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Everything posted by Hydroblade

  1. I can't sleep guys, I kept waking up all night checking the planet to see if it was really true... I still can't process it
  2. So... Is anyone already weeping for their wallets because of all the mooks we're going to get with amazing Oly pictures? You're good at Victorian floral designs incorporating various vegetables
  3. I was talking to my mom and i began to cry again. hiding bc #angstyAgape and squish to the max:
  4. Oh dear, thank you! I fixed it now i'll be changing the layout in the following days
  5. February 16, 2018 THE DAILY SPREAD EAGLE Excellent performance by the King By Hydroblade After many hardships and doubts, our beloved King Hanyu was finally back on the ice, performing once again to Ballade No. 1 by Frederic Chopin. With the beauty and strength he's known for, he placed first in the short program, blessing us with a very happy and satisfied face. "I just want to say thank you for cheering and I'm back" Said King Hanyu to the media after his performance. When asked about his chances of repeating gold, he replied "Doesn't matter. I don't think about it". He also mentioned that Prime Minister Pooh indeed came with him to Pyeongchang, but had to stay in the hotel. He was given the customary pre-competition squish on the head, so the ritual was completed. As mentioned before, the Prime Minister's soul was infused into the strawberry shortcake cover the King was seen carrying, this being confirmed by our ruler himself, when he said that the cover had both Pooh and Piglet. Sadly, he had to take them off the cake but the soul-infusing spell was still successful. The Minister wasn't available for an interview, another sweet-cream stained note saying that he was preparing for today's free and had bear-y important duties and rituals to conduct. In our planet, the King's joyful mood combined with his beautiful performance produced a steady stream of beautiful glittering light blue lava with a calming smell. Officials in charge of keeping the Paprika Fields in check also noted today that about 1/4 of the offending plants mysteriously disappeared, leaving a patch of lush green grass instead. The whole planet is preparing for today's free skate, sending positive thoughts to our King and hoping that we can see his happy face again at the end of his performance. pic source
  6. You're wrong. It's a battle companion ETA:Hear ye, hear ye, te Daily Spread Eagle has another issue today!!
  7. omg the way this article is written is making me laugh http://olimpicos.marcaclaro.com/videos/detalle/la-historia-entre-el-patinador-yuzuru-hanyu-y-winnie-pooh-030870/ I translated it almost literally from spanish because omg they refer to Pooh dolls as "tribute" and i am cracking up:
  8. So the Prime Minister indeed came with him and had the customary squish before the competition...
  9. i keep wondering. Does he like bears in general? Or was he planning on not to say anything about Pooh() and changed his mind? Or is it just his awk english?
  10. I don't feel like saying "do your best" because it doesn't feel right in this situation. When we were talking about the design of the current banner the talk about writing something on it came up, and well, what could we say? Shizuka got the right words, imo. And it's clear how much he's enjoying every single moment there. No matter what happens i am sure we will see that reflected on his performances i am anxious but looking forward to what kind of Chopin and Seimei such a happy Yuzu will bring us
  11. Yeah but he also made this face when he said that so how could anyone believe him
  12. Happy Valentine's, dear satellites. Please enjoy my crappy Yuzu valentines
  13. tbh i'd be ok if they kept doing it at gala practices and someone filmed it i just want to see the beauty
  14. yeah, but i saw birds skating and... there';s only one skating bird for me! i'd pay so much to see those two skating together tbh
  15. oh my god have you guys seen today's google doodle? https://www.google.com/doodles/doodle-snow-games-day-6-valentines-day i know it's two birds but i can only think of one graceful bird skating...
  16. Omg the chocolate is covered with shikigami kisses and Pooh's face!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖
  17. [Sad weeping] I would have died so while a part of me was sad, the other one was grateful because he allowed me to live a bit longer 😂
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