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7 hours ago, birnasan said:

Kenji Miyamoto interview about his thoughts on Yuzu‘s r… from competition and his work with him as a choreographer, translated with deepL. As always, I don‘t speak Japanese and this is only an automatic translation, I‘ve tried to polish it as good as possible, but there can be mistakes in the details.


Source: https://www.daily.co.jp/general/2022/07/27/0015504255.shtml


! Do not repost outside of Planethanyu !


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Various people have been involved in the skating career of Yuzuru Hanyu (27), who has won two consecutive Olympic titles in men's figure skating. One of them is choreographer Kenji Miyamoto (43), who choreographed exhibition programmes like "Hana ni Nare" in the 2012-13 season and "Requiem of Heaven and Earth" in the 2015-16 season. We asked him about his thoughts on Hanyu’s retirement from competition, and his expectations for his future as a professional skater.






Q: What were your thoughts when you heard of his retirement from competition?

KM: The main thing I felt was that I would miss him. He was at the top for a long time and is a world-class athlete. I felt a sense of loss, like having a gaping hole in my heart.




「東日本大震災が発生した2011年、4月9日に神戸で『東日本大震災チャリティー演技会 ~復興の街、神戸から~』を企画しました。羽生君が大変な状況だと聞いて、“みんなの前で滑ってもらえないだろうか?”ということが、最初のきっかけだったと思います」


Q: As an exhibition choreographer, you have created 'Hana ni nare' in the 2012-13 season and 'Requiem for Heaven and Earth' in the 2015-16 season and others, but how did you come to be involved?

KM: On 9 April 2011, after the Great East Japan Earthquake, the 'Great East Japan Earthquake Charity Exhibition, in Kobe, the City of Recovery' was organised in Kobe. When I heard that Hanyu was in a difficult situation, I thought, "Couldn't he skate here for everyone?" I think that was the initial starting point.






Q: What did you have in mind for the choreography?

KM: For 'Hana ni nare', I said, "First of all, I want you to be very serious about the lyrics". I wanted him to be able to sing the whole song before we started the choreography, and he said, "I've memorised the whole song. I can sing all of it". I was very impressed. He learned the choreography very quickly and added his own flair to the choreographed movements, and he was really singing while he skated. I got the impression that he was giving energy and healing to the people watching him.






Q: Did you see any particular commitment to the choreography?

KM: His eyes were really sharp and it was like he was capturing a video with his eyes. He was quick to interpret it in his own mind. At first he would copy me, and then he would work on it on his own to see if he should do it this way or that way. So as a teacher, it was a lot of pressure. If I would do something too light or too casual, he would probably spot it right away and say something like, "Could it be a bit more like this?" It was quite intense.






Q: Did he ask you any questions?

KM: What was very impressive about the choreography with him was that we didn't talk much to each other. We would say a few words, like 'like this' or 'in this atmosphere'. We just said some small words. It was almost like telepathy, because he was able to immediately grasp what I was trying to do in the choreography and transform it into movement.






Q: It seems to be a heart-to-heart communication.

KM: I thought it must be amazing to read someone's mind. When I talked with him about it, he said, "People teach in different ways, but Kenji-sensei does it in this way". I thought he was right.


[t/n: Again, this is only an automatic translation. Please look at the overall meaning rather than at the exact words. I don‘t want to become the source of rumours about Yuzuru Hanyu actually reading other people‘s minds.]






Q: What was particularly impressive?

KM: He learns quickly, first of all. He would show me his own techniques, saying that he can do these things, and then we tried to incorporate them, and so he was able to make the programme greater in his own way, and with my ideas as well. It was like a collaborative process. It wasn't just 'do this', it was like we were creating it together.






Q: What do you think is the attraction that draws people to him?

KM: He always gives a divine performance, but it wasn't always easy for him to stay at the top. Even when he was injured, people around him were saying, "He will definitely perform a miracle", and he performs and achieves results that go beyond that. But normally he's a really normal kid. He's just so smiling. Isn't that part of his attractiveness? Of course he has great skating skills, but I also think he's a wonderful person in other ways.






Kenji Miyamoto was born on 6 November 1978 in Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture. After retiring in 2006, he became a choreographer. Not only has he choreographed for Japan's top skaters such as Yuzuru Hanyu, Shizuka Arakawa, Daisuke Takahashi, Nobunari Oda and Satoko Miyahara, but also for various ice shows, and he also commentates on TV and other media.


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].

thank you ! this was very interesting to read. To this day Hana ni nare stays as one of my favorite Ex :YuzuPoohLove:

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On 7/16/2022 at 8:33 PM, Xiupia said:

This account has been going through some older Yuzu interviews, I’m sharing here because I don’t remember if Aoi Hono I has it verbatim (I think it does, but just in case):



10 years ago~

When you think you already know everything. These details are really impressive! I knew that Yuzu ran out of the rink with his skating boots on and that his family spent some days in a shelter. However, reading that the boots were damaged and the home was destroyed is something different! Same with the details about his sister: So she taught him how to jump? Also I had always been wondering how Yuzu perceived his mom being around, leaving his dad and sister behind. So there was a very simple (and sad) reason why she had to stop making his costumes.

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Yuzu keeps emphasizing that he is becoming a “professional athlete” rather than a “professional skater” because the latter term implies or invites inferences of exhibition level skating. He clearly would not want to be equated to the likes of Johnny Weir.


Yuzu wants to continue challenging competitive level skating on his own terms and unfettered by the prejudicial confines of the ISU and JSF.


I can imagine Yuzu performing amazing Olympic competition level short and free programs in his future ice shows which will naturally draw comparisons with the performances of the ISU-sponsored winners and leave absolutely no doubt as to who the best skater and GOAT is, notwithstanding the machinations of the powers that be.


I see Yuzu creating a parallel universe to the Bizarro World of the ISU. A universe where true figure skating – that perfect balance of athleticism and art – will be encouraged to flourish and grow.

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8 hours ago, SummerMemories said:

Now everyone just wish there were some accident during the last day of Nagoya ..... so that we could see the 27 years old Parisienne :YuzuPoohSad:


We were extremely fortunate to be at 2019 Skate Canada International in Kelowna, British Columbia along with a number of satellites. That was an amazing competition and watching 24-year-old Yuzu performing his 2014 Olympic record-breaking SP “Parisienne Walkways” as his exhibition number was the cherry on top. The crowd went wild.


I’m sure that 27-year-old Yuzu will be able to skate PW even better since there seems to be no limit to his ability to improve both athletically and artistically.

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23 minutes ago, Yuzurella said:


Yuzu is so loved at home. :heartpound:




I would really appreciate if the acc mentioned where in this Q&A a question is asked or a comment is made about nikkan. I just went through it to try my hand at translating the 2 questions made about Yuzu's statement of determination, and if the mayor has commented about it anywhere else (on video or written) I would like to know, because is not on the page linked. I know some japanese personalities have, but haven't found it from the Sendai mayor. 


Anyway. Here is the japanese transcript for anyone to try their hand as well: 




Q9. 昨日、羽生選手がプロ転向を会見を開いて決断したということですけれども、これについて市長のご所感をお聞きしたいのと、改めて何か表彰ですとか、例えば今後のプロとしての活動への支援みたいなものを何か新しく考えているのかどうかというところについて教えてください。


A9. 昨日の(羽生選手の)会見を受けてコメントを出させていただいたところです。羽生結弦さん、あれほど人々の心を揺さぶるアスリートというのはなかなかいらっしゃらないと思いますし、技術的なことも、それからまた芸術的なことも、そして何よりも人としての魅力というのでしょうか、放つ光というのでしょうか、こういうものを備えた方で、戦いの場からは去るということですけれども、しかし、まだチャレンジをして現役でプロとしてのアスリートの本領を発揮したいという、そういう強い思いを話されたこと、これからも引き続き応援してまいりたいと思っています。


Q10. 6月定例会でも泉(区)のアイスリンクについてのギャラリー整備の話も後押ししてはどうかという話ですとか、2月か3月の議会でもアイスリンクの整備についての質問ですとか、議会でもそういった声もあります。仙台市として現状、設備とかそういったものにとどまらず、何か羽生さんのこれまでの活動を顕彰、表彰するようなものというのは今現在考えているものはありますか。


A10. 先ほどの質問で何か表彰も考えているのかというところも答えが漏れてしまいましたけれども、今、改めてのご質問にもございました。その点については、今後のさまざまな状況を総合的に勘案した上で、何ができるのか、あるいはどうなのかということを考えていきたいと思います。それから施設整備についてですけれども、これも費用ですとか運営の在り方ですとか、さまざまな課題もあるわけでして、これも総合的に見ていかなくてはいけないだろうと思っています。



deepL translation with little tweaks from myself: 



Hanyu turning professional / pro. 


Q9. Yesterday, Hanyu held a press conference to announce his decision to turn professional / pro. I would like to know what the mayor thinks about this, and if there are any new plans for awards or support for his future activities as a professional.


A9. I just had a chance to comment on yesterday's (Yuzuru Hanyu's) press conference. Yuzuru Hanyu, I think it is rare to find an athlete who can move people's hearts so much, and he is a person with technical skills, artistic skills, and above all, a person who has such charm and light as a human being. Although he is leaving the arena of competition, I would like to continue to support him because of his strong desire to continue to challenge and demonstrate his true potential as a professional athlete.


Q10. At the regular meeting in June, there was also a question about the development of an ice rink gallery in Izumi Ward, and at the assembly meeting in February or March, there was also a question about the development of an ice rink. Is there anything that Sendai City is currently thinking of to honor or commend Mr. Hanyu's past activities, beyond the current facilities and such?


A10. I also omitted to answer your earlier question about whether we are also considering some kind of commendation, but you have just asked again. We will consider what we can do or not do in this regard after comprehensively taking into account various circumstances in the future. Regarding the maintenance of facilities, there are various issues to be considered, such as the cost and management of the facilities, and we will have to look at these issues comprehensively.


At yesterday's press conference, Mr. Hanyu himself expressed his passionate desire to become a professional skater in the future. He also said that he will continue to challenge quad Axel, and he would like to show his success to everyone. I would like to hear more about the stage where he is going to compete, and "what kind of situation you are in, if you have a chance to talk to us" - this part is as if he is talking directly to Yuzu.


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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25 minutes ago, Xiupia said:

The girl busting out crying looking at Yuzu is definitely a mirror of me 


Ah, she's so sweet!  Such a spontaneous reaction.  I would cry too if I was standing in front of his iconic, beautiful costumes and skates in person.  So much weight of history behind them..and would make me feel closer to Yuzu.  It would be overwhelming I think.

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30 minutes ago, Xiupia said:

TV news segment on the exhibition in Nagoya! (News One if I’m not mistaken) 






The girl busting out crying looking at Yuzu is definitely a mirror of me 





This is not fair. There should be a global tour of this exhibition as well. 😩 

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15 minutes ago, Mona_Melissa said:

Ah, she's so sweet!  Such a spontaneous reaction.  I would cry too if I was standing in front of his iconic, beautiful costumes and skates in person.  So much weight of history behind them..and would make me feel closer to Yuzu.  It would be overwhelming I think.

same :dpooh:


14 minutes ago, CiONTUw4A said:


This is not fair. There should be a global tour of this exhibition as well. 😩 

this too :dpooh:  

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On 7/26/2022 at 5:00 PM, ImmortalBeloved said:

If you can tell me what parts you are looking for I can try and screen record them for you..

I was specifically looking for the closing/finale, but a Yuzuru cut of the show would be :heart:


Thanks so much for offering to do this. :67638860:

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