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On 3/17/2018 at 10:06 AM, yuzuonice said:

I'm sure it'll get translated soon, but here :))




On 3/17/2018 at 12:07 PM, dotsquare said:


Quick rough translation:


Title: Yuzu came back strong and mature


Yuzu, Evegenia and I are really good friends. The two of them have been through some really tough times. I've also been through the same thing so I wanted to support them as a friend. They're in an even more critical situation because they have medals on the line (not sure about this part). As an older brother that is experienced and older than them, I gave them lots of know-how and examples. Sometimes I sent them emails 5-6 pages long. And so I feel both of them overcame difficulties and came back stronger not only as athletes, but as people. This time, I felt from his expressions and conversations (with him?) that Yuzu has grown a great deal. He matured in a controlled, gentle manner. I tweeted 'ThePrinceBecomeAKing' after his short program, but this is what I meant. We all live in different parts of the world and don't have time so we can't talk a lot, but we all support each other.




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On 3/18/2018 at 3:03 AM, yude said:

Kohei Uchimura talked about Yuzuru's win at the Olympics. "I'm speechless. The Olympics was the first competition since he had been injured. If I were him, I could not have done the same. It is impossible for me."

Kohei injured his left ankle at WC in October last year and withdrew, and he will participate in the competition in next week after 5 months of absence. His ankle is recovered 70% and he wants to get back the sense of the competition.



On 3/18/2018 at 3:09 AM, Sammie said:


On 3/18/2018 at 3:40 AM, kaeryth said:

Yuzuru Hanyu - The Starry Sky 7 Years Ago with English Subtitles



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33 minutes ago, kaeryth said:

Can anyone translate? Nobu is gushing about Yuzu again :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:



11 minutes ago, Kizuna said:

I think it says that the one Nobu's kids think is cool is Yuzu. He's such a god-like existence to them that they think "No way, no way, no way!" about taking a photo with Yuzu. Also, they think it's awesome that Nobu is skating with Yuzu, like it's awesome only because he's skating with Yuzu :laughing:


Anyone feel free to correct me if I misunderstood/missed out anything :)


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On 3/18/2018 at 7:48 AM, yude said:

Not only Kohei Uchimura, other top Japanese athletes were also inspired by Yuzuru in the Olympics according to these articles and tweets. I didn't have time to post at that time since there were too many news about Yuzuru himself, but here it is :)


Tomokazu Harimoto (table tennis, gold medalist in JWC of 2016, https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%BC%B5%E6%9C%AC%E6%99%BA%E5%92%8C)


(After he lost in the game) "If I had the mental strength Hanyu has, I would be able to get closer to the gold medal. I want to carry this regret to the next."


Kenzo Shirai (gymnastics, gold medalist in the Olympics and WC, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenz%C5%8D_Shirai)


"In the warm up, there was the jump he was not able to land, but he succeeded it at one shot in the actual performance." 
"Hanyu said he would challenge 4A, and as a leading "twister" in the gymnastics, I also have to aim for the higher level."


Daiya Seto (swimming, gold medalist in two WC, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daiya_Seto)


"I think his road to the Olympics was not easy being injured, but it was beyond amazing he achieved the greatest result at the biggest stage."
"I have the connection with Hanyu in terms of belonging to the same company (Seto is in ANA, also a student of Waseda Uni), I only have greeted him. I'm interested in the mentality of "The absolute king", so I would love to talk with him. Of course, I am feeling like "I have to do it next." and being passed a baton from him."


Naohisa Takato (Judo, gold medalist in two WC, bronze madalist in the Olympics, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naohisa_Takato)


"Hanyu's consentration is really great. I was moved from my heart that he executed perfectly at the big stage without loosing focus after he had injured his right ankle. He must be realizing his current strength and weakness very well. While he wanted to have the best performance at the current state since it was the Olympics, he did stick to giving all his best on that day. It was the toughness that normal people don't have. Hanyu had it and I felt he was a monster." 
"He has the absolute power that nobody can say anything about. I watched him feeling like the excellence of Yuzuru Hanyu as a human being was spreaded not only over Japan but also the whole world. Being impressed by his interview, I was motivated like I had to work harder and keep up, because I want my gold medal in the Olympics after all."

Nozomi Okuhara (badminton, gold medalist in WC of 2017, bronze medalist in the Olympics, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nozomi_Okuhara)


"The more I see the news of Hanyu, the more I want to see him and ask a lot of questions. I want to hear many stories from him."


Kosei Inoue (Judo, gold medalist in the Olympics, the current supervisor of team Japan, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C5%8Dsei_Inoue)


"True king. He had the curious aura in his whole body and the power to draw all in." "I shouted when I was watching him. I don't know about the techniques of the sport, but he had his own expression, brilliance and flexibility. I thought he was fabulous." 
"He has incredible mentality. It is better if we don't get hurt physically, but the important thing is how to control ourselves after getting injured." 
"We have tremendous pressure for 2020, but we have to fight believing in ourselves after all. As an athlete, he gave us the courage and inspiration." 


Nao Kodaira (speed skating, gold medalist in the Olympics, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nao_Kodaira)


"First of all, his attitude for the performance was different (from mine) when he stood on the ice rink. He was standing like he was able to have clean elements without thinking anything, and I felt I wanted to compete in that kind of atomosphere as well." 
"I've heard that Hanyu read many research papers while he was injured, so if I have any chance to talk with him, I want to ask him what kind of documents he had read."


Kosuke Hagino (swimming, gold medalist in the Olympics, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosuke_Hagino)


"I imagine he had really hard time after getting injured, and his sense (for skating) may not been coming back 100% yet, but he did give it all like that. I was very moved." 
(Did Yuzuru inspire him toward the consective win in Tokyo Olympics?) "Yes. I can not let the Pooh rain over the swimming pool, so I want to make another kind of rain (in Tokyo Olympics)."


Yuto Nagatomo (football, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuto_Nagatomo)


"Yuzuru Hanyu is unbelievable. How did he show the best performance after returning from long-term withdrawal due to the injury? Has not he recovered fully yet, has he? Besides, the Olympics is the big stage. You can not do this only by the talent. Well done."


Shohei Ono (Judo, gold medalist in the Olympics, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shohei_Ono)


"Hanyu's word "I know how to win the Olympics.". He understands the way of aproaching to the big game, and the way of peaking and conditioning. What I am lack within me is "prominent". I haven't trained enough to be prominent. I only have to spend enormous amount of time to build up."


On 3/18/2018 at 7:55 AM, Anya said:

Eng subbed vids from Lorando Muffin on DM:





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On 3/19/2018 at 10:58 PM, YH7892 said:


On 3/20/2018 at 12:09 AM, kaerb said:

LOLOL wtf is this program omg, it's truly like the Hanyu Uncle Fanboy Congressional Session or something, it's hilarious :xD:


Ueda-san and his uncle bros are just thoroughly impressed, you can tell by the way they all make those 'ehhhhh' and 'iyaaaaa' sounds and shaking their heads, it means the JP ojisans like you a lot : P


Quick summary (usual disclaimer: my Japanese is not the best, probably some mistakes here, they speak really fast at times so I can't hear properly and also there's a bunch of inside jokes that flew over my head so I just left them out lol)

  • Ueda: Honestly, I saw [the NHK injury]. For a bystander's perspective, it was a situation of 'there's no way he can make it in time'. He was off for 2mths. He also only had 3wks of training and he probably couldn't train a lot. It was like there was no way he could make it in time and it seems like Ueda heard that from quite a few people around him
  • "But one week earlier, from Canada's skate rink, I heard he was jumping quads. I was like 'are you serious?' The way he got the information (the 'route' he literally says) was also amazing. It was not Hanyu-senshuu's coach but a coach who taught another skater in the same rink. That coach told someone in Japan and that person in Japan told me. And that person in Japan was the teacher who taught me [Ueda] to skate on 'Bakabon' (a program, I assume)." 
  • Ueda also greeted Daisuke and Shizuka at Pyeongchang during Kodaira Nao's event, and asked about Yuzu's condition, they said, 'He's pretty much returned. honestly he's not at 100% but it seems like he can do it.' And even then Ueda said he thought 'REALLY? TRULY???' but after the shocking short program, Ueda was like 'really...this person's mentality...is.........WTF IS IT. It was truly unbelievable.'
  • There's been a lot of talk about the '[XYZ Athlete] Age' eg. the Hanyu Age, the Otani Age' named after prominent leading athletes and Ueda always thought it was the Otani Age even though there were people saying different things, but after seeing Yuzu, in an instant, he was like 'it's the Hanyu Age.' :knc_yuzu1::knc_yuzu1::knc_yuzu1:
  • Ueda also complimented Yuzu's politeness - 2/3hrs after everything when they were preparing for Ueda's interview, Yuzu was getting his mic put on and Ueda was like 'oh please sit, please sit' and Yuzu said 'Ueda-san, please go ahead and sit down' (very politely/considerately).
  • They also noticed that Yuzu had noticed Javi not having a Spanish flag the first round so Yuzu told Shoma they'd do a round w/o their flags first, also they noticed Yuzu being very attentive to cameras on the podium and turning around to face all the photographers 
  • Ueda: 'Hanyu-kun just has no faults'
  • [they break off on this joking tangent for awhile about how one dude went to multiple Olympics, witnessed multiple gold medallist wins and basically said 'I won the gold with them' lmao...it's hard to explain/translate so just ignore the section from 6:05 ~ 7:15]
  • At Sochi, there were a lot of JP fans but they were mostly Takahashi fans and they were yelling 'Dai-chan, Dai-chan' so at the time, Yuzu's popularity wasn't quite there. This time it was just ENTIRELY YUZURU'S FANS. He commented on Pooh rain - it was all from 'Pooh-san's Honey Hunt???' (idk what that is but one dude made a pun like 'it was Pooh-san's Hanyu Hunt' and was really proud of himself lol)
  • One of them even commented on the fact the camera zoomed out from Pooh-san's face when Yuzu was returning to the K&C
  • Glasses white hoodie oji-san commented on how on the TV you can see the closeups of the face but even from far away, he was impressive; they comment on how his performance ability really struck their hearts...it's all very fanboy-y
  • 9:23 - Glasses white hoodie oji-san was like 'ahh.......Hanyu-kun won't come on this show [Ueda Channel] would he?' and Ueda nearly does a spittake and then starts laughing abt how he should appear with a bunch of funny guests to up the contrast
  • Ueda says he really wants Yuzu to go on variety shows, he told Yuzu in Sochi, 'come on Oshareism' and that he didn't have to come on Shabekuri 007 because there's the thing named Oriken there (one of his co-hosts if I recall correctly, Ueda's roasting Oriken LOL) but Yuzu at the time said 'I want to come and see Shabekuri 007'. The other day, Ueda talked about it again only briefly with him this time but Yuzu gave the smiley scrunchy 'mmmmmm no' face (at 10:55 - Ueda does a HILARIOUS impression bc I know that EXACT FACE lmfao)
  • They ruminate on Yuzu going on variety some more, mention Mao-chan hasn't been on there either, Ueda says the biggest reason is obviously bc Yuzu is in Canada most of the time and then there's another round of 'wow he's amazing isn't he..... [for...training in Canada I guess LMFAO]'


ANYWAY, who says yuzu's fanbase is all middle aged mums, his gigantic collection of gushy uncle fans is nothing to laugh at 


On 3/20/2018 at 12:17 AM, SparkleSalad said:

Brian on Yuzu competing in Beijing:

"It's definitely not a no but I haven't heard a yes."



On 3/20/2018 at 12:55 AM, kaeryth said:


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3 hours ago, xeyra said:

Nathan mentions Yuzuru in an interview prior to Worlds:



“Honestly, I was a little disappointed that Yuzu pulled [out of worlds],” Chen said (Hanyu cited a right ankle injury that kept him out of competition from November until the Olympics). “Obviously, he needs to get healthy. I don’t know what his future entails, but I wanted to have him there. It really ups the ante of the competition. Everyone definitely feels his presence and Javi’s presence.”



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On 3/22/2018 at 10:03 AM, MrPudding said:


On 3/22/2018 at 10:48 AM, MrPudding said:


On 3/22/2018 at 10:53 AM, kaeryth said:

Wherein Brian says Yuzu is the Greatest of all Time and Javi saying "His brain is pretty good." :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid:

/Olympic channel I'm on to you....... please give me more./


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On 3/22/2018 at 1:43 PM, Lilona said:

Wow! I googled her and it turns out she is quite famous oO. She painted two of his portraits I think this is the second one:


On 3/22/2018 at 2:39 PM, Floria said:

Today's interview with Brain Orser for Russian Media. I translated the most important points here:



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