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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. So you ALL need to see this. Toronto is so beautiful from this angle. I'm so lucky to have been born there 💓
  2. I believe he was also either recovering from or due for back surgery at the time (Plush has steel rods in his back, I believe) . So his withdrawal was entirely understandable. In any case, Sochi men's turned out to be a splatfest extraordinaire. Yuzu was practically the only guy in the top ten who stayed on his feet. @SitTwizzle I agree - Yuzu must have been absolutely thrilled back then. He still adores Plush so much.
  3. Asher and Dylan do their best provide an analysis of the potential Canadian team for Worlds. As for David Wilson, I think he's got no right to criticize Skate Canada on this issue as he's not the one who'll be held liable if someone gets sick, but I do agree with him about the hockey vs figure skating thing.
  4. I don't think Shoma was on the Sochi team, but my recollection of Pyeongchang is certainly of Shoma simply swimming in his team clothes...
  5. And to this day no one knows who Don is or why he merited such insult at that particular moment in time.
  6. Christ, I hope they're together and comforting each other! Right now what's in my head is that Yuzu will be feeling awful and trying to be strong for his family, but not being at all ok, and trying to hold back tears. And I imagine a huge number of people in Tohoku are feeling exactly the same as him.
  7. I hope everyone is safe and stays safe! And I hope Yuzu is okay, because this would definitely be hard on someone who's been through the 3/11 quake.
  8. Wow. That's going to re-traumatize people, just knowing that.
  9. You don't want to know how much I've been playing this....
  10. That's no rink, that's Lake Ontario! looks like he's at the Toronto Islands... freakin' AWESOME! I kind of love that so many skaters are taking it outdoors right now. yes it sucks that they have to but it's also very nice to see figure skating 'in the wild' so to speak.
  11. Happy Super Slam Anniversary everyone! The anniversary has got me thinking...4CC 2020 could have been a massive super spreader event but it wasn't because South Korea did such a good job with it. And because so many Chinese fans generously stayed home instead of risking spreading the virus. Now we have a Worlds coming up that, even though it won't have any spectators, looks, to say the least, like it's going to be a nasty uber-spreader event. While it's tempting to rail against this foolishness and wring my hands on Twitter, I'm just going to helpfully point out the South Korean example here. Worlds doesn't have to be unsafe. Hopefully ISU and the Worlds organizing committee will take some responsibility and make appropriate measures to either a) hold a safe event, or b) figure out another way to have Olympic qualifiers. I know I'm wasting my breath but I'm putting it out there for the universe to take up anyway. You never know, maybe Lakernik & Co will suddenly receive a brain transplant and get wise.
  12. ....her skating always looks like that to me, tbh.
  13. Same. There are so many awful ways 'Yuduru' could be pronounced by an English speaker...having the 'z' in there forces the long 'u' a bit more (i don't know why; it just does) so it helps correct pronunciation. Although to my ear, the づ sounds more like 'dzu' or 'jzu' than it does like 'zu' .
  14. I would have thought they use info submitted by the skaters themselves. From the looks of things, they don't remove old info, they just add new. That line about Johnny may very well date from the very first time Yuzu submitted an ISU bio and has just never been removed. I think we all sometimes forget that the ISU is really nothing more than a glorified volunteer sports organization. Think parents' committee at your local club but writ large and with a professional budget ...maybe it's expecting too much from them to hope for fully up-to-date and correct athlete bios
  15. They're both skating well. I was worried that Zhenya wouldn't have the stamina for a program after being sick with COVID but she seems have gotten through it okay, which makes me feel relieved.
  16. Does it actually say that in his ISU bio? Also, Roman's a bit unique in that he didn't enroll in university straight out of high school, just dove in to skating, coaching little kids, and YouTubing. Definitely not the Canadian norm anymore. University or college have almost become the default thing to do.
  17. You have nerves and hair left? Mine deserted me after that GPF practice in Torino...you know the one...and now nothing he does can scare me any more
  18. Plot twist: Yuzu lands Nessie at the Olympics and then decides he's not gonna quit skating until he masters 4F too....
  19. I'm looking forward to that. I always thought he was a guy with way more talent than his training and results would imply, so it'll be nice to see what he can do this time.
  20. I haven't watched that before, and seeing it now gave me goosebumps. You can feel the electricity he gives off even through the screen.
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