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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. On this day, Yuzu made history, not only for winning Olys gold but for capturing the imaginations and hearts of many fans across the world. 11 years on and Yuzu is still gaining new fans. I'm so proud of him
  2. Eclipse Blue/ Steiner's Gate The art work inspired from the photo which captured the reflection in the ice. The idea self reflection from a real reflection is very meaningful
  3. Inspired by the snippet of Yuzu practising at the Chiba venue
  4. Nova is somebody that we have all been pleased to meet and now we miss him. Hope to see you again dearest Nova
  5. Lava costume is regarded as haute couture, Yuzu modelling the costume says a great deal about the high quality that Yuzu is regarded with
  6. Fanartists celebrating 3rd anniversary of TenChi at BJ Olys
  7. Just thinking about how Echoes was a wonderful, inspirational, at times introspective and thought provoking tour and was completed successfully and safely. Hoping that we will all be able to follow Nova and the other programme children to a really happy future, all of us together
  8. https://www.asmart.jp/shop/hanyu_yuzuru This website sells Yuzu DVD's / BluRay discs and books/ magazines as well as other merchandise. Creating an account is free and the goods ship internationally using a variety of shipping options. Hope that helps in your quest to locate and purchase Yuzu related items.
  9. Fully concur with the artist's statement. Fanyus have experienced an incredibly beautiful shared experience. Very happy for us all
  10. The story was miraculously brought to life from Yuzu's creative mind to the ice and the screen. Magical Echoes
  11. Mass Des looks wild, all the moves ar captured in this cartoon
  12. This scene looks like a lot of fun. The various Nova kuns and other programme children are super cute. Sending good wishes to everyone attending Echoes in Chiba Hope everything goes well for Yuzu Looking forward to the Live Stream on Feb 9th
  13. Sorry to report more sad news firm the FS community The skating community are paying tribute today to two time Olympic Champion Dick Button His insights about skating were enjoyable, he had interesting and sensible things to say and seemed like he had a sanguine outlook on life The posts say the he was 95 years young and died peacefully at home Sincere condolences to loved ones and friends of Dick Button Dear Dick Button Thank you for your enormous contribution to Figure Skating As an admirer of Yuzu's quality skating, hope that you can 'watch from the sky. RIP With affection Perelandra
  14. Any large scale loss of life is a tragedy, but it was certain from the initial announcement that there would be additional heartbreak when it became know that there were sports persons involved because they are invariably youngsters. The photos look like little ones were amongst those killed. so it's desperately sad, there are no words to adequately express how awful this is. Sending sincere heartfelt condolences to the loved ones of those who died The words 'heartfelt condolences' sound utterly inadequate, so I apologise in advance for not having the words to convey the deep sympathy that I feel
  15. Expressing my deepest condolences to everyone affected ISU have announced that several members of USFSA were aboard the flight which has crashed over the Potomac Really sorry to hear about this terrible tragedy, the entire skating community will be affected by this tragic loss Pxx
  16. Yuzu spinning as he performs 'Danny Boy', bathed in the soft light of the gleaming moon May Yuzu be bathed in the glow of happiness for always
  17. Congratulations getting tickets for the Chiba tour dates If you don't mind using the Metro, Ginza area is nice and only couple of stops from Tokyo station on the Ginza line. I stayed in Gracery Ginza, which is next door to Maison Kose ( for the Re_Pray show ) and it's close to very good quality restaurants and department stores which are really good places to shop and eat, also have excellent food courts to buy lovely food if you want food to take on a day trip or eat in your room if you are tired in the evenings. Gucci Ginza, with the gallery is nearby as well. I used the Ginza line to travel to Ueno station to catch train to Saitama Shintoshin, because it's slightly less busy station than Tokyo, but it is easy to catch train from Tokyo station in order to travel to the Saitama arena. For the Chiba tour dates there will be straightforward onward travel to the LaLa Arena We travelled from Saitama via Tokyo Station to Maihama, for Tokyo Disney, was really well sign posted. For Echoes, stayed at hotel close to one of the Tokyo Station exits, was convenient but somewhat disappointing because over priced due to proximity to station. There will be many Satellites with plenty of good advice for you. Good luck, wishing you a truly awesome and happy time for your Japan and Yuzu trip Pxx
  18. Nova is eating a snack, possibly something healthy and savoury, because Yuzu has foresworn sweets until after Chiba
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