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Team France

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:wave: I just learned that G Papadakis and G Cizeron are ending their competitive careers. 




Well... I expected it, since they didn't do any competitions after the 2022 Olympics, just ice shows like FOI 


Despite everything, I wish them a good "retirement" because I think that skateboarding will remain in their lives. 

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OK so, no more G&G together: but Gaby skated with a woman (and long-time friend) M Hubbel to, in a way, break the codes, but only on an ice show (for the moment)  https://la1ere.francetvinfo.fr/saintpierremiquelon/gabriella-papadakis-madison-hubbell-deux-femmes-qui-patinent-ensemble-une-initiative-inspirante-pour-les-acteurs-du-patinage-artistique-a-saint-pierre-et-miquelon-1554217.html  



Also on his side Guillaume wishes to resume the competition with a new partner who is : Fournier / Beaudry Laurence who is an acquaintance because with her ex partner she trains in Montreal as G&G and maybe? at the 2026 Olympics 








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