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Everything posted by Cerunias

  1. If indeed it is a ritual dance, do all satellites of Planet Hanyu need to follow suit for it to work? And can we petition that he gets to keeps that suit? I think that's the first time he's wearing a perfectly fitting suit?
  2. Good prediction by @kaeryth. Crystal ball, or does kaeryth have a secret informant?
  3. They have the right number (and character) of letters to the jumps between them... So that makes it the perfect jump if we combine them together?
  4. Better in whose books? Don't give the Universe any ideas. Yuzudory was not the worst ever costume, even if it caught many of us by surprise... Oh my - a well fitted suit? This is a rarity. Yuzu euphemisms aka Yuzphemisms: "easy" - stuff that will score +2, rather than +3 "slowly" - a speed that will get him there today, in a moment; as opposed to arriving yesterday, in the past.
  5. And with that, Orser demonstrates the appropriate way to farewell an athlete who is leaving for another coach...
  6. I've already used this image once as a costume suggestion in response to Yata in another thread. But this is too good to pass up the chance of re-use. Let this be the proper objective definition of sexy balletic arms (and legs). x
  7. Fashion brigade alert: Is Yuzuru going to have a well-fitted suit today? He'd be improving so well over the last few official occasions. I wish someone just tailor him a suit that fits him well - it's not like he doesn't go get measured each season, and it isn't like he will likely change much more size-wise. Maybe it can be done when his costume is made?? You'd think JSF/Sendai would want him well-presented, since he's like the face of those groups? Silver to match the colour of the medal?
  8. ISU Congress be like: "Look out 'cause here I come And I'm marching on to the beat I drum I'm not scared to be seen I make no apologies, this is me" But I am glad I'm not the only one who vaguely likes the updated repetition proposal.
  9. We may be fans of some of Yuzuru's costumes (although I believe there are certain figures here who may beg to differ). I worry the judges won't share our same...er...ideas/passion Are you sure anyone can trust the judges to mark costume choice??
  10. Maybe a bad idea. Because if a costume like Dory shows up in competition, Hanyu might suffer too...
  11. The new repetition rule reinforces the Zayak rule, and seems to be a compromise of all the various solutions suggested (and interests at stake). I don't dislike it to be honest. The JSF's proposal, if passed, would have served to try to push the sport forward from an athletic point of view (by encouraging skaters to try the harder jumps), but it was more to complement the one-type-of-quad-only rule and provide for some "reward". This latter rule, if passed, I think would limit each athlete's choice and expression, and I think would've been too draconian and prescriptive in my opinion, and so with it having failed to pass, I don't think the JSF's proposal was really needed anyway (not to say that it wouldn't be nice if it was also included in some shape or form, of course).
  12. Failed to get to the stage of being discussed I believe. Think it failed to get the votes?
  13. Either good drugs, or it's a catchphrase for something else fishy... This new rule sounds like some kind of middle ground, and seems to not be too terrible. I do wonder if somewhere in Japan, Yuzuru is sitting there laughing, and thinking of that next world record he could get? Who was it on these forums who has an avatar saying "do not touch my world record?" Time to bring that out again... If Seimei 2.0 would have scored higher with these new rules, we better hope that doesn't encourage Yuzuru to bring out Seimei 3.0
  14. Please excuse my ignorance, but after reading through this thread, I still feel no closer to understanding (not just why, but the what). What the heck is all of this stuff about sexy ballet arms?? What has the congress done now?
  15. 1. Imagine if he wasn't laying on ice, but was floating halfway up the wall 2. Imagine this as the concept for the upcoming season's costume (Although first impressions was that it looked a little like the costume of bridge command personnel in Star Trek...)
  16. The whole thing does seem a bit piecemeal doesn't it? There's no consideration for how one proposal might affect another - once one has passed, then the next, whether it is good or bad, is considered by itself and not necessarily in conjunction with those that preceded it... I know figure skating is performance art. I didn't realise the rules body was suppose to be as well. That's like saying that the board that runs the local opera needs to put on a show as well every time they have a meeting - perhaps that same board needs to have their meeting in song form? If that's the case, this congress is failing - I see no ice where they are... It'd certainly make it more entertaining to watch if this congress truly put on a performance...currently, it's like a combination of watching paint dry, and watching a car drive into you in slo-mo (you see it coming, but powerless to do anything about it)... Hey, maybe it was a wise decision. eg if they had relied on Zip disks a few cycles back, they may not have survived the cycle, given how fast those things died out! Two interpretations: 1. Many members of that congress appear to be dinosaurs themselves...of course they don't want to startle themselves. 2. We certainly don't want to startle the dinosaurs out of extinction...imagine if they started roaming the world again...Jurassic Park/World here we come! Nothing wrong with the string quartet idea by the way. Although the way this congress is going, it reminds me of the Titanic, the rearrangement of deck chairs, and the string quartet playing as the ship went down...
  17. If not him, then certainly the place where he keeps his stash... Oh my, the emoji tab has completely changed. I'm at a loss for choice now...
  18. Eteri's comments after the Zhenya move indicates that she is very competitive...and hurt (for whatever reason, that's beside the point here). The impression I get is that she'll work hard with Alina to prove a point (arguably harder than before), and if Lilbet moves away from TCC and goes to Eteri, then it becomes another opportunity for Eteri to prove the point - that she is a coach who knows what she is doing, and she is the best coach for these women.
  19. Typical (fantastic) Kiwi response. I'm not biased in any way, shape, or form.
  20. Didn't Brian once say that ACI is a great opportunity to brush the dust off, make that first pancake and get it out of the way? I had presumed that's why Yuzuru competes there annually.
  21. Fixed. Just wanted to pop in an editorial remark. Thank you for your fantastic work! The history lesson is fascinating as well. eg that we can blame @Hydroblade for the term potato sack pants apparently
  22. Isn't FaOI Kobe the show that Orser is said to usually go to? And the one that people have speculated that he will be heading for again this year (given his comments that he'll be in Japan at an ice show in mid June). Good timing, coach! Hope he's got a good cap to keep his hair in place! Fixed for my reference. @LadyLou, thank you for your glossary!!!!!!!
  23. Thanks, I picked the sarcasm. I just didn't have the context to understand it. If Papadakis/Cizeron performed at PC the way they did at the WC, then they would have probably edged out Virtue/Moir, rather than the other way around as it happened. For me, Virtue/Moir have that ability to involve the audience in the emotion of what they are expressing. Papadakis/Cizeron on the other hand, I feel like I am an observer to that emotion, not a part of it. It's a fine difference, but in entertainment and artistry, I think it becomes a crucial point of difference. In their WC performances, esp the short dance, I felt that Papadakis/Cizeron came close to involving the audience in that emotion (their free dance, to me, felt too manufactured with respect to the emotions expressed, albeit technically and artistically it was beautiful).
  24. I was thinking the opposite, to be honest. It's the cheeky smile of "I just did something...", and if I were Brian, I'd be thinking "oh dear, what did he do now, and what is he planning now?"
  25. I think I'm missing the meaning behind your response... (I believe the concept of the rule was to avoid the 2002 OG scandal of presidents pressuring judges...?)
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