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Everything posted by Hydroblade

  1. One of the highlights of my year tbh. I am amazed at how i am still alive after witnessing that
  2. what kind of god forsaken place are youliving in, i was able to get Ghana choco two hours away from my city and i live in Satan's vacation place
  3. It's new year in Japan so happy New year !!
  4. @yuzuangel u didn't send yuzu, did you?
  5. I feel my life seeping away. It's it going to his ankle? Idk
  6. Murderous Swan Ban me, I'm mesmerized by him and the way his bangs fall over his eyes there please send help, I don't know how much longer I can stay alive, this cactus is on the final stages of dehydration 🌵
  7. By the nine,I found it! ETA: Vine doesn't work, try this
  8. There is ha ha but I can't find it rn
  9. His face was gold source: sorry i don't remember, it's from my gDrive collection lmao It looks even funnier with "Yuzuru Hanyu RANK 2" and the subtitle "練習してきていたんですよ" ETA: He's a real swan!
  10. I am terrible and i'm being distracted by his arms, i am so so so sorry
  11. December 29, 2017 THE DAILY SPREAD EAGLE Wild paprika plague spreading through the Planet By Hydroblade The King's long absence has started to affect many aspects of the daily life in our beloved planet. Productivity has gone down, the various rinks in the Planet have been erecting small shrines to pray for his Majesty's ankle and the chocolate supply is dwindling. Reports indicate that the King is back on the ice, and that he had a peaceful birthday with a cake provided by his loyal advisors Brian and Tracy. Thousands of good wishes were also received at the King's training camp, carefully sorted by all the Pooh-minions of the Prime Minister. Mount Irene has been observed in a melancholic mood, randomly exhaling puffs of colored smoke matching the King's previous programs. Earlier this week, Zigeunerweisen Park staff discovered a small patch of wild paprika growing near the lake. Authorities were alerted as this was something unusual. This friday, more paprika plants were discovered, one in a planter at Firebird Plaza and at least three plants growing near the 4S3T monument in View of Silence street of the capital. "Until now, the paprika plants were confined to the Paprika Fields. That the plants are growing outside its permitted range is very alarming." Said Prime Minister Pooh squeezing its cheeks. "We are doing our best to decontaminate the affected soil but our crew discovered more paprika sprouts in various points of the city." The population is advised to not touch the plants or its undesirable vegetables. Taking the vegetable is punishable under the Paprika Prohibition Law with up to a week of classifying articles written by sketchy sports journalists and listening to various questionable commentators. Royal Cleaning Officers have been working hard to keep Cricket Hills, the location of the King's training camp, free of Paprika and are asking the citizens not to disturb the surroundings as they might be unknowingly carrying the offending seeds in their shoes. No comment from the King's team has been released.
  12. I'm a poor, unusual desert cactus. I drank a lot of water even before starting with the treatment haha. Even more after last year when i got sick and extremely dehydrated. Going through 2L of water is pretty easy for me (it does wonders for your skin too haha) Now to keep it Yuzu related, i've seen him drink that weird colored drink (it was aminovital? i don't remember) and there was a backstage video where he was saying with a sliiiiight Miyagi accent (and he sounded so manly too lol) something like "i have to drink this bad tasting stuff" or something like that. Then i saw a recent video where he's taking a sip of the drink and he makes a >m< face. It seems he still hasn't gotten used to the flavour haahaha poor bb
  13. OT but kinda related: i went for a blood test a few months ago and the results? I AM SALTY. My salt levels are quite high, according to my doctor it's a side effect of one of the medications i'm taking so i have to drink a ton of water until i stop taking it hahaha.
  14. I found an excerpt of a story about a girl who wants to be a skater and ends up stuffed inside a squirrel costume. The squirrel's name is Zuzu but it's a female, and i lost it while reading these:
  15. I am not sure if the perfection he seeks is in the score itself. He has an idea of what an "ideal skate" is, and when he finally attains it, the score will be there to show it (Helsinki FS?) I don't know if he wants to get the max score, because i doubt the judges would give it to him unless it's absolute perfection (he is human, and even when he gives his most amazing performance, i bet there will be one or two judges who would feel that it doesn't deserve the max score), so he will be satisfied when he obtains that ideal skate. The question is, what is his ideal skate? From ¯\_(ツ)_/¯'s post, it seems that his ideal isn't just to skate perfectly one of his programs. His FS in Helsinki was beautiful (i am sorry that i don't have a more accurate word to describe it) and he felt he worked hard. But of course, the kuyashii of that 5th place in the SP was lingering on his head, thus i don't think he could classify Worlds 2017 as his ideal, because he was still lacking something in the SP. The FS might have been very close to what he wants to ultimately present on the ice, although i'm sure he will still think that there were things that he could have done better, but the SP affected so much that he said he started to lose confidence in it, so of course the thought of "i worked hard but i must work even harder" must have crossed his mind. (That's why i was so glad that he broke his old WR with Chopin at the beginning of this cursed season)
  16. I am pretty sure that this was answered on an interview (i don't remember if it was in japanese but i'm pretty sure it was), he said that he finally felt/realized that he has been working hard (lol kid then what were you doing before) to the point he could declare it himself, so in this case i think he simply missed some words, probably what he wanted to say was "Finally i can say i worked hard".
  17. I love his laugh please protect it and make us hear it all around the world. I wouldn't mind
  18. I will load a bunch of hydroblade videos, all the swans, ACI chopin, lgc and all his 3A. Then I'll ask to be fed with a tube and I'm all set
  19. Like this post if you want the current theme to stay as a choice after New Year's
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