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Re the article on the exhibition at



I put this paragraph on translate and, umm......


"This photo exhibition is organized in a minimalistic space, where one floor of the 7th floor of Gucci Ginza has been transformed into an authentic white cube gallery, so that the individuality of each work stands out. On the one hand, there are continuous photographs that are full of dynamism, as if they are moving right in front of you, and visuals that capture the splendid physicality that dominates the space. Yes, through a multifaceted approach, you can experience a personal face-to-face with the existence of Yuzuru Hanyu."


Yes please :rock:

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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5 hours ago, Yuzurella said:





LOL! How true. :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:

This new, unrestrained Yuzu being fully in his element, freed from the chains that bound him, with his uncovered neck, collarbones showing is just... :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw: :10742290: :13877886: :8788161: :girlsigh:

In case you can't tell, I'm losing it.

Join me on the "killed completely stone DED" side.... we have strawberries...🍓🍓🍓

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4 hours ago, nekodearu said:


Exactly. Isn't also Finland Yuzu's favorite European country? :wink2: 

The beginning gives me always goosebumps, it's almost ASMR for me. This piece contains everything that Yuzu is best at: subtlety, fragility, nostalgia, monumentality, drama, power, dynamism, contrasts and so on.

It is also.. how to put it... :scratch3: Skatable? I just hear all the deep edges, steps, spins, arm movements, Yuzu's genius slow-downs, stops and jumps. I can't say the same about some of my favourite Chopin pieces, so that's already a big advantage.

It's  just... how to arrange  it for skating? It's very long. 

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