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  1. la France : SCOOP G Cizeron reprend la compétition avec une autre partenaire et espère se qualifier pour les JO 2026 https://www.msn.com/fr-fr/sport/other/patinage-artistique-cizeron-reprend-sa-carrière-et-vise-les-jeux-d-hiver-2026/ar-AA1A5p5R?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=87bff329ae5c43aa9f85dc7856d5c4b3&ei=10
  2. This is excellent information : a performance hall in SENDAI under renovation will have included an ice rink which, I think, will be a kind of relief for Yuzu compared to his night training and also a + for Sendai and he himself states (I quote) : the training environment is in a difficult situation.... https://japan-forward.com/yuzuru-hanyu-backs-new-ice-rink-in-hometown-of-sendai/
  3. I agree awith you Mr Massimiliano A and Mr Angelo D : Yuzu is realy the GOAT reliable world and crys from the heart , also not THE QUANTITY , but THE QUALITY
  4. In my country, France, there are no DVDs of the ice shows on Amazon (look in yours?) : but I bought the one for PROLOGUE and GIFT from them : https://www.cdjapan.co.jp/ : but find out in your country if these DVDs can be read in your DVD player or computer (in France it is possible , I had inquired before the purchase )
  5. GOODS / ALIGATED@yuzurujenn for having translated Yuzu's lyrics (plus I can still translate them into French ) : plus we always learn about WHO Yuzu is (I suspect he loses weight during his show) and, of course, nothing about his private life which should remain so, I just saw that you published this video in the video section , especially since he takes care of himself and thinks about REST . Also these last ECHOES OF LIFE will be produced
  6. I have just learned of the death of Mr Button Dick who was, like Yuzu, a double Olympic champion : https://www.msn.com/fr-fr/sport/other/le-double-champion-olympique-dick-button-est-mort/ar-AA1yam5F?ocid=BingNewsSerp Here is a YT of Mr Button Dick's commentary on Yuzu's SP Sochi : also mentioned there .....
  7. So true ..... and, in addition, he is limited to what oxygen he is getting in my opinion behind the scenes, because he is really down with his head and arms hanging !!!!! and for all that, he greatly deserves our respect. I suppose he will give an explanation on January 26.
  8. I agree with you on this subject.@Lou , indeed he really collapsed (as also on RE_PRAY) because he surely pushed too hard and gave us an excellent performance : but he has to think about his asthma and, above all, TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF.
  9. , here is the interview from 13:24 with Yuzu, a baseball fan, and at the end with Guriri with his skates and the MINI, his laugh is really charming too.
  10. Bonne et douce année 2025 @Lou et @Haru39 et , bien sûr , la santé qui va de pair .... Bien sûr que j'ai admirer les 3 échoes en section vidéo ( j'avais bien penser qu'il y avait un " quelque chose " et attendre ) : vraiment un petit chef d'oeuvre ( mais où Yuzu puise son inspiration ) tout ce qu'il pense et produit deviennent de l' OR , j'ai pas mal flasché sur les costumes , celui de NOVA est génial et très futuriste et les autres et ses nouveaux programmes sont très recherché avec des chorégraphies avec aussi GOLIATH / MEGALOMANIE / etc en after OUI Yuzu est très sage car on apprend toujours de ses erreurs La partie 2025 de ECHOES doit être ce tantôt et attendrais les réactions
  11. In France, I have been in 2025 for 1/2 hour and a sweet new year 2025 to EVERYONE here
  12. I agree with you on this point.@Perelandra because, you know and see, that I am VERY ACTIVE on this "fanart" part that I love a lot because it is in all styles in addition and ARIGATO to ALL (there is masculine and feminine in French) for this trip to Japan with a complete change of scenery and I appreciate your thought for our dear@Years who I miss so much and hope she is among the stars Also in advance : a happy new year 2025 to ALL the fanyus / Yuzu and her family
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