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3 hours ago, Sammie said:

Is this posted? There many stuff posting yesterday. :dancingpooh:


3 hours ago, kelly said:


3 hours ago, Pamigena said:

hahaha, Pooh-Rain-Special :smiley-laughing021: those girls are busy! 




don't know if this is geoblocked. Set VPN to Germany if it is


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3 hours ago, sweetwater said:


3 hours ago, sweetwater said:

4T-3T with SBS jump by Brian and Briand


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3 hours ago, sweetwater said:


3 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:


2 hours ago, ThiriYuzu said:

The Olympic men’s figure skating title is Yuzuru Hanyu’s to lose https://www.bostonglobe.com/sports/2018/02/16/the-olympic-men-figure-skating-title-yuzuru-hanyu-lose/k1cjYTlmW3aopsZgXOw08H/story.html


It's not Nathan's anymore. sigh.. I feel bad for Nathan. US media couldn't be more stupid. 


2 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

omg the way this article is written is making me laugh


I translated it almost literally from spanish because omg they refer to Pooh dolls as "tribute" and i am cracking up:

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This friday a lot of the fans who followed the figure skating mens short program wondered: What's the deal with Yuzuru Hanyu and all those Winnie the Pooh plush toys?


After a months long absence, caused by a serious injury on his foot, the japanese skater returned for the Pyeongchang 2018 Olympic Winter Games and immediately showed his level obtaining the highest score almost equal to his own world record, however, what caught everyone's attention during his performance was the plush toy rain from the crowd at the Gangneung Ice Arena, to honor the Sochi 2014 gold medalist and 2017 World Champion.


The japanese, in a crowded press conference before his performance in Pyeongchang, confessed to be a big fan of the cartoon bear: "My room is full of Winnie the Pooh"


Basically, Winnie Pooh is a kind of "amulet" for Hanyu.
The 23 year old, an idol in his home country, Japan, began carrying a box of tissues with the image of the well known hunny-eating bear in 2010 and since then he has been seen carrying his plush toy to all the competitions where he has participated, with the curious fact that it has inspired him to beat the spaniard Javier Fernández, his biggest rival in the competition and whom he couldn't beat.


When Hanyu skates, he places his Pooh Bear to make sure it has a good view of him, and he carries it to the press conferences.
Finally, his association with the doll took a life of its own, and even when the rules of Olympic sponsorship kept him from taking his furry friend to the rink, his fans made sure this friday that Hanyu wouldn't suffer from a Pooh shortage.


In other competitions, Pooh has been placed next to Hanyu's coach, Brian Orser, who won the olympic silver medals in 1984 and 1988 for Canada. "You go to the backstage and there's bags and bags and bags (with bear)", said Orser in 2016 about the dolls that the fans throw at every competition where Hanyu skates, who have a great destiny, since they're donated to the kids in the area surrounding the arena where the competition was held, in this case, Gangneung and PyeongChang.


The Pooh doll avalanche has turned into something like a competitive advantage for Hanyu, because the skaters who are slated to perform immediately after him have to wait for all the tributes to be picked up from the ice.


Taking the maximum score in the free skate this saturday, Hanyu is well placed to defend his Olympic title, and if he wins another gold, we can expect to see a torrent of yellow and red plush toys hitting the ice.



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22 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:


16 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:


20 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

at the start of the video, it shows that he was actually icing his feet during the press conference :sadPooh:

it's okay yuzu have fun tomorrow!!


17 minutes ago, GreatLakesGal said:

Has this NYT article been posted yet? It's written by the same guy who did that nice article on Yuzu a few weeks ago.





Knowing how superstitious Yuzu can be, I'm so relieved that he was able to pat a Pooh before skating!  :)


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Sixth practice (before free program) [17 February]


On 2/17/2018 at 12:46 AM, DaPurpleDino said:


On 2/17/2018 at 12:39 AM, DaPurpleDino said:


On 2/17/2018 at 12:59 AM, MrPudding said:


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