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Everything posted by katonice

  1. Yes, during his Seimei run-through last media day. Stephen chose the best moment to plop near his feet 😅
  2. First time I've heard Stephen speak! He's a shy kid isn't he? He mentions Yuzu as his idol, but lol at him saying Yuzu doesn't really give him any tips. Stop side-eyeing the kid Yuzu and give him some senpai love 😁
  3. Yeah the program looks good. Very different from her Cinderella theme from last year. Not a fan of Bradie but maybe she'll start changing my mind this season.
  4. That looks UR but hey a pretty good effort. She's a cute cheerful adorable little thing though I must say ^^
  5. Omg I am loving all these movie script references to him that're popping up
  6. Shoma just had his media day this weekend, so maybe most of the JP media were scheduled to attend that, not to mention the media outlets are just now releasing their news articles and TV segments on it today. So that's one reason I guess not to be having Yuzu's this week, and cause an overlap. So maybe next week or later in August it will be.
  7. Looks like Shoma already had his media day. Still waiting for someone else's to rock up...
  8. I dread clicking the play button on this one. The thumbnail looks so... promising
  9. Wow the biggest trolling of all lol
  10. Well at least we know there hasn't been any program reveal yet lol
  11. I always thought he yelled "Mita kaa?!!!" here. Which yes translates to "Did you see that?!!" That's just what I thought at least. Could be completely different 😅
  12. This is the best description I've heard about his flat hair so far
  13. I love that he's seen those pics. I'm still laughing remembering some of those photos. Japan twitter is brill! 👌
  14. Might be already posted. Apologies if it has
  15. And 'media day' does not need to be officially announced either. More like info on it is 'leaked out' lol. If no one leaks info beforehand this time, we'll probably find out when Japanese news programs place a segment about Yuzu in their upcoming schedules, or when members of the media suddenly tweet about his program announcements. Collective eruption in the twittterverse once again when that happens.
  16. Shoma's FS. I guess it would be too much to hope there are vids of Boyang's programs too?
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