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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Clearly, made him very very happy and inspired! Just like the rest of us.
  2. That's so fun! I love how they edited it to look like a real anime OP!
  3. The saying no part is really, really hard. In my case if I say no to, say, working an extra hour at the end of the day to finish all the measurements that are due, a cancer patient gets their radiation treatment delayed by a day, and sometimes that has major implications for their care (esp if it's a fast-growing tumour). I'm supposed to be getting paid for the overtime according to contract, but owing to budget cuts the word from on high is that OT is not to be paid. Which means we're supposed to get time off in lieu. But we don't have enough time to do our work as it is. So time off in lieu only compounds the workload issue. It doesn't help that my specialty is a small group and on any given day there might be only one of us available to do this work. You can't win. It's like, I can look after myself and the patients will suffer; or I can suck it up so that they get what they need; but to look after myself and be able to do what the patients need is somehow a mutually exclusive thing. Anyway, to bring this back to Yuzu, you know how he says he feels like he has to give his all in every performance at ice shows and competitions because that might be the only time someone ever gets to see him skate live? That's how I feel like I have to be at my job all the time, because almost everything I do is a one-off like that and there's minimal margin for error. And I'm by no means alone in this; literally everyone I've met who works in radiation medicine is the same way.
  4. Okay that made me laugh! I can just picture how confused both he and Health Canada would be if someone ever seriously suggested such a thing. LOL I work in a teaching hospital, and we're awash in med students and residents...the fact that there's still a doctor shortage remains an enduring mystery to me. However, given the healthcare system's positive penchant for underestimating workload and severely overestimating worker's capacity to handle it, nothing is surprising to me any more.
  5. Well, I'm a physics associate in medical physics (not a qualified physicist myself, I just do the grunt work of counting electrons and photons for radiotherapy QC...literally). Would be happy to leap to greener pastures but have absolutely no quals for anything in medicine at all...:(
  6. Well someone has to, besides Yuzu and Voronov.
  7. Today, the only thing that kept me from quitting my job in a melancholic fit of despair was the thought of seeing Yuzu at Worlds, knowing I'm still in the process of paying for the tickets. My boss owes Yuzu big time, and will never know it. Just needed to share that.
  8. ...and if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't even remotely be contemplating planning tours of Kelowna for strangers from the Internet right now!
  9. The simplest explanation is that they're not too bright, so I'm going with that one.
  10. Rappin' in a yukata, such a bad boy!
  11. Aww, Toshl is sooo cute! The Planet should adopt him as an honourary satellite, he outdoes us all...
  12. I'm pretty sure that Yuzu could rap RunDMC in these blog entries and people would still go buy the product, so don't feel too sorry for them!
  13. Maybe someday he'll do it. Someday when he's not busy trying to capture Nessie.
  14. I'd love to see him do On Ice Perspectives! Imagine seeing Yuzu skating from the POV of being on the rink with him!
  15. 5 - 10 minutes on his hair? That's 4.5 more minutes than I do! My hairstyle is best described as ' not tangled and not in my eyes', LOL!
  16. They have to fit those thigh muscles! Truthfully, I'm not sure I'd want to be Yuzu's tailor. That tiny waist combined with those muscular legs would make trousers a real challenge, especially in the kinds of materials suits get made of.
  17. Yes yes. But Yuzu already has Lady Lutzifer back and is working on 4F as far as we can tell. I have no, zero, nada, doubts that he can achieve those, and then 4A. So once he has 4A, he'll have all 6 quads to choose from. At that point, he will be able to vary his programs as needed (i.e. according to ice conditions) picking and choosing from among the jumps in order to ensure his programs always score the maximum BV possible at any given time, with less risk of injury. At least, that's what I am guessing his strategy will become. So, he'll be unbeatable because he will be able to compensate better for the times he's at a disadvantage. Plus, if he makes a program meant to show off 4A, guaranteed it'll be spectacular in all the other aspects too, and score high no matter what. That's just how he rolls.
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