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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. Yuzu is a truly inspirational athlete. Demonstrating the dedication to practice, willing himself to take on new challenges and perfecting the performances that are his vision of ideal figure skating.
  2. This is another great tribute from Yamakai san. He is even wearing the marbled effect shirt. Clearly a huge admirer of Yuzu. Loved his interpretation of Rondo Thanks for posting
  3. A show in Sendai, please, please. Let's all go together to support Yuzu and contribute to the local economy in Sendai. Would be wonderful, a satellite group holiday and shows and proper Pooh rain.
  4. Oh splendid, well done finding the photo. I could not find it again. Thank you
  5. Yuzu and elegant Italian products. A match made in fashion heaven. Maybe Brioni will create a suit for him. ( Tailors to 007 for the latest films, they created a well fitted suit, which was intended to withstand the rigours of secret agent life !)
  6. Hanyuconomy Eagle eyed fans spotted that Yuzu has a small wash bag ( 2nd pic on the table )- brand=Prada Any bets that the wash bag and the range it is from will be sold out by end of trading today. There was a better photo, but Twitter is so replete with tweets I could not find it again. Prada fan myself so I'm pleased to have something in common with Emperor Yuzu
  7. Yuzu will need a team to sort out these types of details, both for future Share Practice and for shows. Early days, there are bound to be a few small wrinkles to be smoothed.
  8. Canada helped his career and Yuzu saw the sense in going there and there were many benefits to him and his skating. Yuzu is home now in his beloved Sendai, with his family. As Yuzu exclaimed after Ballade "Tadaima" - "I'm home/back" because he had successfully returned to the ice, after injury. Yuzu can say the same, he has started a new professional life at the rink where his skating was born. He is home.
  9. Seimei colours, that is fabulous Yuzu's attention to detail that comes from his galaxy brain, never ceases to astound.
  10. @wildstrawberry Fantastic news to hear that Yuzu is thinking about how to put on an ice show. As you say patiently waiting for this to happen. Yuzu will want any show produced by him to be of the highest quality. Yuzu always set the benchmark in competitions, he is bound to set the same high standard for all of his endeavours. @Sombreuil As you correctly state, Yuzu has not sold out. Yuzu does not have a mega agency to dictate terms to him. When the time comes for the debut of Yuzu's show the content and control with remain with him and his chosen organisational team, he won't be rushed and the show will be uniquely his.
  11. Indeed The session was best for Yuzu and the Press, so everyone else just has to decide whether to watch live or catch up later. The Livestream is available to view on Channel Hanyu, 2 hours of Yuzu. Awesome
  12. Cheeky little kiss for the camera!!
  13. Channel Hanyu Livestream Views: 354K Likes: 71K Comment: 8,022 Channel subscribers: 493K Well deserved rewards for Yuzu's efforts
  14. I sort of hope that we might have to pay for the next livestream because I don't want Yuzu to be out of pocket and I would like to help him in his professional career and that inevitably will need financing
  15. Close up hydroblade, nice Seimei done and very well done. Hope the shikigami won't cause to much havoc
  16. There's a message on the top the writing is too small to read it, can only make out one word 'leader'
  17. Really hope that a rink will be built soon with Yuzu in mind and with an impact absorbing sand underlay like TCC
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