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10 hours ago, Muffinator said:

@petiteorange Wow. Thank you for your explanation. It's fascinating, and I knew nothing about it! 


Since, without pretension, I posted the article in French of the ISU's decision on this age question which is VERY important for me and with your HUGE phrasing  :headdesk:  :clapclap4:  I learned from it and without surprises, unfortunately and above all "parental pride"  :dry: and as PERELANDRA writes (who is DR I think?) this overwhelming pressure to be at the top and "appear like a star" and Annabelle's Spain which is a homeland of football ( like in France) and there are also parents who push their children to be a "Platini / Deschamps / Griezmann etc. ..... : yes and again we only talk about sport, there are drifts everywhere (some too young American child actors who are forgotten ....... ) 

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@Yuzuwinnie My 7th grade child has already studied calculus for a year (yes, he did algebra 1-2, geometry, and trigonometry/pre calculus first), BUT he did it on his own with Khan Academy. No pressure from me. He wanted to do it. Also, he is a very talented pianist who plays Chopin and other difficult classical music, again with no pressure from me. He wants to do it. You can encourage a child without pressure. Once parents start to pressure, it seems like they are doing it not for the child’s benefit, but for their own. Some parents even live vicariously through their kids. My child is very happy and feels in control of his life. 

I feel very sorry for these children pushed to skate and do other things.

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16 minutes ago, Muffinator said:

@Yuzuwinnie My 7th grader has already studied calculus for a year (yes, he did algebra 1-2, geometry and trigonometry/pre-calculus first), BUT he did it on his own with Khan Academy . No pressure from me. He wanted to do it. Moreover, he is a very talented pianist who plays Chopin and other difficult classical music, again without any pressure from me. He wants to do it. You can encourage a child without pressure. Once the parents start pushing, it seems like they are not doing it for the good of the child, but for their own. Some parents even live vicariously through their children. My child is very happy and feels in control of his life. 

I feel very sorry for these children who are pushed to skate and do other things.


Very happy to read that you are a parent who has not pushed his child, PERFECT and I prefer that it is HIS choice and when we force anyone to do what he does not want : it does not lead to nothing : but on the other hand, I don't understand '(being European) the American grade system? 7th year? and to say that I am HYPER ZERO in all that is math (ah trigometry = headaches  : embSwan: ) and I could not help my children ((except for the simple bases ..... ) 


In France, quite a few years ago, the parents of a very young child Jordy Lemoine 4 years old who "sung / rather babbled" the "hard hard to be a baby" and that enriched his parents, because there was no law to protect him because the € were raining in spades and when he was 18, he had nothing left...... 



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10 hours ago, umeko said:

We are now living peacefully in Sendai.

We received support from all over the world at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

I am very grateful. :grouphug:

I would like to write here about my happy memories.

I watched the 2018 ice show "Continues with Wings" live at a movie theater in Sendai.

When Yuzuru skated SEIMEI at the ice show, the woman next to me was in tears. The audience all applauded.

I have never been to a figure skating competition. but I have been to ice shows three times.


Fantasy on Ice Niigata 2018

I had a distant seat, but I was able to find Yuzuru right away.

His moves are clearly different from those of other skaters.

He skated Haru yo koi. He was elegant and beautiful.

After he finished skating, I stood up and applauded, saying "Great, he is the best".

The spectator next to me smiled and said, "I think so too". We had a happy time. :happy0065:


Stars on Ice Hachinohe 2021

Hachinohe is far from Tokyo. Some gave up getting tickets because of the pandemic.

However, Many locals came to the ice show. Many of them are not skating fans.

That is, they did not know what would happen at the ice show.

At the opening, Yuzuru skated to the song 'Blinding Lights'. It was forbidden to speak at the venue.

But voices were heard from the audience. :eek::loveeyes: :redface:

The audience was really surprised. :giggle:

Yuzuru skated Let's Go Crazy. What a gorgeous quad! His jumps are artistic.

He was cool and sexy. The audience was very happy.


Fantasy on Ice Makuhari 28 May 2022.

Lucky for me, I won a ticket. There was a huge crowd in Makuhari. It was like a rock festival. :rock:

Many of the spectators near me were young.There were also male audience members.

I had a far seat, so everyone had opera glasses. 

Everyone was watching Yuzuru dancing to the opening song. He is a born star.:heartpound:

During the break, there was a huge line for the restrooms.

So I could not see coach Ghislain.

However, I was able to talk to Yuzuru fans.

As you know, Yuzuru skated a programme called Real Face. The lighting in the hall was very flashy and varied. :animated-smileys-character-075:

It was very cool. I could clearly see that he was expressing his skating differently than before.

His expressiveness is outstanding. When he finished his performance, the entire audience stood up and applauded.

We had a great time. :loveshower:


For me, English composition is like muscle training. :0007::5918bda8ee9b0_0001(1):

Thank you for reading. :smiley-love017:


Thank you for your testimony! It always warms my heart when I read about people who loves Yuzu and how or why they love him! He really is a ray of light in so many people.


35 minutes ago, Muffinator said:

@Yuzuwinnie My 7th grade child has already studied calculus for a year (yes, he did algebra 1-2, geometry, and trigonometry/pre calculus first), BUT he did it on his own with Khan Academy. No pressure from me. He wanted to do it. Also, he is a very talented pianist who plays Chopin and other difficult classical music, again with no pressure from me. He wants to do it. You can encourage a child without pressure. Once parents start to pressure, it seems like they are doing it not for the child’s benefit, but for their own. Some parents even live vicariously through their kids. My child is very happy and feels in control of his life. 

I feel very sorry for these children pushed to skate and do other things.


You are a really good parent!

A lot of parents here push their child to play soccer or gymnastic. It seems like other sports don't exist. For soccer, then you see them during Sunday matches yelling at their child because while he is playing he makes mistakes and don't let me start on what they say about the other team kids. They use so many bad words against them! They are a disgrace to humanity. If only there would be more parents like Yuzu's (of course there are, this only to stay on topic of the thread :LOL:)

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1 hour ago, Muffinator said:

@Yuzuwinnie My 7th grade child has already studied calculus for a year (yes, he did algebra 1-2, geometry, and trigonometry/pre calculus first), BUT he did it on his own with Khan Academy. No pressure from me. He wanted to do it. Also, he is a very talented pianist who plays Chopin and other difficult classical music, again with no pressure from me. He wants to do it. You can encourage a child without pressure. Once parents start to pressure, it seems like they are doing it not for the child’s benefit, but for their own. Some parents even live vicariously through their kids. My child is very happy and feels in control of his life. 

I feel very sorry for these children pushed to skate and do other things.

You're a great parent! i love to observe children's growth and how the environment influence them. Generally children with supportive parents tend to being decisive on what they do because they get the freedom to make a choice, a lot of them tend to be smart or probably genius because they get a chance to know their own talent. It reminds me to Yuzu and how his parents are supporting what he wants to do and look at him now :kitty:

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This is about DoI 2021

Since the thread has been archived and I have no idea if anyone will see if I post there, I'm just going to ask here.

How come there were multiple Masquerade angles from DOI Day 3? Were there more broadcasts from the same day?



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@Yuzuwinnie In the US, 7th grade is typically entered at age 12. It means seven years beyond kindergarten at age 5. Most kids, including mine, turn 13 sometime during the second half of the school year, and 7th grade is typically the second year of middle school. My kid started calculus at the second half of 6th grade a couple of months before he turned 12. 

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2 hours ago, Muffinator said:

@Yuzuwinnie In the United States, grade 7 is usually entered at age 12. This means seven years after kindergarten to age 5. Most kids, including mine, turn 13 in the second half of the school year, and 7th grade is usually the second year of middle school. My child started counting in the second half of 6th grade a few months before he turned 12. 


Oh there, the system is a bit complicated (I had to read it quite a bit....), because in Europe a child does 3 years of kindergarten from 3 to 6 years old and 5 years of primary school (CP/CEI / CE2 / CM1 / CM2 and then 4 years of college of 11/12 years (6th / 5th the beginning of my headaches / 4th / 3rd and an exam and then high school (3 years and the BAC) then faculty or others ( my 32 year old daughter at BAC + 2 = BTS and there is no 7th year!!!!! and your child (I would say "big") is brave and an entrepreneur BRAVO   

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