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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. So HYBE responded to MHJ's latest eruptions. They are SO done with her. Pretty much told her sit down, shut up, and do her (original) job:
  2. I haven't heard of this petition, until now, but . Fair to say that I'm gobsmacked, especially if it proves true https://youtu.be/qlKg7G9jsVQ?si=XGJWEG0BXUeSKw2e
  3. I actually didn't think it was possible for Tae to get this bulked up - didn't think he had the body type - so I'm simultaneously impressed and confounded. Also, even if he slims down again after the military, his body will still look different. Willowy Tae might not be a possibility any more. Plus he seems to be enjoying having this new physique. Tae seriously looks like he's taken to the military like a duck to water... i never would have expected that
  4. Oh, I agree they'll try something but I can't even begin to imagine what they think will help their cause here... half of Seoul is currently plastered in purple with various I-ARMY groups expressing their support for BTS and Jin's about to release his album. LESSERAFIM made it on the Hot 100, G-FRIEND just announced a 10th anniversary reunion event, Jin just had a triumphant debut in Milan, other HYBE groups are doing well.. short of them 'revealing' something ridiculous and unbelievable, they simply can't touch ADOR or HYBE at all
  5. Good riddance, yes, but I seriously do not understand that type of behaviour. Why are they so hell-bent on burning their bridges with HYBE?
  6. Wow. Look at Jun's gala skate from Nebelhorn... talk about skating skills!!
  7. I finally found the time to watch Episode 7 of Are You Sure? and all I can say is, Jimin and I are about the same level when it comes to snowboarding... when they both decided to switch over to skis, I almost cried 😂. I know exactly what that feels like 🤣. They need Jin to give them a proper lesson
  8. At least we know Jin doesn't wipe his face with the same towel he used on his skate blades!
  9. W Korea just posted a video of Jin talking about the outfit. Apparently it was a custom job, made at Jin's request, and he chose the colours. Which is a surprising insight into his own tastes. I bet it looks a lot better in person. Here's the video from their Insta reels, but I saw a captioned version earlier and I don't know where it went https://www.instagram.com/reel/DAQaGgmvcs6/?igsh=MWgzMjNzeGw0NHI2OA==
  10. Supreme Boi was the last trainee to be cut from Bangtan
  11. Tbh, the best shot of him in Milan is the one he posted to his insta, of himself at the rooftop afterparty, posing with the city behind him. It's also the best of the Gucci outfits, looks relaxed, elegant, and luxe at the same time. Considering that there were so many society and fashion photographers running around snapping shots, it's truly weird that the only one who thought to get that kind of a pic of him was his own crew
  12. She's already married to a guy named Lee Jong-Suk.
  13. First thing that comes to mind - the dove is a symbol of peace, and I feel like there is at least one international organization that has a dove with a blue heart as a symbol, but for the life of me I can't think of what one it is
  14. He'll go along like the way he did when Jimin took him into the empty house in ITS2... knowing he's screwed but he loves them too much to say no
  15. Yeah, that'd work. Yet to Come is a little more smooth and waltz-y, the dancing might be easier
  16. Go with PtD. It's not too fast or too slow, you and Chris could just do a basic two-step and he can twirl you, or the two of you could come up with some cute simple side-by-side choreo, and I think the words represent how you both relate to each other and the outside world pretty well. It's positive and happy and will make the wedding guests smile, too.
  17. No watch party today, but I Am Still is in theatres for those who need a Bangtan fix: https://www.cineplex.com/movie/jung-kook-i-am-still-korean-west
  18. What! The ISU isn't putting it on their YouTube? I *really* should have gone in person
  19. I read more than one Twitter post kind of in shock that Roman went clean on his jumps this early in the season. But of course a fully clean program is too much to ask for this early
  20. Jin's Fred photo campaigns are reminding me of his BE photocards. You remember, the ones with the pastel jewelry-box aesthetics? Now Jin himself is the jewel, draped in gems. He looks so good!
  21. That's what I'm thinking. Here's a look at his FP costume from practice today. Dang, I should have gone to Oberstdorf....
  22. Photos from Jin's Vogue Korea issue all over Twitter and he looks like a man mountain. Like oh my God https://x.com/Maerlyn8_BTS7/status/1836926236871872821?t=6DYQRnis6XKZ8pixNs950A&s=19
  23. I just checked it on Weverse - it's showing as sold out again. Good for Yeonjun!
  24. I'm going to see JK's film on Saturday. I would love to bring some giveaways but I probably don't have time to prep any. For some reason, we're having a huge influx of patients and I've been insanely bisy at work all September. Otherwise I would have been at the premiere tonight.
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