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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. Fanyu Family always cares for and looks after one another. Stay safe and always keep your sense of wonder and joy. Pxx
  2. Was good to see OM Pooh san He may not be so happy about the face squishing though !!
  3. Please do not feel any need to apologise for a heartfelt message and being a youngster. The comment was not intended as a criticism at all. My only concern was for you and for you to be safe. It is certainly not you who is at fault in any way. Maybe just be a little cautious, because on any public forum there will always be spies who may be up to no good. Keep safe
  4. Dearest One, This is a lovely message. Please will you permit me to offer a tiny piece of advice, which you are of course at complete liberty to choose how you may wish to proceed. Due to safeguarding and your own personal safety, it might be prudent not to mention your age. Apologies, if this sounds like an old busy body interfering, in my profession I work with children and young people and I would do anything in my professional and personal capacity to protect and keep them safe. Please know that this advice is well intentioned, I just want you to be safe on line and in everyday life Pxx
  5. This magazine features some pictures and interview about the GIFT and Clamp picture book This post has been tagged by Yuzu_legend as [NEWS].
  6. Hi A thousand thanks for organising the birthday project for this year. I have submitted a photo and message via email as well because name and country went over character limit on tXt Hope that is OK Once again, many thanks
  7. Certainly, you have a good point. However, each and every person claiming to be part of any profession is expected to adhere to that profession's code of conduct. It should be pointed out every time they break one of the principles, it makes any case against them stronger to reference which principle of the code that they have disregarded or broken. This could then be brought to the attention of the respective national federation of Journalists. Each federation will have a complaints process and a duty to investigate. Those who have broken the code could be prevented from working in the press sector and then any further activity would render them stalkers if they can no longer claim to be under the press umbrella. This could make them vulnerable to prosecution under public nuisance and anti stalking laws For example some of the media outlets failed to mention that media has been cited as the culprits involved in the excessive intrusion into the privacy of Yuzu and his spouse and some have even worded the articles in a misleading way which to some readers makes them think it was fans stalking various members of Yuzu's family This would be against principle 3 - factual reporting, not falsifying nor suppressing information and reproducing statements faithfully ( summarising ) Referencing each activity with the various principles is useful when building a case. Sorry this is a s dull as dishwater but could be important later. There are so many fans, if this sort of thing was publicised every time media broke their own codes/ standards of practice then media will be aware that fans are demonstrating knowledge about what the journalists have been up to and are aware that codes of good practice are not being followed. Sounds a bit more weighty than they did this or caused that. Their activity infringed right to privacy and goes against this principle of good practice. This report omitted important facts and goes against that principle of practice. Publicise the poor practice citing their own practice standards, it will help if people decide to lodge a complaint with the professional governing body. This may be completely ineffectual but people tend to be a little more circumspect about their actions and behaviour when faced with the prospect of being audited/ investigated by their professional body and possibly stripped of their professional membership because this will affect their employment. Maybe they don't care, but really no person is untouchable.
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