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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. I saw people talking about it on X... by comparison to other events, the skating tickets are way overpriced.
  2. I thought he looked quite tense I thought so too... and there's a clip of him inside the venue saying he wished he'd taken some calming herbal medication... so he was very nervous for whatever reason.
  3. Tae posted a bunch of photos on his Instagram - including one where he shows off his military-built arm muscles in great detail... https://www.instagram.com/p/DGZ_zjgSpMP/?img_index=5&igsh=MTV0MzFydnV6bmFjZg==
  4. That's understandable. Maybe you'll find a way... it's such a good chance with Hobi being so close by
  5. Jimin and Jin were on 'please take care of my refrigerator' once a long time ago, with the fridge from their old tiny apartment because they were still living there at the time And part of me is hoping that all the guys go to Berlin to support Hobi and for a little group R&R. It'd be a good chance to let off steam for them
  6. I thought 4CC was in China? And surely you can make it work for Hobi? Or is it the migraines that cause the problem?
  7. Check Hobi's Instagram! He just announced that he'll be headlining Lollapalooza Berlin!!! Edited to add this:
  8. I'd like to know who the pearl-clutcher was that got upset about that. Yeonjun's 25, ffs - let him flex it all if he wants
  9. Thanks! I got the bit about wanting us all to be 'genki' at the end, the LMEY choreo, and that he thanked Elevenplay, the show crew & so on. Everything else went over my head
  10. Same! Except I was in the next to last row on Friday and the 3rd to last today. Still a great view!
  11. Can anyone who was watching the livestream give a quick summary of what Yuzu said during his ending 'ment? He spoke entirely in Japanese tonight so I kind of absorbed his meaning by the vibes... i have no idea what he said actually 😅
  12. Just popping in with a quick intermission post from the arena for today's show: YUZURU IS ABSO-BLOODY-LUTELY SUPERB TODAY. There. Just had to get that off my chest. He's amazing at all times but this is next level. Hope you're all watching the livestream or the broadcast and enjoying it as much as possible. A note about the projection mapping for the classical music program that culminates in Ballade: it flows across the ice in such a way that it looks like Yuzu is dancing among the musical notes. Not sure if you can see that on the stream so thought I should share
  13. I'm on the train on my way back to the hotel but I have to jump in here and say that Yuzu was simply phenomenal tonight. He's still got it - every ounce of the power and speed and WOW! factor he had as a competitor, plus now a whole bunch more. And we as a community need to spend way more time talking about Utai. What a technical masterpiece! It's crazy watching it live. I'm so glad I came. Yuzu you beautiful man, please never change 💜
  14. Just getting on the train at Hachōbori station out to the arena. If you see me - tall, glasses, pale blue jacket, purple sweater - say hi!
  15. Welcome and we understand how hard it is to do without Yuzu. I invite you to explore the wonderful world of Yuzu's professional skating career, which started the day he left competition for good, in July 2022. Since then Yuzu has produced the solo ice show Prologue- a retrospective of his competive career- and written, produced, directed, choreographed, and starred in 3 amazing solo Ice Stories: GiFT, Re_PRAY, and now, Echoes of Life. (If you'd like to watch Echoes of Life this weekend, you can purchase a ticket to the livestream here: ) In addition, he's starred in Notte Stellata Ice Show every year and done Fantasy On Ice as well. He's still skating, he's still amazing, and he's said in interviews that he's not interested in returning to competition.
  16. They might not have the power to decide, but they sure as hell have the right to ask for what they want. But if they don't ask, it's not very likely that the company will give it to them on its own. So do we even know if TXT has asked for back-up dancers when touring? Start there
  17. MOAs may have a point, but also, I suspect a lot of those details are up to the guys to ask for. Or at least, up to their performance director to ask for. BTS has always had back up dancers even when they were starting out and the budget was small, so it's not just about BigHit.
  18. He's probably trying to protect his IP. There are quite a few merch sites selling products using the logo that are not official merch at all. Now that the logo is registered, he can put a stop to that
  19. And Twitter ARMY have gone nuts, speculating that it's a spoiler for their comeback
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