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Posts posted by Katt

  1. 9 minutes ago, hoodie axel said:

    And the GOE bullets mean no one apart from Yuzuru and Boyang ought to be getting +5, right? Right?!

    We don't know how they consider very good height/length/take off though. Judges still gave most top skaters high GOE without any step before solo SP jumps in the past few years. Even Evgenia and Javi got several 10s in pcs when they fall. Don't expect judges actually apply the rules properly

    With this new bullets, Boyang's  current jump quality is mosly around 3. 

  2. WOW so new GOE factor base on BV too o___o +1 GOE = 10% BV. You can get 17.25 max for a 4lz 


    - You can still get positive GOE for UR/flutz/lip ???????

    - BV and GOE for step/spin are mostly the same. GOE for stsq4 is even lower (+1.95)

    - I can't get the logic with 3lz = 5.9 -> 4lz = 11.5 and 3A=8.0 -> 4A = 12.5 ? So basically, they encourage skater to try any quad but 4A. And if you UR it, it will worth less than an UR 4lo/4f/4lz

    - No step require for solo jump in SP\

    This is still proposal so it can be change... right ?????

  3. 11 hours ago, Danibellerika said:

     I sat next to journalists in PC for the men's short who didn't even know who he was until he skated (or rather until they saw me with my pooh ears and banner and wanted an explanation), so I guess my expectations are pretty low too.  But hey, they certainly learned that day.  

    The fact that they go to an event without knowing the defending champion :facepalm: But yeah, its good to have low expectation, so at least we won't get disappoint for these kind of article. I dont think this one is bad, but certainly it could be much better. 

  4. I have pretty low expectation for ESPN article so at least I didn't turn out too bad. Of course this is just an attached article to the ranking so it has to focus on fame, but a few sentence about his record and legacy in his sport would been better. 

    As a former journalist,  I will never send someone to Japan, attend to his ice show and parade to get back an article like this. Its such a waste of time and money when  you can get 90% info with 5 mins of googling. I kinda hope there's another article with more insight info but considerring her editor want to know about Winnie the Pooh so I guess that's it. 

  5. I dont rule out COC + NHK option for Shoma. Its back to back event, but both are in Asia so less traveling time and jet lag. Javi used to do back to back GP in 2016 and he was world champ at that time. I think SA and IDF for Nathan is fix ( as he state like its the only option to do both GP without missing classes) Kolyada might do SC + COR. As for Yuzuru, SC is more likely, that would leave one of NHK/COR/IDF left. At best  Yuzuru and Shoma might meet at one GP, not both. Its not only reduce their chance of GPF (you'll never know what happen, case in point : Javi last season and Ashley in 2016-17), but  less gold medal for JSF. I think JSF will try their best to avoid Yuzuru and Shoma before GPF.

    Give how Yuzuru know his pattern very well, I guess he would do IDF as he often won the last GP. I dont think he would choose SA and COC. 


    Prediction :

    Nathan : SA + IDF

    Shoma : COC + NHK

    Kolyada : SC + COR 

    Yuzuru : SC + IDF

    Boyang : COC + COR

  6. Tbh Yuna, Yuzu and Javi all come to TCC for better training condition with top coaches, top choreographers, great facilities ( and a bit pcs boost) and they would have more ice time there than in their own country. They hardly ever train with a professional team before while Evgenia did for a long time,  just different in style and habit. I agree with Mishin and Raf, they have valid concern. But both Brian and Evgenia know all eyes will be on them so next season will be very interesting. 

  7. IMO we probably only knew 10% of the whole story. Alot of parties involve and we never know all the behind the scene deals. The way Eteri reveal private chat on national TV is wrong on every level. But the fact this spilt became a big mess like this means Evgenia's side wasn't 100% right either. I think oth side could've behave better. While most people focus on Eteri and Evgenia (and Brian), I feel Rus fed play a more important role than what media focus. There's no way Evgenia could move to Canada that soon and easy without some green lights from Rus fed.  

  8. Great interview from Orser. I'm glad he really appreciated what Eteri did with Evgenia.I remember when Yuzu won Sochi, he said he want to thank all his former coaches who tought him great basic.  Although I laughed when he said Evgenia has fantastic jump technique :laughing: but I won't blame him for giving a bit PR for his student


  9. 43 minutes ago, wpisces said:

    Same to me. It may a matter of taste but I thought it's Patrick's SS quality made it appealing, not because these programs were choreographed excellently.

    Yes. Chan is the main reason why those program shine. But I think they all have more details and some very good transitions. Not only SS but I think Chan skated with more emotion in the last 2 seasons.

    Mai's FS is quite good. The stsq and chsq could be better but it suit her and highlight her smooth skating. 

  10. For the love of god, please don't package Evgenia like Yuna's 


    I dont know what to think about David Wilson, his choreo are pretty so so in the last quad. All of my fave choreo from him are Chan's programs ( The journey, Hallelujah). May be since all the eyes are on Evgenia and her program next season, David will invest more. I'm curious to see how non Russian choreographer would do with Evgenia.  When I look at Shae's program for Radionova, I can't help but think someone like Ashley Wagner can pull it off better. 


  11. 7 hours ago, Old Cat Lady said:


    No, Chan made a mistake on the triple axel at 2011 worlds. 


    We also have to define what exactly a "clean" skate is.  For purposes of objectivity, I simply define it as not having any negative GOE.  If you want to define it as not making any mistakes or skating what was intended, then technically Hanyu's 2018 short program wasn't "clean" since he made the mistake on the spin that cost him a level.


    fwiw, even the most hysterical of the ChanClan could only point to 3 clean free skates on Goldenskate, 1 at 2012 Canadian nationals (though with messy landings), 1 at 2013 TEB, and 1 at 2016 Four Continents.  though if you count national titles, that's still 2 clean competitions as far as I know.   


    By the loosest definition of "clean", Javier skated clean at 2018 Olympics - there was technically nothing wrong with the double salchow and if we're considering Chan's hooked/scratchy landings as clean or Yuzu's lost level on the spin as clean then Javier's performance was clean as well.   Not that familiar with Fernandez's history so don't know how he did on his nationals but since nationals are essentially glorified exhibitions for both Chan and Fernandez I don't think it's all that germane.


    Though, I think of mental toughness more to do with "skating to your potential" when it matters most rather than being squeaky clean.  By that, I mean that even though Nathan made mistakes in his Olympic and World free skates, since they were about as well as he's been able to skate, he still skated to his potential.  Or even though Shoma fell at the Olympics and 2017 worlds, he still displayed mental toughness because he skated about as well as you ever see him skate in the 2 biggest events.  Same with Chan at 2011 worlds.    


    It's hard to judge Nathan's mental toughness.  He has yet to skate well in international competition when he was under real pressure but he also hasn't been put in the situation that often.  


    My bad. I just rewatch Chan's 2011 WC peformance. So he skated 2 clean program in 1 comp only once. His FS at SC15 and GPF15 could count as clean too because no one know if he plan 2 quad or 1 quad. 

    For me, clean skate is no negative GOE and all plan jumps are succeed. If you didn't count Yuzu's OG SP as clean because spin level, both of his peformance at GPF15 are the same (stsq3). If Javi's OG FS is clean because of no negative GOE, Yuzuru's WTT15 FS, 4CC17 SP should count too. I think the lost level in stsq/spin is much smaller mistake than pop jump, whether in term of BV or performance. 

    I think all top 6 men are all good competitor, as they deliver alot of time. With the youngster like Nathan, Shoma, Boyang, I need to see them more, especially Nathan since he only compete in senior 2 seasons so far.  

  12. Javi is a better competitor than Chan in the last quad, but overall, they're about the same IMO. Javi never skate 2 clean programs in one comp in his career, while Chan did it twice i think (TEB2013, WC2011). If you look at the score, Chan had lower BV than Javi in the last quad, and his pcs was underscored in the last 2 season so it make sense that his score is lower than Javi. When they have similar BV (around Sochi), Chan often score higher. For me I tend to look at the amount of mistake they make at comp than the score/result. WC16 and OG18 are actually 2 comp that Javi made the least mistake (1 fall and 1 pop)

  13. 26 minutes ago, kaerb said:

    Korean and Kpop fandom is even more terrifying, their police forces really should recruit these fans :laughing:

    The gold level is always Changmin's reflection on a spoon in Victoria's picture :laughing:. Its always amaze me whenever i think about it :laughing:


    Back to Yuzuru, his lastest event in Japan was on 26th, FAOI is almost 1 month later so its possible that he goes back to TCC for rehab. Its easier for him to get more ice time there. Not to mention, choreo :smiley-love017: 

  14. 1 minute ago, Xen said:

    That's why we have Ghislain and Tracy on the team.  And with this season, we see how close Yuzu and Ghislain are, so it's possible Ghislain goes with Yuzu to JNats with Tracy. 

    Also, I'm getting my defense gear ready against extreme shippers and possessive fans. =)

    Well I dont mind having Ghislain and Tracy at jpn Nat. Actually I love it :smiley-love017:

  15. Now its confirmed. Tbh I admit I surprise by this move. Evgenia is probably one of the last person I think would move to TCC because


    1/ TCC's strength is the package and polishness then the jump technique. Evgenia is a polish skater, not the kind of polish I like, but she is polish. Her weakness is 2A and 3lz but its hardly ever stopping her from winning. 


    2/  Just like Raf said, both Brian and Evgenia gonna have a hard situation. She may improve artistry/SS but it won't reflect on her score because her pcs is already max out.  And TCC always has some hit and miss, with their packaging and program. We will never know. 

    3/ Brian has no influence in Rus fed and Rus Nat is always a big politic mess.. Unfortunately its a very important comp for Russian and it may effect to international scoring. Most skater went to Brian are from small fed that his name will give them a bit pcs boost ( with better programs and packacking of course) . Evgenia might be ok next season but the next next season when Kostonaia and Trusova turn senior, it will be a hard battle, along with Alina. 4 years are a long time and we know Eteri has a long line up of talent juniors who can pull an Alina in 2022. 


    That's said its still better than staying with Eteri . I think Evgenia want to change training enviroment and give herself better shot for 2022 OG team and longer career. It won't be easy, we don't know how she gonna do and how long it will take for her to adapt the new training system. Alot of skaters never click well with TCC. I saw alot of people being too optimistic about this change but I will wait to see her development and programs before judging. I hope the best for her. At least she won't end up like Yulia and Adian. 


    As for Brian, I pray for his sanity as there will be 4348208448 articles of 309859 opinions from all possible Russian skaters/coaches. It will be crazier than Jpn media. And the pressure from Rus fed.  We all joke about how Raf gonna deal with JSF, USfed, KSU but with Brian its JSF, RusFed, Skate canada, KSU @_@

    This is the first and last time I mention Yuzuru into this coaching change. They compete at different discipline, has different schedule and at the different point of their career so the situation is different like with Javi back then. Without Javi, Yuzuru is the one who has longest time at TCC and he already developed a great relationship and connection with the whole coaching team there, so I'm not worry. And as a 2 times OGM, he always has all the attention that he need. And JSF will respect and support him as long as he deliver which I'm sure he will most of the time :) As about the shipping/shipper it may get worse but dont forget you have an useful tool call mute/block on twitter and ignore on forums. We can just hope and pray it won't affect to skaters themselves

    Now Rus Nat and Jpn Nat are at the same time, which one will Brian show up  :popcorn:?

  16. I guess this means his recovery going really well :smiley-happy105: I don't mind if he only do step/spin as he said at Ciontu that is also a part of his rehab. Maybe he can do some simple jumps at some later shows  He can test his new program too. :smiley-happy085:

  17. I feel like everytime a skater underperform or leaving coach , Brian Oser name automatically pop up :laughing: I read about 10 TCC rumors but none come true so far. I doubt he would take that many students in one season. Take a look at Montreal's situation, I dont know how they gonna handle that many ID team ...

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