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Everything posted by Cerunias

  1. It's possible - just like it is to have a single (non-combination) jump with either a single or both arms overhead. It just takes more energy to jump that way. Alina and to some extent Zhenya use these sort of jumps liberally, as they have a higher score due to difficulty. The typical jump has the arms drawn in as close to the core as possible to help increase the rev/sec of the jump. It's also an artistic thing. I remember reading somewhere that Brian Orser was not a big fan of liberal use of jumps with the arms above the head, and his approach is that they should be used sparingly to emphasise a point/part of the music.
  2. It struck me when I watched CiONTU day 3 (and the replay clips on that day) that his movements now esp with body and arms are a lot more 'definite' and convey a lot more emotion and power than they use to (esp his junior/novice programs and now), which to me is part of that growing maturity in artistry.
  3. Hmm...methinks the costume needs to be shinier? But if anyone can pull the music off, Yuzuru has the best chance...
  4. ...in this day and age of fake news, and fake photos in this case, I don't know what's real or fake anymore. Nice 'shopping though... ...but now I look more closely, those aren't Yuzuru's hands...certainly not his fingernails anyway!! (Thanks @BWOZWaltz for the recent posts of all those photos of Yuzuru's hands...please don't ask how and why I remembered what his fingernails look like without looking back at those photos...)
  5. Hang on @SparkleSalad...is this a real photo, or a photoshopped image? I thought @dotsquare's comment about Yuzuru in hakama practicing Japanese archery was just a joke?
  6. "I'm allowed to join the cool kids club too - look, my flag has red too!"
  7. That was in a Spanish documentary about Javier. I think it is exactly what it it meant - Brian Orser didn't expect to be asked to coach Yuzuru - so when he was asked to go to this secret meeting, it was very much a case of he didn't know which athlete it would be about - hence his surprise that Yuzuru was there. I guess back then, Yuzuru was doing so well with Nanami Abe, and had been with her for so long, that Brian didn't expect Yuzuru would be leaving her tutelage - ie Yuzuru "was the last person [he] expected". Bear in mind that Nanami had suggested Yuzuru should extend himself and improve by looking for another coach overseas, and that, in my mind, says a lot about Nanami as a person, and how much she cared to have the best for her pupil, ahead of any ego...
  8. To all our mothers out there, Happy Mother's Day! I also found the YT clip I referred to in my post above, and this is a very fitting example and recognition of all the "hidden" but vital work mothers do for their kids.
  9. Makes me feel better about my two then! By the way, OT, but love your sig: does make me think - if no man's actions can escape heaven's gaze, can a woman's actions escape? Why not just use a drone? Might be easier...? I had hoped my fishing line idea might have been simplest. Might have to braid a few fishing lines together to make it strong enough...and then spray paint the line shiny so it can't be missed!
  10. Re tossing a rice cooker onto the ice for Yuzuru: as per icecreamy above, I agree you will need a lot of bubble wrap and foam. And someone standing near the rinkside - or someone who is good at shotput! And be very careful to not hit anyone when you throw it (unlike those Poohs that have been seen to land on Yuzuru's head, or fly near it). Or you could use something like a fishing rod, and lower it down to him in the K&C area? Might be safer, and become a moment of posterity on TV! So yea, it's doable if not necessarily practical or standard! *edited since icecreamy beat me to it*
  11. Thought that was old news? Many interviews have made reference to the fact that his mum is with him in Toronto, cooks for him and ensures that he is getting his diet right - Yuzuru has mentioned this before as well. I also remember there was video clip in celebration of mothers (I'm presuming it was for Mother's Day or similar) where he thanks his mum, and makes reference to all the different things she does for him - most if not all of which were day-to-day household chores that implied she must live with him (or vica versa). I'm surprised it is a point of discussion, or is it just a case of some people trying to drum up news when none else exist? And it's clearly not a unique situation either - seeing Mr Orser's (and some other media reports) recent comment about Zhenya's mum likely going to Toronto with Zhenya. Mr Orser's comment implied that he thought it was positive because of the support that these athletes get from their families, especially for someone like Zhenya and her mum being so close to each other (and we know Yuzuru is close to his mum as well - cf the rare interviews where his mum may be on tape, the one where his mum is showing the Zig costume to Johnny Weir comes to mind, as it shows the close interaction between Yuzuru and his mum very clearly). The flipside, however, is that not all athletes need or want this support - a Spanish documentary re Javier described him as social and outgoing, and made reference to the fact that he lived in Toronto independently of his family (in this same documentary, Mr Orser made comment that Yuzuru was more introverted and less social, and there was implication that therefore his mum being in Toronto with him was important).
  12. And from this, memes and emojis were born!
  13. And I believe the number of crossovers have decreased as it has evolved over the years?
  14. Arite, here's the 50th... I realise and agree with your interpretations, I just enjoy looking for double meanings which I reckon is one of the hidden beauties of the English language. My above comments were meant to be somewhat tongue-in-cheek. But on the subject of "dominating", let's be honest, most (wiser) men should (and would) know better than to NOT listen to their wives/girlfriends/partners. Speaking from experience...Yuzuru clearly has picked that lesson up already and arguably faster than most 😂
  15. So now you just need to dominate him, and yet make him want to protect you? I believe the other requirements were to be a Japanese girl, be a skater, be pretty but not necessarily beautiful, and not constrain him with demands (or be constrained by him). Not sure how the latter fits in with dominating him, but anyway... You being able to cook but not clean doesn't seem to count for or against you based on his remarks over the years One has to admit that he has pretty specific requirements... But you gotta admire that at least he seems to know what he wants...which is more than can be said about many guys when they are teenagers, or in their early 20's.
  16. Seems a bit ostentatious? But I wouldn't be surprised if Yuzuru could pull off the look...
  17. It would seem many skaters suffer from back problems. I believe it is no surprise since the landing force of those jumps is many times of one's weight so while a lot of that is absorbed by their leg musculature, inevitably, ankle/knee/hip and ultimately vertebral joints (especially lower back) suffer as they are all part of the same column. First example that comes to mind is Plushenko - after all, he pulled out of Sochi 2014 and retired on account of his recurring back problems I believe? From a biophysics point of view, the human body would be considered poorly designed for walking and running, let alone jumping on flat ground and let alone jumping on ice with the lateral instability that ice creates, before you even account for the fact they land not on their foot per se but on an edge that is at most a few mm wide...
  18. Given how visibly out of breath he is after either SP or LP even when he is at his peak fitness (and who would be surprised given how athletic his programs are, let alone the fact that he is asthmatic), I would imagine he would be hard-pressed to sing-along if he was to choose a song with vocals for either SP or LP. Although it is his singing along eg in Hana ni Nare that adds to the heartfelt nature of that show program.
  19. I knew it...as I said on page 64 of this thread!!! And here I thought it would be speculation to try and prove my thought on that count (amongst others), and that it might be a few years before we get the interviews and documentaries to reveal the truth, and I only needed to wait...a few hours? https://www.ifsmagazine.com/medvedevas-move-russian-reactions/ "She told me that she wanted to change (coaches), but she did not say why. I immediately respected her as soon as she said, ‘I do not want to say anything bad about my current coaches.’" This further proves my earlier comments 5-8 pages back that there must be a heck of an underlying story. Perhaps those media reports from Russia that suggest she was given the ultimatum of retiring may have a kernel of truth in them - perhaps not necessarily an ultimatum to retire, but an ultimatum of some sort nonetheless? http://www.icenetwork.com/news/2018/05/07/275657578 "That the Cricket Club is private will make the arrangement easier, as it did for Kim and Hanyu, who could be shielded from public scrutiny as well as the demands of the South Korean and Japanese media, respectively." A timely reminder from Brian that the media and us as media consumers must give these athletes we idolise space and privacy to live and train.
  20. I see. I stand by my point that Mr Orser would have likely expected a storm to brew. And I remain quite interested in the implications (given precedent, cf. the Javier documentary) of how much Yuzuru was in the know before the official confirmation. And given that Yuzuru appears to be a pretty savvy lurker and very cognizant (and affected) by SNS negativity (cf. his CiONTU comments), how much consideration he may have given to that aspect of things (I cannot imagine these issues would not have crossed his mind if he was in the know). Alas, in the interim, these questions will be unanswerable except by speculation, unlikely to be proven except through interviews and documentaries several years down the track (like that Spanish documentary about Javier going to TCC), if at all.
  21. Catching so many that there is not enough space to show 'em all!
  22. Not sure why people say it does not seem true (that Zhenya asked Mr Orser five times to coach her)? You, yourself, pointed out in your preceding post that a major Russian sports news site is making headline out of Mr Orser's homosexuality and that there is an upswing of support for Eteri. I cannot imagine that Mr Orser was not very cognizant of this possibility (or worse headlines) and may have wanted to try and avoid this (and the inevitable distraction it causes) until it became clear to him that Zhenya's approach to him to coach her was not just mere idle questioning or wishful thinking. And knowing from that Spanish documentary that Mr Orser asked Javier about taking on Yuzuru when Yuzuru wanted to train at TCC, I would bet that 1) Mr Orser would have done similar in asking Yuzuru ie Yuzuru probably knew it was in the works that Zhenya wanted to go to TCC, and 2) that Mr Orser himself would undoubtedly have considered potential negative implications not just to himself (eg the headlines you allude to) but more importantly to his students (eg the undoubted stirring of shipping rumours). Having listened to a number of interviews given by Tracy mentioning Mr Orser, and interviews from the man himself, he strikes me as being quite an astute and careful operator.
  23. The scary thing, in the context of this joke, is that he is probably more likely to get 4A ideas whilst "Wildin in Japan" than if Mr Orser was keeping a close eye (and mitt) on him! I really hope FaOI and all the other shows go well for Yuzuru, and he doesn't tire himself out (all of this stress and strain during the offseason can add up and without sufficient rest can lead to easier injury recurrence/occurrence during the season - as is well-established for athletes in other sports eg rugby), or heavens forbid injure himself during a show. I don't usually follow FS, except in Olympic season when I then catch up on highlights from the 4-year cycle, but after seeing his athleticism matched with emotive artistry (and Worlds 2017 free skate comes immediately to mind), I'm looking forward to seeing what Yuzuru brings to the table next. I may not go into my typical 4-year FS hibernation...actually, to be honest, I'm already late if I were to start my FS hibernation...
  24. Was Yuzuru taking bets as to whether his news would trump everyone else's news? Or was he betting that his news would be like a ninja sneaking through all of the other news (and hopefully sneaking past Mr Orser's attention)?
  25. Poor Brian's hair.... All of these issues cannot be good for it! I suspect the Planet is resilient enough to be ok. Whether all the satellites will still be here, and whether any of them may be engulfed in solar flares is a different matter!
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