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Everything posted by yuzuangel

  1. Imagine if he jumps 4A and rotates CCW but lands on left foot then the tech panel has a dilemma, should it count? 1. BUT IT'S A 4A!! 2. Rules say you must land on the right foot for the last jump. 3. They haven't been fully enforcing this rule. Solution: Tack on a toe loop
  2. It would really be nice if they could provide actual feedback to skaters about levels and URs and stuff. Like I heard Satoko still has no idea why she keeps getting StSq3 this season?? Look a GPS can calculate detailed street-by-street driving directions from NYC to California in less than 10 seconds. Google can crawl the entire web in milliseconds and Amazon can tell you what you need before you realize. It's totally possible to measure stuff like rotations and steps but nope, it's still a struggle to allow USBs for music at competitions And somehow I feel like there's got to be a few figure skating fans who would do it all for free or a low cost
  3. I have no idea how you could be on an left outside edge but rotate counterclockwise. It's basically the CCW counterpart of a loop but you rotate clockwise instead. Maybe you launch straight into the air and rotate your shoulders while in the air to not only counter the rotation of the left outside edge but then rotate CCW
  4. sorry i don't have anything more substantial to say
  5. IT CAN BE https://www.keepcalmandcarryon.com/buy-keep-calm-variations-and-memes/?shortcode=yMzguuRKi
  6. i love it when people appreciate Yuzu back before it was cool
  7. Nice find! LOL I'm not too worried about the short free skate is a different story
  8. I have posted a few times as stories: https://www.instagram.com/stories/jenikooooooo/ (the last two) I had a decent day today where I centered a lot of spins. It could be because the ice was hard since it's been cold outside lately. Anyway my friend told me to try flexing my foot and lifting my right hip and I think it helped. But it almost looks like my right hip is higher than my left now. The rink was hard to film on so i asked someone to do it but then I was quite far so it's hard to see Hope you can still see the stories LOL
  9. I'm really frustrated about centering my scratch spin Like I can see that they are improved from say, a few months ago, and they feel like they are improved, but they are still not centered so it doesn't come together? And if I can't center it I can't do any other variations like layback or anything, so it's a hugeeee blocker. I can tell, from slowing down videos, that I sort of make this "bow" shape with my body where my right hip is dropped and it pulls me way onto my inside edge and my left hip is the farthest part of my body sticking out, but of course I have no idea how to *solve* that. and then i just keep doing the spin, and once in a while it's centered and most of the time it's not, but i never actually *change* anything or improve it, and it's just a giant waste of time. My coach also told me I should start setting up my jumps in the same way every time to hammer in the muscle memory. Right now I just jump wherever there's space I guess (I mean I only do singles anyway). but setting it up just takes more time to set up the jump, At least with my jumps I can definitely see them improve. Even if it's not enough to be very noticeable on video, or still not very perfect or clean, but at least they are improving. I could definitely feel my loop improved a lot today, i was able to get a really smooth-feeling loop today where it felt like i'm on a really deep outside edge, i'm jumping exactly after 180 prerotation and not too early, i'm not jumping off of a straight line, and i'm not stopping and waiting on my toe pick before pushing myself off, etc. At least it's getting better, and i think with more practice it'll get better (and i think my coach is pretty good at teaching jumps). But my spins are like nahhh (maybe i need to go to someone else for spins bc theyre so frustrating)
  10. Hey yuzupon, we think it's a good suggestion, but we're not sure about the implications of having a "drama" thread. We feel airing out frustrations and then moving on is probably healthier for everyone than to create a thread where people can stew in it for a long time. Yes there are always moments where people overreact at the same time but we'll try to do a better job of moderating and moving posts (i.e. posts that were more about US Nats and less about Yuzu) in the future.
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