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Everything posted by Hydroblade

  1. I'm sorry, i will add the calendar events today! ETA: Here are just the men's events+gala (reminder that the calendar here shows your local time):
  2. instead of a dark mark we make a pooh appear up in the skies in every venue he has skated.
  3. wasn{t his percentage of body fat a problem when it came to swimming?
  4. I'm gonna have nightmares with that white shirt
  5. Reminds me of the cats watching Yuzu: (x)
  6. Can't drink for medical reasons 💔 I will die by Seimei anyway so I might just speed up the process lol
  7. I don't drink coffee or alcohol and chocolate doesn't calm me... Help
  8. It's ok, we were panicking and yelling about it here but it should be in community talk
  9. Pure purple, now that's something i didn't think i'd ever write
  10. There is a thread for the ticket sales but i think we're all panicking and posting here anyway: Wantsies. Also kek @ "Hanyu selection" He did say he liked berry flavored gum, right?
  11. Oh i know, but it could also mean more FS fans lol (trying to look at the bright side of everything)
  12. somehow i kept refreshing a lot and the choose on map option appeared next to the choose for me one o_O ETA: maybe we should take this to the gpf ticket thread? sorry!!!
  13. I love the way he releases the leg now, it's amazing how he's always trying to improve something in everything he does
  14. i'm pissed bc i had to do it on a rush i am not taking any chances to wait for individual ticket sales
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