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Guest turquoiseblue
3 hours ago, Perelandra said:

Maybe the ANA bears did share the cake with BabyPooh. Seems as if he might have had too much sugar




As long as Baby Pooh san is happy, I'm happy :tumblr_inline_n2pjcvLUIY1qdlkyg:



3 hours ago, Anni said:






Credit: @yz_peel777 on twitter


Our fan artists are always so fast :tumblr_inline_mqt4gi8ECy1qz4rgp:



1 hour ago, Perelandra said:

magnificent TenChi with the sparrows come to life




I like the lucky sparrow sleeping in TenChi sama's hand :tumblr_m230ouoWHD1qfamg6::tumblr_lkl6q24eyw1qfamg6::tumblr_inline_mzx8s4JRlX1r8msi5::tumblr_lkl6q24eyw1qfamg6::tumblr_m230ouoWHD1qfamg6:


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