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An angel has fallen

from heaven
decided to replace his wings 
by skating boots
and has since flown over ice
...so beautifully
...so softly
one can only believe it's a dream
...and we all have fallen
for him
Even if we can't understand a word of what he says
we comprehend all the message in his moves
the grace in his actions
the courage in creating something new
the determination in standing up again
and again
for bliss
for perfection in a ragged world
for meaning of life
like an immortal poem
Everything else will be forgotten in the arena
But for us
never you
Ice angel who sometimes doesn't remember 
his wings are skating boots now
and falls 
when trying to fly 
too high
...however never
from grace
for in our hearts 
for every fall
he shall
stand tall
From your brazilian Yuzurettes and green+yellow Fanyu's
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11 hours ago, yuzuangel said:

FS olmayan videoların indirilmesini isteyen var mı? Hâlâ etraftayken onları indirebilirim.


Bugünkü röportajında bahsettiği 'Rusya'dan Sevgilerle' videosunu nerede bulabiliriz?



Soru: Son pozunuzda kollarınızı 6 saniye yukarıda tuttunuz, o sırada nasıl hissettiniz?

Yuzuru: Uzundu (gülüyor). Evet, bu poz Cennetteki ve Dünyadaki cenneti temsil ediyordu (Ten to Chi to), sanki ruhumu cennete gönderiyormuşum gibi aklımda hayal ediyorum. Bu poz, 9 yaşındayken kayak yaptığım "Rusya'dan Sevgilerle" dizisindeki pozun aynısı. Yani, bir bakıma, şimdiki benliğimi, kısa ve öz bir şekilde açıklaması zor olan geçmiş benliğime yansıttım, ama bir sürü duygu dönüyordu. Hımm, söylemesi zor. Sanırım programımın hikayesi o zamana kadar devam ediyor; kollarımı kaldırana, kılıcımı kınına ve pistten ayrılana kadar.

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Ok I just have to ask, why do the federations dislike Yuzu so much?


I mean, to ISU he is a very bankable athlete, he brought people to the sports, he easily fills any venue. Like the WSJ article said: Yuzu has that  boyish good looks, talent and dedication. This type of combination is rare. And let's face it, that face appeals to all ages and genders. Shouldn't they take advantage of this? Promote the hell out of this dying sport, get him the royal treatment he deserves, give him all the support (and candies)? Are they saying they're above such tactics to bring people to appreciate the sport?


To the JSF, he has international appeal, has fans from all over the world, is a hell of an advantage to Japan. People would travel to see him perform. He can do so much for the sport and also Japan, not to mention the Pooh industry. Anything he said/mention/endorses has weight. Why are they treating him like scum? 

ETA: or did they already ask him to do all that and he refused, hence the treatment? 

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Hi :) This is my first ever post after lurking around for a while!

I haven't yet caught up with all the pages since the SP. I was devastated after the SP, and my mom and I swore not to look at anything Yuzu/Olympics related until we could get our mentality straight - until today, when my friend accidentally told me what happened. And I'm a wreck, I broke down and we cried together for an hour and I was bawling and raging and crushed. I've only been a fan since a few months before JNats21 but his impact on us is greater than words could say. He inspires me to work hard and be better, he and his skating have given me hope when I thought I'd lost it for good and brought light to my life that I thought was growing dim. He has touched countless hearts and I'm just lucky to be one of them I think. He and his skating has saved my life and I'm so grateful to him.
I was devastated and angry - still am - but I knew we had to just rip the bandaid off so we watched his free skate. And I guess the best way to heal from Yuzu is with Yuzu. I'm so damn proud of him. I'm so proud of everything he's accomplished, to rise up and fight after everything he's been through, with all the hard work and training and all his efforts and struggles. He's so brave and so strong. He said he would jump 4A at Olympics and he did. I've always admired that about him, his strength and firmness but I think I really understood it a little more now. I am so, so proud of him and that's the biggest thing I'm feeling now and I'm glad it's that instead of the anger. I really hope he gets to feel all the love and support from around the world.
In the end, we watched Haru Yo Koi, like I always do when I'm sad and while I'm not super okay, I finally feel a little at peace. Spring will come.

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