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Posts posted by Katt

  1. 5 hours ago, asiacheetah said:

    I thought Misha Ge announced his retirement. He's #13

    Also thought Kegan retired as well and he's #22.

    Not sure if Voronov retired yet.

    Daddy Mura retired didn't he? He's #35

    Now I definitely read somewhere that Paul Fenz retired and he's listed as #37

    Elijah Balde DEFINITELY retired and he's #66


    This exclusion makes no sense!

    Yes I noticed a couple of retired skaters still there. Only Patrick and D/R are missing. This is weird. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


    I'm pretty excited to see if Shae can help him diversify his style a bit. I though maybe an EX or show number, too, seeing as he was so adamant about competiting with Coach Fluffy's choreography. :biggrin:

    Me too. Both David Wilson and Shae can help him improve his range of movements. Ex is nice but it can't be compare to competitive program. 

  3. As long as Yuzuru's in final group for WC/4CC/GP, I dont care if he's #3 or #6 in WS. He's #1 for years but never skate last in such events. Maybe he will have a better luck with drawing when he's not #1 WS anymore :laughing:

  4. I think current minimum age is fine. Or 16 would be ok but no more than that. People rant alot when Mao miss Torino by a few months, the same with Eunsoo and You Young. For a lot of skaters, they will quit once they got OGM/WC, be it a 15 y.o or 17y.o. Some only want to compete when they're young and then move on (I find this happen to alot US skaters). Tbh I don't want to see a young talent stuck in junior for 4-5 years. 2 or 3 years are enough. 

      I roll my eyes abit when I read Brian's comment. I always find there's a double standard when it comes to Trusova and Gogolev. Its not like men won't have to go through puberty. 

  5. 1 hour ago, kelly said:

    Tbf they're still only proposals so we can hope isu is not that stupid

    When ISU is not stupid ? :slinkaway: But yeah, they are just proposals. I can see most skaters would wait after June to get their choreo, especially the men. After all, rule is rule, how judges use them is another thing. They said no 10s for a program with fall but Javi and Evgenia still got it a couple of times. The problem is never the system, its the judges 


    I see no proposal about spin/step so the BV/requirement for these element might stay the same. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, singermelodie1 said:

    All the programs are gonna look the same which is why I'm not against backloading, if it fits the songs. If it doesn't, penalize it in the component score.

    Why no deduction for falls? And bonus for clean programs? Shouldn't that already be the goal to have a clean program?

    Yeah I can imagine most programs will be the same : jump jump jump spin step jump jump jump jump step spin spin :slinkaway: 

    Why they complain about quad and the lack of artistry and variety but encouraging more type of quad and creating more rules in reality ????

  7. 32 minutes ago, sallycinnamon said:

    Agenda of the ISU Congress has been published in the latest ISU Communication with all the proposals included.



    A few interesting proposals :


    -  Canada : last4 jumps in 2nd half count in FS as bonus, and last 2 for SP. Japan : last 3 for FS and last one for SP 

    - Bonus for clean FS with 6 types of jumps (triple and quad) ( Japan)

    - No more step require before solo jump in SP as it already count in GOE 

    - No repeat any type of quad (triples are ok) because of variety and giving credit to skaters that can perform all types of quad jumps

    - Increase PCS factor for men : 1.2 for SP and 2.4 for Fs to bring back the balance between TES and PCS

    - No more compulsory deduction for fall as it should reflact in Pcs

    So they want more variety and artistry but create more rules in reality :slinkaway:

  8. SP : Violin music. Choreo by Jeff (My dream is Yuzuru skate to Chaconen in G minor but i feel its unlikely :smiley-sad021:)

    FS : a dark dramatic program please. Attack on titan ost has some good songs. Choreo by Shae

    Ex : something mid tempo/upbeat and fun. Choreo by David Wilson or Jeff 


    I think at least one of his program's music will come from japanese composer

  9. I don't like backloading program but i also don't like the idea of no more than 4 of 7 jump passes in 2d half. Ain't they make 2nd half bonus to prevent front loading program ? You don't have to limit the number of bonus jumps if you judge pcs accordingly. Why stop skater who do difficult thing when they can ? The backloading is mostly ladies'thing. but its just a very small group and only Alina did the whole backload FS in senior. None of the men do backloading FS, quad or no quad. Pairs doesn't have 2nd half bonus anymore. 


    As for the possible goe criteria, its no different from -3/+3. But I can see judges would be strict with +4/+5 in the first 2 season and go wild when its come to Beijing 2022

  10. As for as I remember Roman sadovsky left TCC after a year because he didn't have enough attention from coaching team there. 


     I want to keep a low expectation until i see Boyang at TCC and his development. I recalled how dissapointed I was when Young You's back to Korea, when we even saw Ghislain with her at JGP. I love TCC but its not a magic land to fix everything. They, as all coaching team out there have hit and miss. Not all programs from TCC skaters are great either (in fact they had some very bad one) I think I'm not the type to predict skater's improvement just base on the past successes of a coaching team. When Yuzuru's coaching change was announced  in 2012, alot of people thought it was bad move, and "there's nothing Orser can help him" :laughing:  


    I would be very surprise to see a permanent move from Boyang. A few summer camp/workshop would be great enough at this point. 


    Ps: As for the recordchina article a few pages ago, its published on 20/4, a summary of Zhao interview with Sina so I dont think it has any new info ( That twitter user has a tendency of recycling news when people seem to forget/move on so ...)

  11. As far as I remember Brian never coach anyone as a secondary coach. I find its hard to imagine that he would want to co coach Boyang with a chinese coach with all the confict, different culture and training system/habit. For Boyang's case, I think its more like some summer camps/workshop and Brian + other coaches would fix his programs abit (mostly jump entries/expression I think). Deniss trained in TCC a couple of times during off season with Lambiel there. 


    After all, its still plan. Lets wait for final confirmation first.

  12. I read several translations and I agree its more like a short term for Boyang. They used the word "work with " not "train under". In summer 2016, Boyang ( and Zijun) went to Lori for choreo and trained there for 1 month I think. It might be the same this time. If he goes to TCC for summer camps, he will join multiple training sessions with different coaches, not only Brian. Anyway its still good and let's hope it will come true (and he will be in Toronto when Yuzu's there)  

  13. 16 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


    That makes alot more sense. :( Goodbye, 5lz.

    Sorry for killing the mood :13877886:I'm just the type who dont want to be too excited when things still in doubt. Hanyan planed to train with Raf and thing didn't  work out. Better wait for confirmation when they're still considering.


    I think TCC have no problem with any skater go there for summer camp. Its still good for Boyang even for a short time  

  14. Its always the same people who always complain everything of Fanyu. Ignore them. As a kpop fan, I always stay away from all kinds of polls. We'll see Yuzuru this weekend after 1.5 months and its the only thing matters for me :smiley-happy105:

  15. I saw people being salty because Yuzuru won every polls in the past 2 years so I'm glad this time I don't have to unblock IN to vote :laughing:. It would be hilarious if IN wouldn't get the result they want after all their desperate effort :laughing:

  16. 1 hour ago, Neenah said:

    I am a lecturer and have taught and did research with undergraduate students for the past seven years. I have met many young students who think they can do anything and overload themselves only to burn out. It is quite sad since it is the most promising and ambitious ones who are usually the victims of this. For Nathan, I think it is doable but he is going to need a lot of help. He will need the University to give him special consideration and scheduling. His coach and team need to figure out how to fit skating into his new life without over burdening him, and most importantly he will need the support of his family to be able to mentally cope with the load.


    Nathan is clearly smart but may be a bit over confident which is understandable considering his age and what he achieved so far. It is essential for the more experienced adults in his life to help him manage expectations of himself. The last thing he needs is cheer leaders (like his coach was during the season) pushing him to commit to things beyond his abilities.


    I do wish him the best of luck, he is truly is an exceptional young man and he deserves the best

    Yeah, I work in university I've seen alot students think they could take up as many course as they can in one sem and graduate real fast. Sadly most of them burn out after the first year. I agree that Nathan will need a lot of help from various parties (Yale, US fed, Raf....) What I'm worried is his schedule will be tight and if one unexpected thing happen, thing will be a mess. How much freedom Yale is gonna give to him ? Is Us fed willing to give him all the support and protect his #1 US man's status in the next 4 year ? Can a long distance coaching situation work out ? And from what I've seen, his team's bit inexperience. IMO Its impossible for Nathan to reach his full potential in skating and education had he does both at the same time. 

  17. 4 hours ago, Neenah said:

    I agree, he seems to be very optimistic about arranging things as he wants them to be, which may not be realistic. There are so many things that they will need to work out and I am not sure how he will manage it without burning out or hurting himself. I guess this year is the perfect time to try it and test his limits, but it would be prudent to have other plans in place in case this did not work  :shrug:


    I laughed at the "happy scheduling coincidences between the 2018-19 Yale academic calendar and the competitive schedule next season" because that is only few days commitment that would not really hurt his schedule. Training to stay in form and keep his quads is another issue entirely that would have huge effect on his studies.

    Well, he's very young and ambitious so it make sense that he think he can do it all. You never know how hard to balance both until it get you. When I found out he would go to Yale, I thought he already had all detail plans with his coach/us fed but it turn out all of them are confuse and don't know what to do as well. And don't forget that plans are just... plans, unexpected things always happen (just ask Yuzuru :cry:). 

    I laughed at that scheduling (especially the GPF one, as if the pre final is not enough to stress out :slinkaway:)  Its not like he could appear 5 mins before the SP/LP and skate and win. He need to be in the comp for the whole week, for practice, register, draw.... And practicing without main coach before any comp is also a big no.


    (Seem like they delete that part about Nathan's mom :smiley-scared003:)

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