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12 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:

Yes, it is ... I was thinking that it would be cool if he would wear a new seimei costume with a new design not just to change the color of the details on his old one ... :tumblr_inline_nhkezmYSxk1qid2nw:


It would be nice, though I love traditional low-waisted attire (I love Nathan's FS costume so much). It's a pity there wasn't more variety in men's fashion in the Heian period. :crazyshit2:


I wonder if they'll go with another male/female blend like last Olympics (probably not but my brain is bored.)

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12 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:

Semei ... with red and golden details ...not bad :tumblr_inline_nhkezmYSxk1qid2nw:



This is just beautiful! Oh, I hope they go with something like this. Looks so wonderful with the creamy white (and his beautiful dark hair and pale skin.)


I think maybe the green could be replaced with a different colour, though, because it's kind of making me crave gingerbread and fruitcake. (But what a beautiful Father Christmas. I would build a house with a million chimneys. :10815002:)


(This might only affect people from Western/Christian cultures so for anyone else reading, red and green are so strongly associated with Christmas that although they are complimentary colours, blue is often used instead to avoid evoking a festive mood.)


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