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10 minutes ago, Xiupia said:



This is so interesting. I'm not a superstitious person, but I often see the number 1111 too. So, I was curious and Googled if it has a special meaning. This is what I found in a Cosmopolitan article:



"1111 is an alert from the angelic energies that you are supported by forces you cannot see. You can sink into relief, celebrate, and get excited when you see 1111—it gives you confirmation that everything is on schedule and divinely guided in your world at this time.

The number 1111 is a number of alignment of the highest order. The number 1, numerologically, is considered “god’s number.” It’s a representation of the singularity of everything that lives—that it is all one and the same, and it signifies the harmony of that fact. The number 1 is the “highest” number, energetically, in numerology. When repeated, like 1111, it amplifies the energy of the 1. This tells you not just to get in alignment but that you’re already there!"


There is so much Yuzu content since his declaration of independence that I can barely keep up. :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:


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