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Everything posted by MrPudding

  1. Meanwhile Yuzu is just shaking of the haters
  2. credit: fsyuzuruhanyu.tumblr.com That outfit..
  3. And some people say his performance was cold.. pshh
  4. There's 8 more shows so there are still many more opportunity to get heart attacks..
  5. So may I know what did he change from Chopin in the first year to the second year????? *me currently listening to Chopin ballade no 1*
  6. All this new information is appearing too fast its hard to keep up By the Olympics I'll probably be
  7. Honestly what I think.. Yuzuru is smart. He knows what he got to do next season. He probably knows all the media play around him and the JSF doings. This is the guy who changed his FS layout at 4CC and WTT #YOLO He won't go down without a fight. And when he's on.. he's unbeatable. So we should really just have a constant prayer circle because the drama next season is going to skyrocket and we need all the luck for him
  8. Being Yuzu's companion is not an easy job
  9. Imagine if Yuzu actually get a pooh gold medal He'd be so happy
  10. Because this boy love to tease...
  11. Is it a black blade or a normal one? But that carvings tho..
  12. The waiting game to see where Yuzu is going is so hard..
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