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Fantasy on Ice 2024 in Aichi

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I'm still watching the replays they're broadcasting,it's P/C now


Various clips floating on my TL






LOL it's Lambiel now,then finally imma rewatch Zu (hopefully no one gonna call me on phone this time, like in Makuhari)



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YASSSS I WATCHED how is it still so short tho??

Replaying finale too!

ETA: awww Nishikawa&blond guy (the singer or Naoto?) doing the same hand choreo of the skaters was cute, however much I love yuzucam (that this time was very generous), that shot from the stage was so cool!

Yuzu finding the camera and singing/dancing all extra&hyped in out face was good too😁


More clips



Eta: official stream finally ended now imma go back to the rest of my day:bye-smiley:

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Thank you for the updates.:thanks:



Yuzu's Polish  :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:




Here also the post from Jérémie from twitter 






FaOI is now over again. Yuzu seems to have had a lot of fun.

I wish him a good rest and I am curious to see what comes next.:happydance:



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25 minutes ago, ayumi_ysd said:

I fell asleep and missed most of the show, does anyone have a full recording ?


I think someone will upload the video to our video section later. Thanks in advance.:smiley-angelic001:

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1 hour ago, ayumi_ysd said:

I fell asleep and missed most of the show, does anyone have a full recording ?

I'll upload the Yuzu-cut later. The video is still processing

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