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    I do my own stunts

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    Dragon training

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Parisienne Walkways

Parisienne Walkways (14/67)

  1. I've been very emo about Javi lately. I knew the retirement talk was coming because duh, but I'll miss him so much when he finally steps back from competition. Not only has he always been one of my faves, as a fellow Spaniard it will mark the end of an era in our non-existent FS history. ...I really, really want him to get a medal in PC. More than anything, tbh (Sorry about the flood of feels in the middle of entertaining ice-football, I'll go cry elsewhere now)
  2. Happy new year, fellow satellites! As weird as it is for me to think about skating in terms of years and not seasons, looking back on 2017 it has been a wild rollercoaster. I'll never forget the feeling of watching H&L in Helsinki, squishing the life out of a couple cushions and feeling like the whole world was waiting with baited breath for that fickle 4S3T. Things have taken a turn for the worse with this #cursed first half of the season and all the injuries, but as we get into 2018, looking towards the Olympics without knowing what we might find when we get there, I'm glad we have this community to share all the emotions of the journey. May we all have a happy one and all the luck to Yuzuru in the coming year!
  3. Since everyone serms to be feeling pretty squishy, let me say this and add to that: I haven't been around much (mostly checking for news *still crossing fingers so he's healing okay*) because my uni workload is insane right now, but this forum has been a godsend from the beginning. I'm the type to lurk or only really interact with a small circle of people, but the atmosphere here has always felt welcoming and the debates are interesting, so I haven't regretted being active here. Good job, everyone *hugs* As for the issue of being 'bad fans' or 'fans for the wrong reasons', I really don't give a sh*t. As long as everyone's respectful, people are allowed to enjoy a thing however they see fit, in my opinion. Don't pay attention to the naysayers: that battle is already lost from the beginning, and the people who really matter won't need lenghty explanations to understand (as a woman who enjoys football, I've been through this all my life and I'm over it. Life's simpler when you stop giving any fucks XD) (Sorry for the rant, you all just got me on a squishy moment *runs away to the lab*)
  4. ...I wouldn't even have noticed the pimples if you guys weren't going all poetic. I mean, there's so much more going on there. I'll see myself out
  5. Don't tempt me, I'm supposed to be adulting and not refreshing for news! (What is going to become of us with no fancams from practice... )
  6. I have too much work piled up to join in the morning news watch party, but will be waiting for the 20s clip once it airs
  7. Was wondering what happened there. Usually when the eagle lands it generates way more of a ruckus XD
  8. ...have I just returned to find you all watching Mezamashi again? Oh my gawd (Hi there! Still traumatized by CoC, suffering from Ghanagate and the advent of The Red SweaterTM, bring on NHK! )
  9. ...just in time to get buried under the pile of Yuzu-news and the CoR eruption
  10. I don't think judges would be forthcoming enough with the 10s to have a perfect 100 in PCS, even if the circumstances were ideal and the planets aligned in the heavens. That would be akin to labelling perfection, like 'this is it, the most you can ever do', and methinks they wouldn't want that. Getting veeeery close? Maybe, see above about circumstances; but not a perfect 100.
  11. Many thanks to @Murieleirum for translating! It's always a pleasure listening to Max because he has so much knowledge. He always backs up his arguments with facts and numbers, which I appreciate a lot, and serves to show that while we all have our favourites, there are a bunch of things that can be looked at or measured objectively. My favourite part was the end though, when he talks about older skaters like Plushy and Caro and how they're products of another era of skating that can't really compete with the current field because things are simply different. I agree with everything.
  12. Thank you for blessing my existence with this. My day is much improved
  13. Shhh, it's called strategizing Now seriously: of course he's not above it when necessary (he couldn't just drop a bomb like SEIMEI casually in a random interview, for example), but he does try and keep some degree of plausible deniability most of the time. And it's fun to read between the lines I'm inclined to take the third option: needs them for some things, doesn't wear anything the rest of the time.
  14. Yuzu on the outside: "Why, thank you for all your work and calculations on this jump that I have absolutely never, under no circumstance, been playing around with with some success" Yuzu on the inside: NAILED IT
  15. Thing is, Yuzuru never said he wasn't going to add the 4Lz, he just used many variations of "I'm not thinking of adding it at this time" (which is why many of us were like "lol, not today, Satan") He doesn't lie, he's just not helpful
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