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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. At least the app is more consistent with gender nowadays. The year that the photo was taken can only be deduced from the outfit. Poor struggling age app
  2. To quote Christopher Robin "Pooh, promise you won't forget about me ever. Not even when I'm a hundred" Pooh thought for a little while "How old shall I be then?" "Ninety nine" Pooh nodded, " I promise" he said. Yuzu is already on his way to becoming a legend, when retirement comes in about fifty or eighty years time Yuzu's accomplishments will be even greater. Yuzu will never be forgotten
  3. Hehe few things are cuter than Yuzu, so why not look at Yuzu with pandas
  4. You are totally correct and we are completely spoiled with Yuzu feast days now. Take pity on our tender hearts. On Liberation Day, when the announcement was delivered, nobody except Yuzu knew what Yuzu's idea of professional meant and whether Yuzu would take some time for himself nor when any of us would see Yuzu perform again. It was a time of uncertainty and a small amount of worry, even despair. Now we are all able to rejoice because Professional Yuzu cometh, with Prologue, Gift and a whole host of interviews and TV appearances, new books and merchandise AND social media. Hooray for the decision to become Professional Senshuu Yuzu
  5. YuTunes subscribers has increase to 769K jump of 4000 in about a one week period
  6. Yuzu and the creation of programmes plus the video conceptualisation - camera placement, editing etc, is pure genius. After Beethoven went deaf, many people probably expected him to stop composing because he was no longer able to hear the notes. Yet many of his great works were composed following the onset of his disability. Beethoven was still able to 'hear' the notes and the music concepts in his head. Da Vinci's inventions were similar, he was able to transpose his ideas on to the page or canvas. Many of the world's great theoretical scientists will never be able to see sub atomic particles or forces and yet they are able to derive formulae and conceptualise the laws which govern the universe. Yuzu's mind and brain power can definitely be classed amongst the elite visionaries and intellects. ( in my very humble opinion )
  7. News Every Yuzu with ?tiny chan and MiniPooh? on his shoulder
  8. Somebody had posted BJ pics Then this little video popped up, completely unrelated - What is this? Satellites creating a ring of protection, nurture and support around Yuzu Please forgive this sugar coated indulgence
  9. "Yes, these are Gold Medals from a Competition called the Olympic Games. They are very well known and many people watch Figure Skating. This is the first medal that I won for being the absolute best at skating. This is another gold medal for the absolute best GOAT of skating. I have two of these medals"
  10. Two champions together, both them truly are Inspiration of Japan
  11. That is huge, sorry did not put the pieces of info together, trying to multitask - unsuccessfully. Been up since before dawn this morning, process and sort out other Yuzu stuff. Seeing Yuzu can fry the brain cells
  12. btw what was the announcement - can only recognise few words of Japanese
  13. It was beautifully done, very professional looking. Yuzu has a very aesthetically minded brain
  14. That is one of the first steps on the journey to Nobel Peace Prize, humanitarian causes is one of the criteria for the award - Which I would really like to see Yuzu win one day
  15. Sublime and accurate. Love the way he was standing in perfect 'third position' Ballet stance in the studio
  16. Yuzu was filming and editing on Christmas eve And he had a phone a well as the 12 cameras. Yuzu whispered 'kirei' when he saw the shot of the Ina Bauer passing above the camera, it means pretty. Sure is Yuzu.
  17. Oops, I thought it was the donation page that could not be seen.
  18. @Yuzurella Posted a tweet from Marika about the donations made by Yuzu. It's tens of millions of yen equating to millions of pounds/dollars/euros. This wonderful, generous, thoughtful and considerate man, makes many people even more proud of everything that he has achieved. This is the information that you are not able to see @Pammi @Anabel @Yuzuwinnie not sure if the post will come through, hope that helps
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