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Everything posted by SuzyQ

  1. I just want to calm down by listening to Yuzuru's gentle voice. Yuki Yuki Daisuki - I like snow very much. Sekkisei Official Channel - SAVE the BLUE - Snow Project - Read by Yui Aragaki, Yuto Totsuka, Aiko Uemura, and Yuzuru Hanyu. This post has been tagged by Yuzu_legend as [NEWS].
  2. Switch Interview with Koichi-kun on YouTube Might be deleted soon, I'm afraid
  3. Yuma is back SP 91.47 FS 174.12 Total 265.59
  4. The scope and amount of your information are amazing Thank you As Yuzuru says, "This "RE_PRAY" also includes ethics and values from the world of games, which is a big part of my experience," the show including the title seems to have so many metaphors from games, animes, and so on. Cannot wait. Anyway, we have to survive the bloodbath ticket battle first. OK, Saitama looks to have the largest capacity
  5. We only have one pronunciation for R and L in Japanese. So, generally, RE-PLAY and RE-PRAY (both リプレイ in katakana characters) sound the same to our ears, unless the person is particularly sensitive to differences in sound (EDIT: or, they are often regarded as the same or confused). Taking this into consideration as well, I suppose Yuzuru wanted to include the meaning of "PRAY" in the show. I'm not sure this idea is his or not, but I have been amazed by his being an excellent producer of himself
  6. After the media's (and haters) saying, "his popularity seems to have been down after his marriage announcement", "It is heard that his ice show in Sept. has been cancelled (without any evidence)", blah blah blah Look, Yuzuru's names (羽生結弦 Hanyu Yuzuru, 羽生くん Hanyu-kun, 羽生さん Hanyu-san) are overwhelming the trending as usual after Kose released his photos and video. It is easily back to normal business for Fanyus It is still hot and humid here too. But his beauty brings us some refreshing breeze
  7. Back to normal Yuzu on the trend.
  8. Grand Finale for the exhibition at Gucci Ginza
  9. She participated in the "One Piece on Ice" in Yokohama last weekend, so it might be the reason. Another OPI show will be held in Nagoya on Sep. 2 and 3. The members including Shoma and Koshiro will have to prepare for competitions late, I'm afraid. https://www.nikkansports.com/sports/news/202308190000921.html
  10. Congrats, Kao for his second victory And, Takeru, his skating is so beautiful
  11. Subsc-Do: https://twitter.com/hashtag/サブスク堂?src=hashtag_click Yuzu's toe Really deep in talks by the way. Ho-Ho san: 「変態性の方向性が似ている」Hentaisei no Houkousei ga niteiru (Yuzuru and Gen-san's) directions of pervertedness are similar. Edit:
  12. Kao, it's super ! This was his second competition on the same day, wasn't it? Incredible. Addition: Yes, this was the first one, Gensan Summer Cup.
  13. I like Takeru's skating, although he does not have a quad. I hope his beautiful 3A will stay with him to the end of this season
  14. I look forward to Sabusuku (Subsc)-Do tomorrow on NHK Koi-dance again please
  15. I myself has concluded by now that Minori Kitahara just didn't like Yuzuru's using the word 入籍 nyuseki (literally means "going into the register", somehow sounds classic), which originally means that someone is registered in someone else's family register, and generally it has been used at the time of marriage. As you may know, a marriage in Japan used to be regarded to happen between families, and in most cases (even after the Civil Law was changed), a woman has been registered in her husband's family register and changed her family name to husband's (of course there are opposite cases). Under the modern Japanese Civil Law, however, a married couple can start their family register from the first page as well, and they select the family name from theirs by mutual consent (it must be one family name though, and in most cases the husband's family name is still chosen). I don't know why Yuzuru used such a classic way of saying (he could exactly say 婚姻届けを提出することになりました instead), but it is also true that we still feel 入籍 equals 結婚 (marriage). He might have avoided the word 結婚 (婚姻) in order to lessen our shock receiving from such a direct word. This is just my guessing though. Anyway, I'm quite sure now this is just a case that his selection of words has got on the feminist's nerves, and she has confessed that she is an Ohtani fan So, forget about it, guys
  16. His coach, Tsuzuki sensei, said in an article that he thinks Yuzuru's wife might be the same type of his mother. If he is correct , she may be just the type you said, as Yuzuru once mentioned that as he and his mother are so alike (character as well as body shape), they often quarrel with each other
  17. I totally agree with you. It is difficult for me to believe that the person Yuzuru has chosen as his spouse is just the submissive type who does not have her own opinions. AERA, Asahi Shimbun and TV Asahi are in the same group, and they are liberal media to say the least, and their articles and writers are often controversial. I am rather conservative type, so basically their editorial policy does not match my ideas. But, their articles/programs about figure skating are excellent, so I cannot ignore them Anyway the article this time has provoked so much anger among fans and even those who are not particular Yuzu fans.
  18. For those who may be interested in Japanese marriage registration system. https://www.japanlivingguide.net/dailylife/life/marriage-in-japan/ You can submit it 24/7, even by a proxy. So, you can select a day you want, e.g., a lucky day on the calendar, someone's birthday, etc. I hope Yuzu can/could get married on the luckiest day for him https://hana-yume.net/howto/marriage-registration-jikangai/
  19. After I wrote the above, I rethought that, as we Japanese are somehow superstitious for a good luck, we choose lucky days according to a special calendar (almanac) for filing the marriage registration, wedding ceremony, and so on, and I heard that today August 4th is a really lucky day from several reasons. And as you know, Yuzuru is especially superstitious, and he would not miss such an occasion. And if he wrote the message yesterday or so, exactly today may be the day he did the registration, then he got married by now. What do you think about my guessing?
  20. I want to see Satomi Ito's wedding dress "Congratulations ‼︎‼︎ I'll dare to say this in the confusion of the moment, but I can make a wedding outfit, thank you."
  21. He wrote, この度、私、羽生結弦は入籍する運びとなりました。 Literally it means "This time, I, Yuzuru Hanyu has decided to (or, is going to) file the (marriage) registration." If he has already registered, I think he wrote 入籍いたしました, in the past tense. So, to me, it seems he is going to register his marriage soon.
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