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Posts posted by Katt

  1. 6 hours ago, ruruzest said:

    can we take a moment to enjoy the interaction between GHISLAIN and Yuzu please ?

    this is the first time we see a lot of GHISLAIN and he is so wholesome , loving and fun ! Pulled a ninja selfie with Yuzu ! I love his genuine and warm smile !

    Admins , could we please have an emoticon of GHISLAIN ? Thank you so much !!!

    I love all moments of Ghislain and Yuzuru at this Olys :smiley-love017: They have a very close relationship and I can see he's really care about Yuzuru. I'm glad to see him play a bigger role in coaching team this season and I hope this will continue And the long hug he gave to Yuzuru after his skate is <3


    I read Brian's interview. It make sense that Yuzuru need time. Olys is just 1 month ago, he's tired both physically and mentality, not to mention about his ankle. Let him enjoy the time with his family. The fact that he's back on ice this soon for rehab surprise me, I thought it would be way later. I trust Yuzuru will make a best decision and I believe we will see him compete at least 1-2 more season. From Brian's words, it seem he also want Yuzuru continue too.  

  2. I checked the result with just one eye open. I thought Alina is a lock, so when I saw Keatlyn name and then Wakaba -"OMG Wakaba got bronze" until I realize the number 2 beside and top 10 order. Its such an experience :smiley-scared001:Some thoughts :

    - Keatlyn deserve the gold. I'm not a fan of her LP but her jumps certainly make a lot of wow factor when she landed them. What a great season for her and her pcs will rise through the roof after this. I hope she has a better LP next season.

    - Wakaba has the best performance of the night and should have won the LP. You could see she's nervous before the 3lz3t and I'm so happy that my girl end her season with a performance of her life. People so eager to write her off, call her a headcase but I know she will never give up. She's not always deliver, but when she does, very few one can beat her in term of power, speed and raw emotion. That stsq is everything and I;m glad this time this is happy tears for her. This silver will give her alot of confidence and I can't wait for her to slay next season. Work on that 3A, girl.  

    - I think this confirm Shin Amano has a soft spot for Satoko. She won medal both of the time he's in tech panel. I dont know what to say when she won medal with weaker LP of the whole season. Her jumps were off and the performance is no where near to Olys. The most obvious UR is her 2nd lutz and I'm surprise they didn't call it, the same with 3F and 3T. This will make some people hate her more because the tech panel did do their jobs today with all other skaters. 

    - Carolina, such a beautiful disaster. I know she will find a way to bomb her LP, but I didn't expect they put her off podium (rightfully so)

    - I'm so sorry for Alina. She looked tired and nervous at this comp. The problem with her LP is all her jumps are so close to each other and she doesn't have time to recover had one of them go wrong. I hope she can put this performance behind her, she still a big winner of this season. I'm glad to see some support from her team in k&c. Its not easy to perform when you're an OGM with all attention and pressure. I  find its a coincidence when she skate clean both program in EU and Olys, with Evgenia there. Its always easier to be a chaser than being chased. Its the same with the men. When you have the one to beat there (Yuzuru, Evgenia), you will have half of pressure and twice motivated. I guess the Rus fed must pray for Evgenia's recovery right now ( and me too, I hope to see her comeback strong)

    - The second best perf went to Loena. Such a presence and charisma. I would put her 3rd in LP. She derserve at least 65 pcs IMO. And my hot take is she should won bronze. 

    - US has 2 spot next year and tbh I dont think they need the 3rd spot. Bradie' pcs is a crime when we compare with Loena, but she did well in her world debut and stay on her feet. No question, she's the most reliable US lady right now. Mirai seems to leave her 3A at PC, the tech panel really have no mercy on her

    - Such a contrast to the SP when 4 of top 6 underperformed. I heard Gabby sprained her ankle before LP. Gosh, why this girl can't catch a break.


    This is hand down the most unexpected results of the year. Can't wait to see what happen with the men's :popcorn:If Wakaba pulled a WC 12 Yuzuru, I hope Boyang will pull a WC17 Yuzuru or OG Queen Aliona :smiley-happy085:


    I think Keatlyn will continue next season as GPF is in canada. My prediction for GP :

    -Keatlyn : SC, TEB

    -Wakaba : COC, COR

    -Satoko : SA, NHK 

  3. I remember Shoma had new pair around JO, but it didn't cause him too much trouble like this time. The last time I heard about Yuzuru and boot issue is summer 2014. There's an article about he bought 3 new pair but only one fit I think. Last season Nathan had boot issue and last year SA/GPF he had blade issue . Now, Shoma, Keiji, Dabin all have the same problem after Olys. 


    Shoma..... :slinkaway:

  4. Scoring aside, I think this is a good men's event. There's more good performances than bad ones. Some great skates form earlier groups like Kazuki, Keegan, Deniss. I think the top 6 performed well, Aliev's mistakes was huge in term of TES, but the whole perf was not bad. Kazuki is really a highlight. He has a potential of a great performer, I hope he can improve his jump and spin. His SS is ok and quite smooth. 


    I read that Shoma want to do his original layout. Please don't :hopelessness:. Who care about 3 spots ? They only has 2 spots in WC16 and its still not the end of the world. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, Lilona said:

    Alena Kostornaya landed triple Axel... And with difficult enter. And it looks a lot like Yuzuru's enter oO. And Massimiliano Ambesi liked my comment T___T I'm happy



    The best 3A of the day. 


    I read a document from Skate canada about requirement for skaters next season, and seem like its confirm that senior men's LP will be cut to 4 mins with 7 jumping pass (3 combo). Everything's still the same. I guess most skaters knew this info, just the quad's BV and GOE factor still in discuss. So this might not affect too much in choreo. Skaters still get new program and adjust it instead of waiting for ISU document. 

  6. 1 minute ago, WinForPooh said:

    I'm rooting for Vincent because they should have the champion they deserve. By they I mean ISU, feds and judges. And tech panels. They should have him.


    But you're right about Shoma. If he has only the 4T, his BV is very low. Two 3As, two 4Ts, and then what?!

    They deserve but we don't need it. Please for the love of god, Boyang and Kolyada :hopelessness:


    As for Shoma, 2 2A I think. Idk, he has to fight real hard today and the LP is another beast. I just hope his right foot doesn't get worse after this. 

  7. I think Boyang still has chance. 6 points in men's event means nothing, remember the last 2 WCs. But I have a feeling they will do everything to rob him even when he goes clean. Prediction :  Boyang win LP but 1 pts behind Nathan overall :13877886:I pray Boyang will pull a Yuzuru WC17 

     As for Shoma, if they take out both 4F and 4Lo, his content will be lower than his senior debut because I dont think he will do the lutz. He has a chance of medal, but he need to skate clean and need some help from others. 

    Kolyada is too wild to predict. Vincent will medal if he stays on his feet even if he UR all his jumps (likely happen tho)


    I can't believe I'm this mad about a men's event that Yuzuru's not even there lol

  8. I can't believe they close their eyes for 10+ UR just to call Boyang's 4T :facepalm:. Vincent's combo, Nathan's 4F, Nam's 4T&4S were all UR. Minus Boyang, all top 6 were overscore. Shoma's stsq change from level 3 to 4 with a stumble is lol <-- Edit : I rewatched Shoma's sp and he did not stumble during stsq. I'm sorry if my words confuse anyone. 

    IMO the ranking should be Kolyada-Boyang-Nathan-Keegan-Shoma. GOE for Kolyada, Nathan, Vincent, Shoma were too high.  I would give Kolyada 98, Boyang 96+ Nathan 95, Shoma 90. Vinvent, well,87- 88 <-- change the ranking because on slow mow, Boyang's 4T did look borderline. Its was close. 


    Ok Last words. Where're Yuzu and Javi when we need them ?????????


  9. 1 minute ago, yuzupon said:

    Problems with that: 1) was he forced to donate that pair? why did it? 2) what I heard was that pair is now too worn out anyway. So, again, still avoidable.

    His old boot worn out too fast and the new one give him trouble even though he got a few weeks to break in. I agree it can be avoidable, but sometimes things just go wrong that skater can't control it. Keiji also have boot issue too. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Xen said:

    Well, she skated cleaner....

    Well I agree with that pcs, just a bit surprise judge give her higher pcs than Keatlyn. 


    Overall, the placement for top 4 is correct. I would give 74 for Alina, 72 for Satoko (let's be real, the lutz was UR and the toe was close to <<),  70 for Keatlyn, 67 for Wakaba, 65 for Maria and Bradie. But of course, I'm not judge :slinkaway:

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