater had he/she underperform. 


    As for the rumor of Wakaba-Orser, I have a feeling its always fan's wish. Maybe its too good to be true and I'm scare that I would be disappointed had it not come true. I'll believe when it happen. 

  4. I think it make sense that Yuzuru's back to Toronto for rehab, and having his coaches watch him closely ( Sorry I'm always worried when Yuzuru practice/skate alone). There's almost 3 weeks until ice show, and since he wont skate, he can go back to Japan right before it. Maybe he already back to TCC before WC. Who know's maybe he also there for new choreo :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:


    The guy who posted pic seem to be a harness specialist as far as I remember

  5. 1 hour ago, Xen said:

    Yep, I think SC and COR is more likely for Yuzu if he doesn't get NHK. Timing wise it works well for him, and he's well liked in Russia. Since Mikhail will likely get CoR, that blocks Nathan, Shoma from going. It does leave open the possibility of Boyang also to COR, since Russia/China travel distance isn't that great.


    As for SC: I guess Keegan will get the pick for SC, but since he's not top 3, any of the top 3 could end up at SC. Or JSF could get crafty and have Shoma and Yuzu both at SC and NHK? It might mean JPN men go 1-2 each competition and secure 2 slots for GPF. o_O

    For the men, SC might just be the wildcard GP, where anyone could show up.




    About COR, Rus Fed might want to protect Kolyada as he's so hot and cold. As for Yuzuru and Shoma, well, I doubt JSF would pull a COC's japanese ladies twice. Imagine, they could have 4 gold instead of 2 gold-2 silver. It also effect to skater's world/season ranking and who's know, it might hurt their chance to GPF. Weird thing always happen, who could've thought Javi end up #6 at COC

  6. 48 minutes ago, Xen said:

    Assuming that Javi doesn't do the full GP circuit, he's a total wild-card. He might just show up at IdF.  18/19 GP series will be wild, just because of wild-card Boyang, Yuzu and possibly Javi (if he decides to do any GP) ruining any and every Fed's party.

    Javi has his own show around November, for sure he won't do GPs. 


    As for Yuzuru, it will be SC+NHK/COR/Idf. I dont think he will do SA and COR. 

    The ladies is more predictable, SC+Idf for Keatlyn, SA+NHK for Satoko, COC+COR for Wakaba. I wonder who will get COR between Evgenia and Alina ? or both ? 

  7. If Yuzuru does Idf, I think he wont do NHK. Imagine NHK-Idf-GPF-National, he will have 4 comps in less than 2 months, not to mention the travelling will be a nightmare 


    As for ladies, I think SC and Idf for Keatlyn. Very curious who will get NHK, although I think Satoko has way higher chance to get it than Wakaba

  8. 1 hour ago, ralucutzagy said:

    lol, maybe they will put judges in the middle of audience to count how many ppl are crying, laughing or  bored to death :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:


    54 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:

    Apparently by how involved the crowd and the judges are, engaged, the applause etc. I .... see so many problems here.


    Wow I can see some dedicate fans bring speakers (with recorded applause, crying, screaming)  into the arena :drama:

  9. 1 minute ago, Pamigena said:


    well, I would assume that JSF doesn't want Shoma and Yuzu in the same GPs, but I don't think there's an actual rule to apply here that they can't be in the same event. So I would guess they'll have to figure out the assignments for the world medalists first before they move on to "I give you this and you give me that" backroom deals to see how they can keep those two away from each other until the GPF.

    Thats why I mean in term of strategy because technically they can be in same GPs. The top 3 then 4-6 will get their pick first, and so far I only think SA for Nathan and COR for Kolyada are lock.  I remember in 2016 Kolyada have to wait whether he would get COC or NHK because Yuzuru didn't decide his GPs at that time.  

  10. 29 minutes ago, BrightonDogwoods said:

    Why can't Yuzu and Shoma be at same event? Yuzu is not a world medalist...


    I'm putting my money on Yuzu doing GP IF he is healed, and he'll be at NHK (w or w/out Shoma). How long has it been since he skated in Japan?? NHK '16 right? Missed 2 Nats...


    In term of strategy,  no fed would put both of their top contender in the same GP. Imagine, one of them would end up silver when they would bring more gold. I would like to think JSF learnt their lesson when they put both Dai and Yuzuru at NHK12 (and both of them are world medalist at that time) and opened a can of worm


    I'm glad that Yuzuru wasn't here. Who know those disaster could bring out what's kind of demon in him. When I saw people went  how amazing the K&C was, I just feel a vert dark energy around it. Even the ladies couldnt escape. 


    Seem like there's alot drama on twitter now. I'm glad I mute all the words I need to mute :laughing:. I dont know why people still have energy to rant and bash each other. Shouldn't we glad that its finally over now ? Yuzuru's WR still stand there and that's all matter. I dont care about those what if theories and scoring potential. Gosh, we didn't know who's gonna win after SP, let alone things happen in the next season. 

  11. 1 hour ago, ICeleste said:

    I feel like praising Yuzu so I'm saying this again.

    The general splatfest that happened at both events in Milan highlights how really remarkable it was for Yuzuru to win Worlds right after winning GPF and Olympics in the same season. And he did it at 18/19 years old. It's completely understandable that skaters are exhausted at this point- his mentality and strength is the rare exception, not the norm. He's that incredible. How ironic that some people insist on picking him out for being "inconsistent".
    Of course, there were some exceptions like Wakaba, who didn't go to PC and Chen who did well today but bombed terribly a month ago.
    The only skater who was able to deliver at both Olympics and Worlds was Kaetlyn. Kudos to her

    Well I always say sometimes people (including fan) underestimate him as a competitor. The pressure of OGM is no joke, Yuna also bomb her SP at WC10. And in an interview, Adelina said that people always expect OGM to be perfect, they don't have right to make mistake. It takes a special mental strength to handle that That said, one of the reason why I think Yuzuru skated well at Saitama was he did not treat the Sochi as a win. He regreted about that LP alot and its his motivation for the last 4 years. 

    I'm very curious to hear what's Yuzuru, Javi, Patrick and Brian thought about this event. And I miss Patrick's shade about quads too :popcorn:

    Ahhhh, I need to watch H&L to cleanse my soul. 

  12. 10 minutes ago, wildstrawberry said:

    idk,i haven't studied the issue,but i can't possibly see them inviting him,their purpose is to facilitate,not complicate their skaters'access to the GPF.personally i think yuzu is gonna skip the gp season even if fully healed,but that's just my opinion and the reason i didn't think too much about the assignments 

    If Yuzuru fully healed, he will do GPs. Idk, it depend on him and many other factors. Again, my prediction is just for fun :laughing:  I think even if Yuzuru skips GPs, they still put him on the roster and WD later, just like Sui/Han last season. 


    Anyway, Can I get CiONTU tomorrow ? I need some healing contents. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, wildstrawberry said:

    nathan at nhk?!?! why? JSF can't possibly be that incompetent

    So where you gonna put him at ? Shoma and Yuzuru can' be at the same event, and Kolyada is lock for COR. Another option that could avoid is 

    Nathan : SA & TEB

    Shoma :  COC &NHK 

    Kolyada : SC & COR

    <-- In this case Yuzuru will get SC&COR. But Shoma have to do back to back event, I'm not sure he want it. 


  14. We get top 6 : Nathan-Shoma-Kolyada-Bychenko-Kazuki-Deniss. Bychenko might retire after this so it push Aliev into the seed. So 

    - Assume that Yuzuru will do GP, he might get SC & NHK 

    Nathan : SA & NHK

    Shoma : COC & TEB

    Kolyada : SC & COR

    -IF Yuzuru skips GP : 

    Nathan: SA&TEB

    Shoma : SC & NHK

    Kolyada : COC & COR

    I think Kazuki will get NHK, Deniss and Aliev will get one Eu GP each

    Boyang will do SA & COC again.  


  15. I watched this comp on ipad when I'm on the train and people just gave me weird look when I gasp once in 30s. I feel pain in my body after this. Truly a disaster final group. Some highlight 

    - Kazuki Tomono is the star of this event. Only one bad landing in his world debut. He is a good performer and I hope he can improve his jump/spin next season. And he got a small bronze 

    -Deniss Deniss I love you. That skate receive less than 85 pcs is a crime. 

    -Misha and Bychenko skated so well. Considering this may be their last skate, I'm glad they end their career with a high note. 

    - Kazuki  and Deniss should get silver and bronze and this is my hot take. 

    Boyang broke my heart. Its so hard to watch a skater fall apart like that, let alone your fave. I hope he can leave this behind him. 

    When I saw Kolyada's LP I know Shoma would get silver. Its like a pattern for him. Whether he bomb or skate well, he would get silver. He really outdid his senpai on this. I hope his ankle is ok, the fall on 4lo is scary

    I'm glad Nathan save the last group by landing his jumps. When he came on to the ice, I just want him to stay on his feet. Yes, its overscore, but I get at that time, the judges just want some light aka no more than 2 falls and he delivered more than that. His pcs will start with 90+ at the beginning of next season. 

    Watching the last group just suck all my energy and I won't rant about scoring anymore. No one touch Yuzuru'sWR and its all matter

    To think of it, Nathan won all comps this season except Olympics. Yuzuru only won one comp and its Olympic. Choose your fighter :laughing:

    Now we get the top 6. My prediction for GP will come soon 




  16. 7 minutes ago, dotsquare said:


    I was surprised to hear he was back on the ice so soon as well. I'm hoping it's a good sign that his ankle is healing, and not that he's pushing himself too much. 


    All of this recent talk about Yuzu's future has really lifted my spirits! I was scared that the 2019 Saitama Worlds would be his last comp, but now I feel rest assured that Yuzu isn't going anywhere. 


    The Matsuoka interview is yet another time that Yuzu has spoken about what he has thrown away to pursue his skating dream. I wonder what sorts of things he's talking about. Obviously a big one is living together with his entire family. But I wonder what other dreams he has thrown away, because if I'm not mistaken, in other interviews I've seen, he's been quite adamant that his mind is focused on skating exclusively (along with earphones and gaming of course). 


    For example, Nathan Chen has expressed interest in studying medicine. Maybe Yuzu has other dreams too but he's just never made them public? 

    He doesn't skate on his own ice show and I think he really want to take it easy and let the ankle heal properly. Brian said he doesn't want to lose the feel, so he's skating, but not training, mainly to test his ankle and the range of movement he could do. Yuzuru and his team has alot of experience in these case so I trust them. 

    I think Yuzuru's feeling is so complicate, and we can't guess much base on his words. But he's very young and smart, he's only 23 and he can do or start anything he want at that age ( Gosh I feel old ....:cry:

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