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Everything posted by Hydroblade

  1. i haven't heard him speak but he looks awkward standing there like that
  2. i know the smile is lovely and i'm being squished into oblivion but i can't stope staring at the mole right below the phiten necklace... Oh no, he's not shady. I guess i can't english today, what i meant is that we often joke about finding shady figures coming out from alleys in the night asking you for the time. If this person came out of the alley i wouldn't be scared but i would probably turn into mush
  3. You know the joke when you see a picture of someone that looks shady and you say "imagine finding that person coming out of an alley and then having them asking you what time is it" because it would be scary? If i saw this person coming out of that alley, i would think i just died and went to heaven. Or break down crying, idk.
  4. I think i should go to the doctor and get my heart checked.
  5. Am i supposed to find something wrong with that? Because it sounds like something i'd love to see... I need help with calculus, can you teach me, Yuzu?
  6. At the top and bottom of each page, where it says "Page X of X", click the small arrow and it should bring up the box to jump to a specific page
  7. i literally choked A cactus mood board i found on facebook:
  8. What's this, I wake up to a gentle rain hitting my dry cactus arms???
  9. I'm very happy that you guys are liking the theme so much 💖 this and all the previous themes are going to keep on being available for you to use, so you won't miss them!
  10. i am running out of stars in my eyes [resists the overwhelming urge to gush over him for the 1000th time]
  11. what do you mean, we just found some random colored rings and put them there for no reason And Happy Birthday @liv!!!
  12. nothing, just the seasons of the planet!
  13. it's all according to plan apparently. I am the happiest dry cactus because i know this information drought is good!
  14. haha saaad, no one with the default avatar has commented yet i'm glad you like it the colors were one of the hardest things because my monitor doesn't cooperate well lately so it was a lot of turning the file into a ping pong ball among the admin team for color correcting
  15. so no one forgets how scary he will look
  16. it wasn't just me, i couldn't have done this alone, the Oly theme is important so the whole admin team worked on it
  17. It was very difficult for us to come up with something
  18. So. It's looming closer. Hope you like the new theme, also we will have a streaming party for the Opening Ceremony!
  19. until
  20. i'm using it already for testing purposes and just let me tell you this: doesn't get IT'S THE OLYMPICS!!! in your face. I didn;t want it to be too dramatic lol
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