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Everything posted by nekodearu

  1. He can't stand still even for a moment. He just can't
  2. I wonder... Why are they so acrobatic in the StSq/choreo this season? Is the knee slide a new compulsory figure in singles?
  3. I adore Katya! She is one of the skaters I can watch and fully enjoy outside of the context of competition; the scores don't matter because she is such a joy! (Although I wish her better and better results ofc). I especially like that she has her own distinctive style, very original, musical and funny. She reminds me of a witty pixie from the forest. I am so happy that she represents my country And I have a lot of respect for her; she learned Polish by herself and speaks it SOOOO WELL!
  4. Are they not two varieties of the fighting fish species? Well, it fits perfectly.
  5. Mr. Hanyu, we invite you to Poland, you will change your mind about bread. That thing called "bread" in the world is not bread.
  6. Not necessarily. He said GPF 2019 was one of the milestones for him and I would like to hear more from him on that. Wasn't it also the biggest Pooh rain in history and remarkable gala performance with a huge audience response? Iirc he said in one of his interviews after turning pro that he felt something special during that exhibition. It might have been the first seed that gradually germinated over the next difficult years to reach a point where he realized that he no longer needs results and medals; instead, he wants to skate for people who truly appreciate it and feel something from his performances.
  7. I'm not sure if the name "ice show" is the best to describe what I saw. For me it was more a work of performing and creative arts. Hontouni bikkuri shimashita. And I think the artistic transformation of his cool down in particular was a brilliant idea. It made the piece even more coherent: 6min. warm up, competitive performance, cool down, gala, encore. He is so d*mn creative.
  8. Yesss! This was one of my favorite parts too. By the way, I really enjoyed his interaction with the speaker. Wasn't it the same lady as during the All-Japan? Lovely voice, wonderful job, so professional, so charming. I was also stunned by the way Yuzuru interacted with the audience. I shouldn't be surprised, because I've seen it before, but it wasn't on this scale. He conducted the entire performance so smoothly and skillfully, yet without any artificial showmanship. I was in awe, and so was my mother (I made her watch the whole show, she was enthralled, and it was she who pointed it out, without the slightest suggestion on my part).
  9. It seems that if you have a subscription, there is even an option to download it (unavailable for one day free trial).
  10. Well, no wonder, an elf in a jacket is still an elf
  11. That! I was about to tell myself that maybe it's not my day for watching FS, perhaps I'm too tired, or something, to get super excited and be really drawn into any FS program. But then I rewatched 17yo Yuzuru Hanyu's SP and FP from Nice 2012 and no, it's not a bad day. I always have chills when he starts his R&J final choreo sequence (not only then, but especially then). He really was something else, from the very beginning. And he still is.
  12. I don't understand the complaints, isn't getting paid the essence of being a professional? I'm not sure if I can afford it now, but it's my problem, not his. I can't buy many of the things I would like to have, but I understand that I can't have everything just for watching adverts, allowing cookies or other ways of accessing my personal data online.
  13. Astronaut wants to meet the only inhabitant of the planet Hanyu? How appropriate! 😂
  14. Hi, I rewatch Yuzu's 3rd video and each time I find sth new. Did you notice that, starting from 6:13, there is a picture within a picture, showing his feet simultaneousely from a different angle? It appears in the bottom left corner. Also, I LOVE "Change" and this is the best Change I've ever seen. The black suits him. And the hair And the speed - woooah! It's the first time I can feel it so well! As for the new program - he really never takes the easy way, huh? It takes a lot of courage and creativity to experiment like this instead of sticking to the well-known, polished and perfected over years and therefore safe forms. I'm really impressed. And smiling. The whole video makes me grin.
  15. +1 But I would say the hardest part is getting up!
  16. Every time I watch Rondo, I end with the same feeling and thought: "This is the shortest short program I've ever seen." Although by now I've memorized almost every step, every gesture, every detail, when the final spin comes, I feel surprised again: "Is it over? Is it really over?" Rondo is so dense that I don't even notice how time passes. I should add that more than once it happened to me that I didn't watch someone else's SP to the end, because I was getting bored and felt that the 2 min + were far too long for me to watch.
  17. I can't tear myself of this practice. I'm watching it again, extensive passages in slow motion. Have you noticed that he has re-learned how to do the 2A? [1:33:07] (I'm pretty sure it wasn't popped, coz this is the moment when he fixes his axis, or whatever failed, after his third attempt to 4A). But watching him is so physically tiring! My whole body involuntarily responds, my muscles work themselves and I move internally as he sails across the ice. I don't know why, but I unintentionally mimic him in this way every time I see him perform (probably most strongly when I'm watching Origin 2.0). So far I haven't had this reaction to anyone else's skating.
  18. I don't know the usual daily routine of an elite FS athlete, but I get the impression that there is a lot of thinking and analysis involved in his jump training, isn't there? That was great. I also expected a slightly more intense (but shorter?) warm-up. What surprised me was how cleverly and gradually it was done. A great source of inspiration for me. I never liked the aggressive approach to warm-ups that I had in my school years and encountered sometimes afterwards as well. And I love his isolations and body rolls Dancing vibes!
  19. Yuzuru's new logo makes me think of a winter tree in the Hundred Acre Wood. The one you can climb on (and get into trouble like Tigger) or hang your swing on.
  20. Hi, everyone, newbie here! I've been lurking for over a year and finally decided to sign up. I just needed that sense of belonging. You know, to feel so hyped up about something (someone?) precious to me and not even glimpse a tiny spark of interest in eyes of the people around me while talking about it, it was sooo frustrating! That's why I would like to thank you all for being here. Thank you for sharing news and links and most of all your emotions and thoughts. This whole FaOI experience has been so rewarding thanks to the Planet!
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