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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Unless fanyus were the ones running JSF and the ISU, there is literally no way we could have possibly protected him from them. The best we can hope to do is protect him from other overstepping fans and even that's questionable. Instead of feeling guilty, just trust and support him and be there for him if things go sour.
  2. This. We really need to start trusting Yuzu WAY more. He's a man full-grown and running his own show -literally. If he agreed to do SOI, he has his reasons and they're probably much better than any reason we can think of.
  3. I don't know if they can be called a 'victory lap', although I understand why it might look that way. To me, these shows are uniquely Yuzu things. It's something that no one has ever done before and maybe no one will be able to do again. It's Yuzu's own artistic expression, his alone. It can't be compared to others, to what has come before, at all. And while they're definitely a triumph of his skill and creativity, they're not triumphs, per se. If there's anyone he could possibly be compared to, anyone who's had this kindof impact in the past, it's maybe - maybe - Sonja Henie. Has any other skater held the public's interest so intently, or answered it so well? I think only Yuzu.
  4. But the fact remains that it's the same total number of seats being sold, whether you're selling them all at once in a first-come, first-served feeding frenzy, or doling them out in miserly bits with round after round of lottery and getting people's hopes up, then dashing them, over and over again. It all comes down to the ultimate goal of the selling system, which should be the same in either case: to prevent excessive scalping and/or fraudulent ticket sales.
  5. @ImmortalBeloved Thank you for letting us know. RIP @Muffinator. I do remember her talking about her illness here. It's nice to know that she got so much strength and enjoyment from watching Yuzu and being a satellite. My sympathies to her family. Yuzu's performance is as spell-binding as ever. Yet now when I watch this, I can see how much he's raised the bar since then and improved even over this. If it works as easily as the online concerts that I've watched, I'll be very happy.
  6. Well, on the one hand, it's the size of stage Yuzu truly merits, but on the other,
  7. I keep thinking about what Yuzu must be experiencing right now, practicing, rehearsing, trying to get ready for GIFT... and everytime I do, I break out in goosebumps and my stomach flips over. Then my heartbeat speeds up and I get this 'whoa, so dizzy!' kind of feeling... just from imagining him training for it. I sure hope he's able to stay calm, because as his fan, I most definitely am not! I don't even know if I'll be able ( i.e. will have access to a livestream) to watch the show online and I'm still like this.
  8. Just an FYI to anyone who.mught be interested: Kurt Browning's doingnhis last Stars On Ice tour: https://www.starsonice.ca/news Ticket prices are super-reasonable and there's a bunch of good skaters in the line-up, so if you've ever wanted to visit Canada in spring, here's an excuse to do it!
  9. Wonder no more, of course it did. COVID attacks the cells that line the blood vessels. And it's been proven to cause more damage with repeat infections. Both those things would affect stamina negatively and would damage lung tissue. If Boyang's had two bouts, he needs to be really really bloody careful with his health now, or he won't be able to skate at all.
  10. Boyang looked blue in the face, ffs. Seriously thought he was going to need a stretcher to get off the ice.
  11. Jun and Boyang broke my heart today, but watching Keegan skate so well and Kao do such a great job was healing.
  12. Final four: Keegan briught his good energy, and brought the house down. Fell on the opening 4T but still finished top 5 Junhwan: i nearly cried when he fell on the combo. Kao: judges were not kind to him. Shun: fell on the opening jump, otherwise lovely
  13. 91.9 for Kao. Not bad but the judges still suck eggs! GO KEEGAN!!!
  14. Skate like that all the time, Jimmy. Seriously. Go Kao! Yes! Nice combo!
  15. This 3rd guy from Kazkhstan has very good energy but shaky jumps
  16. Sihyeong Lee...what gorgeous body lines...but major fall on 4T. ..
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